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Wonktonodi said:

And TOS Wonk's indictment of Noctis was pretty powerful IMO, I'd lynch him as readily as moreno, but moreno already has the votes.

Vote morenoingrato

Sorry for the lateness of my reply

I didn't know out mod was taking sides

Yeah, yeah, your avatars are both some pretty boy, a little brain fart is understandable

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

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Final-Fan said:
Wonktonodi said:

And TOS Wonk's indictment of Noctis was pretty powerful IMO, I'd lynch him as readily as moreno, but moreno already has the votes.

Vote morenoingrato

Sorry for the lateness of my reply

I didn't know out mod was taking sides

Yeah, yeah, your avatars are both some pretty boy, a little brain fart is understandable

I should have had this avatar sooner

Stefl1504 said:
Linkzmax said:
Stefl1504 said:

Now thats flattery and I don't like it ;P and no I have read your post (you even said that there is on thing you don't remember but did not want to point out either way ;P), it's just the emphasis (maybe I am imaginating?) on the whole - he plays clever, therefore scum - i don't like ;P

Well, additionally to the fact that you pointed out that much facts discomforting you without ever placing a vote, when the vote clearly wouldn't be misplaced according to you...

I also said I remember it now. And in the very post in which you're refering to my forgetting the 3rd point, I said I was going to vote you. moreno has replaced you as my #1 suspect. Also, the fact that nobody else is chiming in about you is making me doubt myself.

Well yeah, an announcement is not a vote (also you said you were ready to vote for me and not announced a future vote)... and the thing with nobody chiming in is probably because... I don't know... Me being the only one spamposting in here, Radish having fears of making a mistake and fucking up his play ;P, spurge being a bit frightened since he is still a "new" player, moreno being in a tight position and fearing that when he tries to distract anyone he makes himself more suspicious... and so on ;P I honestly forgot about you remembering what the third point was...

What has changed since the post where you said I am no. on your list which was ~12 hours ago?

Certainly it isn't, but I didn't feel strongly enough yet to vote you, nor did the case seem strong enough(everyone else ignoring it) to gain reactions from others. I know that it's going to be like pulling teeth to get certain people to vote, so the timing has to be right.

As for my change in ranking? I freely admit that while I interpret many of your actions in a scummy light, they could actually be explained if you're town. My original case against moreno was the two posts that I couldn't make sense of. Nobody has yet to refute even that, so while I felt worse about you, the evidence against moreno was more damning.  Thus pushing his lynch gives me more info. moreno being the odd man out in the name/unnamed debate was the perfect bait to see if anyone else would simply latch onto that rather than something more substantial. The kind of trap that if nobody takes it the only downside is it could make me look bad for looking like I was relying on setup meta.(and even then it's really a plus since that wasn't the case. A trap within a trap!) When the only things that happened were your very shady unvote and prof realising he didn't vote, I wondered if you two were trying to deflect the situation after all of that. I was giddy in thinking I caught the whole scumteam day one and went back to analyze the crap out of your(collectively) posts.

Timestamping is a bitch, but note the post ids: Order is Stefl, moreno, prof More digging into moreno. At this point I can't even make leaps of faith in my mind to try to explain moreno's actions as town. My stance on you hasn't changed, he's just gone higher up the scumspect list.

morenoingrato said:
Okay, a wrong theory because of a wrong assumption and now I'm on the top suspect?

Also, since my theory has been proven "wrong".


You are not the top suspect because of the wrong theory based on a wrong assumption. That is actually the ONLY thing I would expect from you if you were telling the truth. This is why you are the top suspect. Humor me and try to explain either of those posts if you are what you say you are.

Oh, btw I didn't actually believe he was going "on and on" about Cave Johnson. I just wanted Radish to think he had made a mistake talking about it.

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Wonktonodi said:
radishhead said:

So you agree with me that he's probably not mafia? Why are you still pressuring him then? 

I would try to stall my name/roleclaim too if I could - it doesn't look that suspicious to me. I do agree that his behaviour before he claimed was odd, but we can hardly lynch him for that. 

I'm not trying to stop all lynches- I just think we're going about this the wrong way

I am pressuing him to prove he's town to everyone, by participating and not just give up.  If he's just going to give up we might as well lynch him since I doubt any scum would find a need to get rid ofhim.

If you thinki people are doing it wrong don't just tell them they are doing it wrong show them how to do it right. However if you think right is waiting for bodies and investigations I strongly diagree.

This strikes me oddly. I don't think you've given an opinion on moreno yourself. I know what moreno has to do to best shed the votes,(part of which seems impossible to me) but you're giving off the sense you think he is town. As a major voice, you could defend him yourself, yet you aren't. Why?

Final-Fan said:
1. On the other hand, prof seemed to claim that moreno's unnamed test subject claim is bogus, which is odd since moreno would have to be crazy to claim all humans are unnamed if his own character was not an unnamed human, especially if he was mafia. It would get too much negative attention if he guessed wrong and I don't even see the benefit to making that kind of claim about other people's characters if he didn't believe it. So although I'm suspicious of moreno, I am inclined to believe his character claim. (Oh, looks like people agree with me.)


2. I voted radish, not because I thought prof's case was strong (on the contrary) but because radish completely lost it when prof accused him. I didn't recall that behavior from his early games but then it's been a long time and I don't keep notes.


3. In the last hundred posts there has been a lot of analysis and arguing over analysis but not a lot I feel the need to rehash. Except I've apparently overlooked what exactly Linkz has against Stefl twice now aside from the trap thing, I don't know what is wrong with me. Third time's the charm. Ah, the role meta and the "other thing he forgot but later remembered, I think, only now I can't find it again deja vu much?" (Please help me out here Linkz I am gonna explode if I have to reread the thread again for something I've missed so many times already)

1. I fail to see how "Homeless Test Subject" makes him town even if it is true. That's where I disagree with radish/Wonk. Still lean desperate fakeclaim that he was forced into based on the OP though.

2. I may be muddling it, but that's actually a fair point. radish has been chided as town so many times for countervoting, one would think he'd be very concious to avoid it as town.

3. Since remembering it, I know exactly what the third thing is and have never forgotten it. If you're looking for it, the post smells of fishing for characters to me, either for the purpose of a safeclaim or likely figuring out someone's role.

radishhead said:

Excuse me for my rudeness: are you here to play or observe?

spurgeonryan said:
That Was a pretty scummy thing to do Prof. What if the guy got freaked out by what you said and ended up saying something stupid and get even more attention on him? Assuming he is town, you would have sabotaged a town player by your trickery. Or do you think that is just how it goes?

To the untrained eye. I think most of the veterans have come to see more positives and cons in it, ie, getting people to talk, seeing how people reinforce the vote, parroting, etc etc.

I don't lynch everyone I interrogate. He did get freaked out and say something stupid. But did we continue to lynch him? No. Instead we moved on without even asking for a claim.

You on the other hand, and trying to paint me like a liability.

There's just one question. When you say "assuming he is town, you would have sabotaged a town player by your own trickery", how is it that you've managed to know I'm town? What if I was mafia, and the whole POINT was to mislynch him? No, no, you didn't even think of that, did you? Because you know I'm town...right? Why do you know that?

Hmmm. I was thinking of posting something similar. That it wasn't overly towny, but not scummy either. I know a town prof would do that for at least two obvious reasons depending on his thoughts, but it's also easy for scum prof to manipulate the situation. As you say, it's pretty much how the vets play. Happy I waited to see if you would defend yourself.

That does make twice now that spurge has implied knowledge of others being town.