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Forums - Sales Discussion - VGStockz: General Questions

Guys, does NTDOY (pink) distribute dividends or is it only the japanese Nintendo stock that does?

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Well I dumped my EA and took my loss ( was down 30% since my purchase but was a small position so no biggy ( still lost 500$ ) and I am using the loss to offset some earlier short term gains).
TTWO is now down heavily too but I am not going anywhere there except maybe doubling my position.

Sprint is however doing crazy good so some good news there and Apple of course has been the shining star among the dark for me this whole year ( my biggest position, my biggest gainer).


Microsoft hasn't performed as well as I would have liked since my purchase ( -4.8%) but it's a long term one and I already got one set of dividends to offset this.

GE is however doing pretty well ( +5.4% + dividend of 3.45% /year)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

spurgeonryan said:
That is interesting. After their decent E3 showing I would have thought that you would have held on to EA stock.

Nope, SWTOR is just not perfoming as good as expected and I don't see EA going back up before a while...

I've been burned enough with EA to stay away from it too...

It's going to be a couple rough years for gaming companies till next gen really get started. The only exception in my view is TTWO as the take-over rumors and GTA 5 should give it some boost....( but with the size of my investment there ( 1.5% of my investments) I'm not betting the farm on TTWO either).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

@Ail. Thanks for sharing.

You know what I would suggest. I know this is a risky bid, but I would seriously go for THQ if I had more to invest. The shares rose some 78% from 45 to 75 cents back in April (17th), and it has the potential to rise very high. They are releasing darksiders II in a few months I believe the stock will rise strong from now until holiday 2012.



Their stock has alot of potential, just last year it many times stronger. With the restructuring and the new gen, this should all get back on track imho.

My latest stocks thread -> 

Sensationalist Stock Headlines for E3 2012

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THQ is as risky as a stock that can be.

It's a penny stock which means the stock can raise or drop a lot every day.

I can stand loosing 20% of my invesments when the market is going down because I know it will go back eventually. ( and I am diversified enough that my portfollio does follow roughly  the market)

But loosing 20% because of a bad trade in a pennyless stock ? No way...

My investment is done with retirement as a goal ( which is 20 years away) and  there is no way i am going to go for that kind of risky stuff...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

^Hahaha. Okay.

The penny stock is at 70 cents, how bad can it get? :P

Also, Darksiders II is a sure-bet, hasn't the worst already happened? And the risk is at a great reward. Think about how many times your dollar can be multiplied. Alas, I digress...

Got a lucky day today.
Turns out Microsoft new tablet is using an NVDA chip.
MSFT up 3.7%, NVDA up 7%, BAC up 4.7%.
Perfect storm for me...
And despite a good market rally, EA only up 0.27%, glad I dumped it..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Mmm this is looking like a monster rally, pretty much every stock i hold that was in the red is going to end up almost even or in the black except TTWO..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Nice winning Ail.
THQ up 7% again, after Friday's jump of 7%. It seems to be stabilizing from the June 12 to 15 slump.