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I already explained why these two statements don't jive together.

"Well, I think it'd be beneficial if we analyze Portal's characters.
There are very few characters, and apart from Wheatley and a turret, I wonder who could be Mafia." here

"I think telling whether you are human or machine can be pretty dangerous in a game with so little characters." here

moreno's explanation "Well, I wanted to analyze possible Mafia characters, but I didn't want townies or power roles to accidentally reveal themselves with a dangerous claim." doesn't add up to me either. Firstly, if scum have obviously bad characters then why would they claim them? Secondly, what's the point of figuring out who is likely Mafia if you're not going to try to use that information? Basically I think the first statement was meant to find out if it would be okay to nameclaim truthfully or if a fakeclaim would be needed.


Furthermore and more importantly, NEITHER statement makes sense if you're really an unnamed/Homeless Test Subject and think that other humans aren't named either. From your point of view Portal characters aren't actually used, and claiming human or machine wouldn't matter because everyone is probably a generic test subject.