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NoCtiS_NoX said:
Wonktonodi said:

1. Third post he's responding mostly to Spurge's response. He's accusing him of being over defensive when, in reality spurge asked a good question. Since Noc was focusing on him and ignoring other players.

Noc does have a good point when he mentions that spurge shouldn't be saying he thinks noctic is town. Noctis had only made 2 posts.

2. When he addresses me he doesn't realize he's missing my point from this post.

He reiterates that he doesn't want to rush things. When my point was more about him calling out spruge for activity when he hasn't being posting himself.

3. When everyone else had answered my question of course moreno was going to answer quickly there was then enormous pressure for him to answer. I don't think that itself is fishy.


4. He then FOS's moreno and that's his last post.

With how focused he was on spurge at first I'm surprised he didn't FOS then. He doesn't want to rush but he's not participating much. Asking many questions or sharing opinions about much of what is going on.


HOS: Noctis

1.   It was an observation, this is not his usual posting style in the last rounds. You also ignored that he thinks I always targets him  and it's always about him in all the round he has played. When in fact I am not.  He didn't even address my observation about him. That's what made me thinks he is being over defensive.

2.  I agree on that but you didn't even made it clear for me to understand on the first place.

3.  It seems fishy to me because he could have just claimed in the first place.

4.  I was wating for him to respond but he didn't. He only responded to links when Links brought it up again. I just shifted focus on Moreno because I think his post was fishy.

5.I applaud you for targeting the 3 lurkers including myself.

Anyway, just so you guys know. I haven't played portal yet.

1. Isn't him saying always part of his ususally posting style?  How does not adressing something make him overly defensive?

2. Then why not adress it now. Why did you focus on spurge and his "lack" of posting instead of the others?

3. I do agree he could have or at leaste made a better case why not to have people answer my question. Why did you only say fishy and leave it at that?

4. IF people don't resspond to things you want them to respond to hound them. Also you aren't adressing that you aren't participating much or interacting with many players. 

5. Stop applauding and help find scum.