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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pokemon Black/White 2 Announced?!

I don't care if i can play it on 3DS it'll be blured, ofcorse that playing with the original resolution looks way good than in any DS, but it's way to small to enjoy the games at same time... BW has DSi enhancements, the use of camera for chating with other local players... i dont care about this, why would i chat with someone that is near around me on DS if i can actually do it in real life...

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hajime234 said:
I don't care if i can play it on 3DS it'll be blured, ofcorse that playing with the original resolution looks way good than in any DS, but it's way to small to enjoy the games at same time... BW has DSi enhancements, the use of camera for chating with other local players... i dont care about this, why would i chat with someone that is near around me on DS if i can actually do it in real life...

Then just play it on the freakin' DS???


Dear God.

hajime234 said:
I don't care if i can play it on 3DS it'll be blured, ofcorse that playing with the original resolution looks way good than in any DS, but it's way to small to enjoy the games at same time... BW has DSi enhancements, the use of camera for chating with other local players... i dont care about this, why would i chat with someone that is near around me on DS if i can actually do it in real life...

Then just play it on the freakin' DS???


Dear God.

Well i'm not rich, so when i moved to next gen i sold my DSi to

This can't be real. It has to be a dream *bang head on the wall* @.@ yup it's real. Nintendo just trolled us and the 3DS. At least it is coming this year and not next year. *bang head on wall* ok had to make sure I was right about that last sentence.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
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hajime234 said:

Then just play it on the freakin' DS???


Dear God.

Well i'm not rich, so when i moved to next gen i sold my DSi to

Hmm... I must have been quite pissed when I wrote that for some reason xD

Still, you do understand that this decision was the best one Nintendo could make, from a financial point of view.

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Initial reaction: DS? Huh? That's kinda lame...

Secondary reaction: Oh well... a new Pokemon adventure awaits!

Yeah... I knew Pokemon Black/White's late release would cause some issues for the 3DS, if not with the "Special Edition" (which it now has. ) then at least with Gen VI Pokemon, which won't hit the 3DS for at least a year and a half now. Iwata announcing a 2D Mario for this holiday season seems more important than ever now that a system selling 3DS Pokemon game is still a ways away (not that Pokemon Black/White 2 won't sell 3DS', but not on the scale of Gen VI Pokemon.)

In the end, however... I'm really excited for Black/White 2, regardless of the system it's on. It looks like they're really going above and beyond what has been done in previous "Special Editions", and this will be the first one I'll buy since the original Pokemon Yellow. Can't wait!

they are probably too lazy to develop a full 3D Pokemon title, and since their financials are not the best these days they choose to go the safe route, ultra cheap productions, sure success, big profits, but i'm dissapointed and i'm not buying Ninty

not to talk about how pointless the game is when everyone uses 6 hacked or not legendaries and makes the game pathetic

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

dark_gh0st_b0y said:
they are probably too lazy to develop a full 3D Pokemon title, and since their financials are not the best these days they choose to go the safe route, ultra cheap productions, sure success, big profits, but i'm dissapointed and i'm not buying Ninty

not to talk about how pointless the game is when everyone uses 6 hacked or not legendaries and makes the game pathetic

legendaries have plently of weaknesses too - a good strategist will always be able to defeat someone who just sticks a bunch of legendaries in their team

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Hmm... I must have been quite pissed when I wrote that for some reason xD

Still, you do understand that this decision was the best one Nintendo could make, from a financial point of view.

I don't know if it's the best decision financial, look at BW sales for coming in the end of DS lifecycle, in the long run it would be more profitable if it comes for 3DS, wich pissed me rly off is that they could use StreetPass, SpotPass, 3ds graphics (textures), music, any direct interactivity with Pokedex 3D connection, imagine pokedex 3d being updated to make real time use off ingame data, like every pokemon you see and catch will apper as saw, or catch on it, and even a Pokewalker app like, where you can use the 3ds pedometer and then in the app etc, u know the infinity possibilities that make the 3ds awesome could join to a main game, that's why i got so disapointed, now i've to deal with it, and now buy the White version, since i've skiped it to play the eventually 3rd spin on 3ds, and then maybe play one of those depends, if they gonna be that good, and wait to the 3ds game... since now we still have to wait another 2 years for it. wich will broke the timeline. 

hajime234 said:

I don't know if it's the best decision financial, look at BW sales for coming in the end of DS lifecycle, in the long run it would be more profitable if it comes for 3DS, wich pissed me rly off is that they could use StreetPass, SpotPass, 3ds graphics (textures), music, any direct interactivity with Pokedex 3D connection, imagine pokedex 3d being updated to make real time use off ingame data, like every pokemon you see and catch will apper as saw, or catch on it, and even a Pokewalker app like, where you can use the 3ds pedometer and then in the app etc, u know the infinity possibilities that make the 3ds awesome could join to a main game, that's why i got so disapointed, now i've to deal with it, and now buy the White version, since i've skiped it to play the eventually 3rd spin on 3ds, and then maybe play one of those depends, if they gonna be that good, and wait to the 3ds game... since now we still have to wait another 2 years for it. wich will broke the timeline. 

However, creating an entirely new game would cost lots of money compared to a slightly improved Black/White version. And ignoring the 150 million install base would not be a good thing.

I do agree though that the new possible features with the 3DS would end up great with the series :P