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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 38 - Portal Theme

NoCtiS_NoX said:
Wonktonodi said:

1. Isn't him saying always part of his ususally posting style?  How does not adressing something make him overly defensive?

Come on now. >_> That was not what I meant by his usual posting stlye. 

He avoided the topic and said unneccessary stuff.

2. Then why not adress it now. Why did you focus on spurge and his "lack" of posting instead of the others?

Like I said it was only an observation. If he repsond fine, if not it's fine aswell. 

but since you want my thoughts about it ok.

a. This is not his usual posting stlye (IMO) leads me to think, he has a great responsibity ( mafia ) and he doesn't want to jeopardize his buddy/ies by posting a lot and say something that will make him look like a scum. Also, The way he responds to me and he thinks I am town made him more suspicious.

b. I also think it was because of his recent banned. 

c. His usual posting stlye lynch him last round so He might be changing it.

Those 3 were running through my head when I posted that. Might as well post what I observed that he is "awfully quiet" at that time. That's what I think.

3. I do agree he could have or at leaste made a better case why not to have people answer my question. Why did you only say fishy and leave it at that?

Didn't I posted also that he refuses to claim??? 

4. IF people don't resspond to things you want them to respond to hound them. Also you aren't adressing that you aren't participating much or interacting with many players. 

I haven't played Portal  so I don't have anything substantial to add to Moreno situation ATM.

also... please make it a bit clearer what you wrote... with all the differnetly formated text I do not know which is meant to be what you added right now...

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NoCtiS_NoX said:
Wonktonodi said:

1. Isn't him saying always part of his ususally posting style?  How does not adressing something make him overly defensive?


Come on now. >_> That was not what I meant by his usual posting stlye. 


He avoided the topic and said unneccessary stuff.

2. Then why not adress it now. Why did you focus on spurge and his "lack" of posting instead of the others?

Like I said it was only an observation. If he repsond fine, if not it's fine aswell. 

but since you want my thoughts about it ok.

a. This is not his usual posting stlye (IMO) leads me to think, he has a great responsibity ( mafia ) and he doesn't want to jeopardize his buddy/ies by posting a lot and say something that will make him look like a scum. Also, The way he responds to me and he thinks I am town made him more suspicious.

b. I also think it was because of his recent banned. 

c. His usual posting stlye lynch him last round so He might be changing it.

Those 3 were running through my head when I posted that. Might as well post what I observed that he is "awfully quiet" at that time. That's what I think.

3. I do agree he could have or at leaste made a better case why not to have people answer my question. Why did you only say fishy and leave it at that?

Didn't I posted also that he refuses to claim??? 

4. IF people don't resspond to things you want them to respond to hound them. Also you aren't adressing that you aren't participating much or interacting with many players. 

Bold only: 

I haven't played Portal  so I don't have anything substantial to add to Moreno situation ATM.




for Stefl.

My response is always bold underlined.

Honestly, I think that people are exaggurating over the moreno thing- it's so easy to make one mistake, and even easier for the other plays to hound someone down because it's the only "information" that they have to go on. The truth is, until we have a death and someone has got a cop report or something, it's all just mind games - and it's dangerous for the town to be making such dramatic decisions when that's all we have to go on

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Votes for:

Wonktonodi: Linkzmax
radishhead: theprof00, Final-Fan
theprof00: radishhead,  morenoingrato
morenoingrato: Stefl1504, Linkzmax, Stefl1504
Final-Fan: Wonktonodi

Player L-5 L-4 L-3 L-2 L-1 Testing chamber time

theprof00 morenoingrato          
morenoingrato Linkzmax  Stefl1504  theprof00      
No Lynch radishhead          
Final-Fan wonktonodi          


Linkzmax                 votes for           Wonktonodi
Linkzmax                 unvotes             Wonktonodi
theprof00                votes for           radishhead
radishhead              votes for           theprof00
Final-Fan                  votes for           radishhead
radishhead              unvotes             theprof00
theprof00                unvotes             radishhead
Stefl1504                 votes for           morenoingrato
morenoingrato      votes for           theprof00
Linkzmax                 votes for           morenoingrato
Final-Fan                  unvotes             radishhead
radishhead              votes for           No Lynch
Stefl1504                 unvotes             morenoingrato
Wonktonodi            votes for           Final-Fan
Stefl1504                 votes for           morenoingrato
theprof00                votes for           morenoingrato

Signature goes here!

Okay, a wrong theory because of a wrong assumption and now I'm on the top suspect?

Also, since my theory has been proven "wrong".


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ToS you are missing my vote on FF

Wonktonodi said:
ToS you are missing my vote on FF

Damn! I totally blame your avatar for this! Anyway it's fixed now.

Signature goes here!

NoCtiS_NoX said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
Wonktonodi said:

1. Isn't him saying always part of his ususally posting style?  How does not adressing something make him overly defensive?


Come on now. >_> That was not what I meant by his usual posting stlye. 


He avoided the topic and said unneccessary stuff.

2. Then why not adress it now. Why did you focus on spurge and his "lack" of posting instead of the others?

Like I said it was only an observation. If he repsond fine, if not it's fine aswell. 

but since you want my thoughts about it ok.

a. This is not his usual posting stlye (IMO) leads me to think, he has a great responsibity ( mafia ) and he doesn't want to jeopardize his buddy/ies by posting a lot and say something that will make him look like a scum. Also, The way he responds to me and he thinks I am town made him more suspicious.

b. I also think it was because of his recent banned. 

c. His usual posting stlye lynch him last round so He might be changing it.

Those 3 were running through my head when I posted that. Might as well post what I observed that he is "awfully quiet" at that time. That's what I think.

3. I do agree he could have or at leaste made a better case why not to have people answer my question. Why did you only say fishy and leave it at that?

Didn't I posted also that he refuses to claim??? 

4. IF people don't resspond to things you want them to respond to hound them. Also you aren't adressing that you aren't participating much or interacting with many players. 

Bold only: 

I haven't played Portal  so I don't have anything substantial to add to Moreno situation ATM.




for Stefl.

My response is always bold underlined.

Even doing that it still makes it a pain to respond to.  Also for reference the points that there are points in responce to are here

Your intital observation only said the spurge is awfully quiet this round. Why didn't you mention anyone else who was more quiet than him? Seems like spurge was right when he responded to you saying it's all about him. Since your story then was he wasn't playing how he always plays.

Heres some retorical questions for you? Do you think how he has played before was good? Do you think he would wants to keepl playing that way? Do you think he likes getting myself lynched?

So to try and say you are going after him for playing differently doesn't make any sence. He is trying to get better not get stuck in a rut like some other players. Cough Radsih cough

Did you post he also refused to claim???  So many things wrong with that question. Your post said

"I agree with Prof. Moreno is very reluctant to say what is he until the last second and when he was the only 1 that haven't claim yet. He claimed right away. It seems fishy.
An observation. There were 2 guys that didn't want to tell what they are and these 2 guys are Moreno and

Linkz (although he was one of the first guy to claim).

Moreno for now."

First thing. He didn't refuse he hesitated. You at least had that right before.

Second. You make an observation and and call it fishy. I ask you why you didn't do more than calling it fishy. You respond saying didn't you also make the observation. I am asking you why do you think it is fishy?

third you didn't answer the question by saying why you left it at that.

We are playing MAFIA. Portal is just the theme you don't need to know portal to play mafia. It didn't take playing portal to say something is fishy it sure doesn't require that to say why and it certainly doesn't require it to participate more.

radishhead said:
Honestly, I think that people are exaggurating over the moreno thing- it's so easy to make one mistake, and even easier for the other plays to hound someone down because it's the only "information" that they have to go on. The truth is, until we have a death and someone has got a cop report or something, it's all just mind games - and it's dangerous for the town to be making such dramatic decisions when that's all we have to go on

radish have you read the reasons why people are voting for him?

I don't think so because it's more than just "one mistake"

How long have you been playing mafia for? Even when there are deaths and investigations when is mafia not mind games? It's what the game is all about.

Dangerous for the town why? Because we might mislynch day 1? What of it. There will be mislynches it's how the game works.

You seem to be almos a clique version of yourself. Saying the things you think people expect you to say when you are town. You have played the game too long though, you should know better than to be afraid of a mislynch on day one.

Final-Fan said:
I've been playing a lot of EVE Online lately and I've been following the thread in the in-game browser, but maybe that splits my attention too much (away from this game). But I am not ducking the thread, I just don't see that much that arouses suspicion. I mean stuff is happening here, yeah, but nobody is setting off my radar. I am pretty dozy right now but later today, or tomorrow, I'll reread the thread to see if anything stands out.

still waiting...