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Forums - Sports Discussion - Abu Dhabi - FORMULA 1 2015

Ok, placeholder.

1. Hamilton
2. Alonso
3. Massa

DNF - Karthikeyan

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Well, at least McLaren isn't as unreliable as it was for Raikkonen in 2002.

new track in the states 2moro then,should be good to see the new track

i doubt they'll see the thread but wonder if any one lives near it form the states on vgc or if there is any hype out there

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DNF - Vettel

I have to believe it.






Friend is going to the race tomorrow (I live in Austin). Main thing I wanted to say was that was a pretty lame pic of the females for the Austin race. Wearing freaking hats and no revealing clothes...... Terrible pic and not a good representation of Texas women. I hate Texas (not born or raised here) but there are pretty decent women here on par with Cali women.  Just wanted to say fuck that pic.

Around the Network

I'm interested to see the new F1 course, but I'm bummed as all hell that the race in NJ right in my back yard isn't going to happen until 2014 now.

Was so looking forward to that race, and this is the type of event that would help propel Formula 1 into the spotlight in the US. I'm sure this weekends race will do great being that its a new track and no doubt plenty of people will make the journey to be there in person, but it won't get much coverage or water cooler chatter amongst the US sports world.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

NightDragon83 said:
I'm interested to see the new F1 course, but I'm bummed as all hell that the race in NJ right in my back yard isn't going to happen until 2014 now.

Was so looking forward to that race, and this is the type of event that would help propel Formula 1 into the spotlight in the US. I'm sure this weekends race will do great being that its a new track and no doubt plenty of people will make the journey to be there in person, but it won't get much coverage or water cooler chatter amongst the US sports world.

yeah they cancelled that,i wonder if it was more to do with logistics or money because F1 would have liked that race ot go agead no doubt,amazing back drop for a race

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sethnintendo said:

Friend is going to the race tomorrow (I live in Austin). Main thing I wanted to say was that was a pretty lame pic of the females for the Austin race. Wearing freaking hats and no revealing clothes...... Terrible pic and not a good representation of Texas women. I hate Texas (not born or raised here) but there are pretty decent women here on par with Cali women.  Just wanted to say fuck that pic.

i was hoping for some nice shorts,cowboy boots and hats,i'm sure the grid girls will be fine in texas,you didn't fancy having a look over a practice or qualy, pretty impressive to see F1 in the flesh so to speak even if not that interested,is it expensive or much hype in austin

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zuvuyeay said:
NightDragon83 said:
I'm interested to see the new F1 course, but I'm bummed as all hell that the race in NJ right in my back yard isn't going to happen until 2014 now.

Was so looking forward to that race, and this is the type of event that would help propel Formula 1 into the spotlight in the US. I'm sure this weekends race will do great being that its a new track and no doubt plenty of people will make the journey to be there in person, but it won't get much coverage or water cooler chatter amongst the US sports world.

yeah they cancelled that,i wonder if it was more to do with logistics or money because F1 would have liked that race ot go agead no doubt,amazing back drop for a race

It was a combination of both actually... it was reported that the promoters and organizers were behind on both funding and the necessary building and road permits to keep everything on schedule.

It most likely wouldn't have happened in 2013 anyway after hurricane Sandy ripped through the area.  Tons of infrastructure was damaged or destroyed and money is going to be extremely tight as the state and local municipalities try to restore things back to normal.  Furbishing a new race course is the last thing on anyone's mind in the area right now.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

a sell out on sunday they say,close to mexico who have a lot of fans and people fyling in for the new GP track they reckon so thats good,they haven't really given me a birdseye view o fthe track but no doubt see it over the weekend

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond