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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sales Discussion Resources thread


I didn't understand what this thread is about, but I hope these links will help.

UK, Ireland and Denmark (Weekly Charts & News)

Sweden, Norway and Finland (Weekly Charts)

Sweden and Nordic (Weekly Charts)

France (Weekly Charts)

Switzerland (Weekly Charts)

Holland (Weekly Charts)

COMG Pre-orders (Daily Charts) One Japanese retailer only

Added all of them. I don't know exactly what this thread will become, it's a work in progress. Today I'll add some of my personal graphs and charts.

Around the Network

Thread Update:

Added the Community-Generated section and put in some of my graphs.


Note: This post was brought to you by the number   .

spurgeonryan said:
I hope he pays up after saying something so stupid.

In reality I spent almot all morning preparing a mega-thread. But it's fizzling out into two mini-threads. That was supposed to be my #1200, then I posted some other 1200 post somewhere, and I lost my golden oppotunity.

Damn you Rol for making me think so much! You blame-it-on-the-noob double-steathtroll JACK!

Now stop spamming my thread! :P

Added the list of 3rd party sales on Wii U as of May 8th: