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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 38 - Portal Theme

Stefl would have gotten a guilty result on you Linkz not innocent!

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^ nothing lol.

The bus driver never occur to me. I really need to play a lot of more rounds.

TruckOSaurus said:
Stefl would have gotten a guilty result on you Linkz not innocent!

Yeah for some reason I was thinking Insane until I read the dead thread.... Even worse if I hadn't blocked Stefl then!

NoCtiS_NoX said:
The bus driver never occur to me. I really need to play a lot of more rounds.

The portal theme really made sense to have a bus driver, but it's such an uber-powerful role. Role meta is something that I'm usually very good at.

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Linkzmax said:
theprof00 said:
I understand why im just saying that thay was the game changer.
that and linkz blocking me night 2.

And linkz, its not that hard to get me killed. Simply say i was involved in the kill. Not too jard.

Every block was actually crucial.

Had I not blocked Stefl then he would have scanned me inno, but if/once he died he'd be revealed paranoid and then I go byebye.

Blocking you obviously kept me alive, but we kinda figured you were the BD because of the night one kill being redirected to spurge.

Blocking you night three meant you stayed alive, though Wonk probably would've been convinced to vote Noctis anyway.


And how exactly do I claim you were involved in a kill? I'm not saying as the final mislynch, I mean on any given night if we wanted to get rid of you there was no reliable way.

I thought paranoid gets all guilty? Insane gets the oposite... and well the last one all innocent

^That's why you keep on insisting that I have role you wanted to makes sure on the stefl debate we had.

You're right Stefl, I just had you switched for whatever reason in my head. Had I been thinking properly I would have assumed there was still a weak scanner out there, but it ended up not mattering. And Naive is the last one you're thinking of.

Noctis I had no idea you were anything until you claimed it. I was actually thinking you were vanilla or possibly the portal gun/Bus Driver instead of prof.

Dead thread was a great read too. Everyone suspected prof, teehee

There was so much to use against you linkz.
noc was clearly acting like a town, rad cleared, for starters.
On my phone so i wont go in fepth but i had you pegged from the beginning until i got the impressionthat you were targeted aand even then i was flipflopping between being blocked or not.
Maybe you wouldnt have gotten lynched but i wouldve pusged you, certainly.

The block night 2 was the one thing holding me back, and your cryptic message cemented it.
i shouldve asked for clarity on your post. That was a big mistake.