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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pokemon Black/White 2 Announced?!

UltimateUnknown said:
Wait this is even more confusing as it is the first time they have released a sequel to the two mainstream pokemon games rather than making a third version or moving on to the next generation.

Pokemon Grey may have seemed a bit weird to release on a new platform, but these sequels could have been very easily been released on the 3DS, it would have made too much sense. Well whatever, I was going to buy the 3DS with the new pokemon 3DS, but now this saves me some money as I can just get it for the DS.

Look what you have done Nintendo! You're saving people money! That is ludicrous! 

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god damn are they stupid? why develop for the dead ds when the 3ds is breaking records right now? Are they trying to create more hype for the actual 3ds game because thats the only reason why i think they would do this.

NintendoPie said:
t3mporary_126 said:
NintendoPie said:
t3mporary_126 said:
hajime234 said:
NintendoPie said:
Panama said:
Well that's beyond disappointing. I knew I should not have bought Pokemon Black/White. Was expecting a 3DS Pokemon title, why else would they tease us with the 3D Pokedex?

That's exactly what I was thinking. I am officialy angered at Nintendo's stupidity. 

Me to, i didn't bought Pokemon Black/White expecting a 3rd spin of it for 3DS, i was expecting a main series game for 3DS now... i got over desapointed, Isn't 3DS in the need of games?!, sometimes seems that Nintendo likes to hurt itself...

Maybe they want to wait for the 3DS to have more sales before they release a Pokemon 3DS game. 

The Pokemon 3DS game would help the 3DS's sales.

I know. I thought I should throw out an idea why this wasn't a 3DS game. 3DS doesn't really need its own Pokemon game yet when they have a New Super Mario Bros. game and a Smash Bros coming up. 

No offense to you but that is the worst reason ever. No one knows when those two game are coming out by the way.

We don't know about Smash bro's release date but we do know about new super mario bros.

Now this was certainly unexpected.

I doubt i'll buy, just because i skipped Platinum and if anything i may have way too much to play this year, despite me trying to cut back this year...

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

t3mporary_126 said:
NintendoPie said:
t3mporary_126 said:
NintendoPie said:
t3mporary_126 said:
hajime234 said:
NintendoPie said:
Panama said:
Well that's beyond disappointing. I knew I should not have bought Pokemon Black/White. Was expecting a 3DS Pokemon title, why else would they tease us with the 3D Pokedex?

That's exactly what I was thinking. I am officialy angered at Nintendo's stupidity. 

Me to, i didn't bought Pokemon Black/White expecting a 3rd spin of it for 3DS, i was expecting a main series game for 3DS now... i got over desapointed, Isn't 3DS in the need of games?!, sometimes seems that Nintendo likes to hurt itself...

Maybe they want to wait for the 3DS to have more sales before they release a Pokemon 3DS game. 

The Pokemon 3DS game would help the 3DS's sales.

I know. I thought I should throw out an idea why this wasn't a 3DS game. 3DS doesn't really need its own Pokemon game yet when they have a New Super Mario Bros. game and a Smash Bros coming up. 

No offense to you but that is the worst reason ever. No one knows when those two game are coming out by the way.

We don't know about Smash bro's release date but we do know about new super mario bros.

I didn't know it was coming that earl, but he did say planned.

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BasilZero said:
NintendoPie said:
t3mporary_126 said:
hajime234 said:
NintendoPie said:
Panama said:
Well that's beyond disappointing. I knew I should not have bought Pokemon Black/White. Was expecting a 3DS Pokemon title, why else would they tease us with the 3D Pokedex?

That's exactly what I was thinking. I am officialy angered at Nintendo's stupidity. 

Me to, i didn't bought Pokemon Black/White expecting a 3rd spin of it for 3DS, i was expecting a main series game for 3DS now... i got over desapointed, Isn't 3DS in the need of games?!, sometimes seems that Nintendo likes to hurt itself...

Maybe they want to wait for the 3DS to have more sales before they release a Pokemon 3DS game. 

The Pokemon 3DS game would help the 3DS's sales.

Wait isnt this coming out on the 3DS?

No, I guess that'll give you another reason not to buy it yet.

BasilZero said:
NintendoPie said:
t3mporary_126 said:
hajime234 said:
NintendoPie said:
Panama said:
Well that's beyond disappointing. I knew I should not have bought Pokemon Black/White. Was expecting a 3DS Pokemon title, why else would they tease us with the 3D Pokedex?

That's exactly what I was thinking. I am officialy angered at Nintendo's stupidity. 

Me to, i didn't bought Pokemon Black/White expecting a 3rd spin of it for 3DS, i was expecting a main series game for 3DS now... i got over desapointed, Isn't 3DS in the need of games?!, sometimes seems that Nintendo likes to hurt itself...

Maybe they want to wait for the 3DS to have more sales before they release a Pokemon 3DS game. 

The Pokemon 3DS game would help the 3DS's sales.

Wait isnt this coming out on the 3DS?

No this isn't... Black and White are the worst selling games in lifetime sales, because they came in end of lifetime of DS, what do they expect with this break that record and make the sequels worst than the worst?!....

didnt 3ds already have pokemon rumble so you can't say 3ds will be pokemon free for long and who cares what system its for , seriously 3ds plays ds so i don't care if nintendo supports both ill buy em , they said ds was a third pillar ,

so be it ,

deal with it, i say keep ds reserved for 2d games like top gear etc , now that 3ds is out , they can work with both , ,

i just think this is nintendo's way of blowing sony over , it makes perfect sense,

sandwich them between 2 handhelds ,

SmokedHostage said:
dark_gh0st_b0y said:
yay, not for Ds : )

Screw you.  This is the worst thing that could have happened.

fuck, i thought it was 3DS,but  the worst scenario is true instead

never thought i would say this, but Nintendo sucks...

they are just making Pokemon boring this way, Ds is out of fashion and Pokemon on DS is retarted, they need something new, on 3DS...

and everyone knows this is going to be the worst selling Pokemon main series game...  :   (

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

The 3DS will still sell, just because the next Pokemon games aren't on it doesn't mean anything. We still haven't seen the other titles that are coming out later this year besides the ones we already know. Plus, Mario will probably come out this year and other unknown titles too(Zelda anybody?).

"Leave luck to heaven" such a strong meaning...

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