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Forums - Sales Discussion - VGStockz: General Questions

Vinniegambini said:
happydolphin said:
Ail, I noticed a cycle in the trends of almost all game makers, around 1 to 2 years after the release of the home consoles. Check the 2nd or 3rd post of the thread, it should be clear and help you trace a roadmap.

I lost on Nintendo because I bet too soon and I was paying interest. A little better play and this is a certified money-maker. The same can be said for TTWO and THQI, EA, Ubi, etc.

Nintendo stocks works as cycles as seen with the Wii - Momemtum and hype drives the stock to its highest levels then once the momemtum fades, the stock follows. I will be in that cycle locking my profits - long term NTDOY for 1-2 years. Ubisoft not so sure, maybe short term until AC3 comes out, then sell. Gaming stocks are a gamble as if they do not release high profile franchises, their stock and revenue suffer.

The only effect a game like AC3 can have is negative. We know the game has been coming for a while and expectations are known based on previous AC sales and already priced into the stock .

I don't see AC3 crushing the previous iterations so the only unknown that can happen is bad sales which would have a downside on the stock...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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Ail said:
Vinniegambini said:
happydolphin said:
Ail, I noticed a cycle in the trends of almost all game makers, around 1 to 2 years after the release of the home consoles. Check the 2nd or 3rd post of the thread, it should be clear and help you trace a roadmap.

I lost on Nintendo because I bet too soon and I was paying interest. A little better play and this is a certified money-maker. The same can be said for TTWO and THQI, EA, Ubi, etc.

Nintendo stocks works as cycles as seen with the Wii - Momemtum and hype drives the stock to its highest levels then once the momemtum fades, the stock follows. I will be in that cycle locking my profits - long term NTDOY for 1-2 years. Ubisoft not so sure, maybe short term until AC3 comes out, then sell. Gaming stocks are a gamble as if they do not release high profile franchises, their stock and revenue suffer.

The only effect a game like AC3 can have is negative. We know the game has been coming for a while and expectations are known based on previous AC sales and already priced into the stock .

I don't see AC3 crushing the previous iterations so the only unknown that can happen is bad sales which would have a downside on the stock...

ATVI always moves up during the launch period of Call of Duty (early November), and so did TTWO during GTA III or IV. So no, I don't believe it is already factored into the stock price. Another example would be TWX, everyone knew Batman: The Dark Knight Rises would be a success but once the release date approched, the stock price skyrocked. I think AC3 can have the same effect in the short term but nevertheless, I don't own the stock and wouldn't either. If we could predict the outcome of every stock we'd be rich by now :p

i would be getting to sell your short term positions soon, this rally is almost over and it's probably gonna drop pretty fast when it does. People are gonna start taking profits very soon, it kinda scares me there is guy here buying on credit.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

johnsobas said:
i would be getting to sell your short term positions soon, this rally is almost over and it's probably gonna drop pretty fast when it does. People are gonna start taking profits very soon, it kinda scares me there is guy here buying on credit.

Yup. Shares are gonna go down by end of September as it normally does in that month and there will be a selling rally following that. It scares me too :S Especially the the Dow is so high

i bought the Nintendo stock about 3 months ago with most of my shares costing me 14.08. Hopefully the momentum will keep up. I could almost kick myself, because of Sprint stock. I was gonna buy a ton of shares at 2.20 and now look at it. and learn

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Sold my Spanish equities today + 44% profit (BBVA, SAN); market correction bound to happen soon. Yes, Nintendo stock is a sound investment right now. The hype alone of the Wii U should bring the stock upwards around 19-20.00$ by release date; much like how Sony stock gained 5$ in anticipation of the PS3 release.

chriscox1121 said:
i bought the Nintendo stock about 3 months ago with most of my shares costing me 14.08. Hopefully the momentum will keep up. I could almost kick myself, because of Sprint stock. I was gonna buy a ton of shares at 2.20 and now look at it. and learn

I feel ya. How long are your positions on Nintendo? Are you gonna sell when the stock reaches a certain point?

Vinniegambini said:
chriscox1121 said:
i bought the Nintendo stock about 3 months ago with most of my shares costing me 14.08. Hopefully the momentum will keep up. I could almost kick myself, because of Sprint stock. I was gonna buy a ton of shares at 2.20 and now look at it. and learn

I feel ya. How long are your positions on Nintendo? Are you gonna sell when the stock reaches a certain point?

I'm not sure...i'm new to the stock market, but I definitely want to wait till after launch till I can get an idea on where the Wii U is going to sit with the market.  I'm also expecting the 3DS to take off this Christmas more than the previous, but if they fail to deliver i might sell quicker than I wanted to.  I think Nintendo's future quarter financial releases will motivate people to invest considering 3DS is doing well and profiting now.  Ideally, I would love to see the stock hit 25 before I sell and I think it's possible, but there are obviously a lot of factors.

another big day for Nintendo stock, I think we'll see around 40 before it has to decide to go way up or back down. That is assuming everything goes well during launch.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

johnsobas said:
another big day for Nintendo stock, I think we'll see around 40 before it has to decide to go way up or back down. That is assuming everything goes well during launch.

OMG if it does go to 40 $ I'm in heaven lol. Kidding aside, when the 3ds Launched it was floating around 40$ and then went a whole lotta down. It should be able to reach above 30 by March 2013 so we will see how well the stock will play off. Got 510 stocks in this and aint selling soon. Do u own the stock? I'm +13% already.