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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 38 - Portal Theme

theprof00 said:
Oh, you were asking about you.
Well, like I said, I don't really have any proof and my vague feeling that you're scum would be bolstered if he flipped town.
I don't see any reason why you would want to argue this or dissuade me...

Specifically I was asking what you meant by moreno being cleared. "Culpability" seemed like an odd word choice,(and still does) but I chose not to point that out until I had your answer.

Your answer is quite laughable. It feels like you're trying to set me up, but it's one of the most illogical things said this round.

There is no argument here. I was making sure you were actually saying what I was worried you could be implying last time. "town moreno->scum linkz". Seeing as I think you are scum, you're right that I have no reason to dissuade you, thus I'm not. If I thought you to be town and merely wrong then it would be in all of town's interests to dissuade you.

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spurgeonryan said:
So in that case if someone were to investigate stefl and he turns out to be the opposite of what you say about him. I believe you said, you highly doubt he is scum and you have him as town. Then the same standard you are putting on links would be on you as well Prof?

At the risk of being completely fooled, scum prof doesn't call scummate Stefl his highest town read. Stefl scanning/flipping scum would actually make me more inclined to believe prof is town.(and I can brag about being right to boot)

spurgeonryan said:
But wouldn't someone who is scum want to protect his scum mates by saying he is heavily leaning towards them being town?

I'm saying prof knows many would think this, thus scum prof would not tie himself so closely to a teammate. Scum don't want to lose teammates, but they also don't want to fall like dominos if one is caught.

Linkzmax said:
theprof00 said:
Oh, you were asking about you.
Well, like I said, I don't really have any proof and my vague feeling that you're scum would be bolstered if he flipped town.
I don't see any reason why you would want to argue this or dissuade me...


Specifically I was asking what you meant by moreno being cleared. "Culpability" seemed like an odd word choice,(and still does) but I chose not to point that out until I had your answer.

Your answer is quite laughable. It feels like you're trying to set me up, but it's one of the most illogical things said this round.

There is no argument here. I was making sure you were actually saying what I was worried you could be implying last time. "town moreno->scum linkz". Seeing as I think you are scum, you're right that I have no reason to dissuade you, thus I'm not. If I thought you to be town and merely wrong then it would be in all of town's interests to dissuade you.


if he is investigated. Is that so hard to udnerstand?

Trying to set you up? I have no real evidence. Why are you freaking out, linkz? Hmmm?

I am also on hold until a new challenger appears ;P (or a replacement for MG is found XD)

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It turns out the subject MetalGear_94 wasn't as alive as I thought. Maybe I shouldn't have used rockets to poke him? Oh well, no use dwelling on the past. I present to you, your new friend Baalzamon, who will be taking over for MetalGear_94.

Signature goes here!

spurgeonryan said:
Stefl1504 said:
I am also on hold until a new challenger appears ;P (or a replacement for MG is found XD)

What was that winky face all about stefl? What R U Hinting at? Wanna tell us what you are?

I am a soulless automaton! No I am not... and I won't claim just because I was making a joke senor burns... eh spurge...

Hey Baalz

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~


Why hello guys! It turns out as much as I wanted a break, I was already missing the wonderful game known as mafia.

I have class and then work, but I will begin my work tonight on rereading what is now over 400 posts, writing my notes on it, and potentially commenting on some of it.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.