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Forums - Sports Discussion - Abu Dhabi - FORMULA 1 2015

Yes, Vettel penalty!!!!

Meaning my predictions:
1) Hamilton
2) Raikkonen
3) Button
DNF Vettel

Around the Network

1. Hamilton
2. Webber
3. Alonso



Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Yikes!! Vettel demoted to last place for not having enoufgh fuel. I suppose that's only fair considering LH got the bullet for the same felony.

All that just for the sake of a few squirts of fuel. Just wasn't worth it.

At least it should hopefully make the championship more exciting for the last couple races.

Phew, just in time.

1. Hamilton
2. Webber
3. Alonso

DNF - Senna


1st: Webber
2nd: Hamilton
3rd: Raikkonen

Hopefully Alonso will have a big snafu on track today... *runs*

Around the Network

hopefully with Vettel out of the picture Lewis can get another win

Alonso on the podium would keep the title alive too

Just as note: Hamilton can still win title if:
.Vettel retires from every single race remaining in the season
.Hamilton wins every race remaining in the season (both would tie on points but Hamilton would win on countback thanks to more victories
.Alonso scores 13 points or less in the remaining races of the season

Unlikely, but still.

Rainbow Yoshi said:
Just as note: Hamilton can still win title if:
.Vettel retires from every single race remaining in the season
.Hamilton wins every race remaining in the season (both would tie on points but Hamilton would win on countback thanks to more victories
.Alonso scores 13 points or less in the remaining races of the season

Unlikely, but still.

tbh I think he will just be thinking about getting as many points as he can and hopefully more wins/podiums for his records, same with Button.

crikey vettel put at the back

racing through the field should make it a bit more enetertaining,alonso needs to keep it together,what a chance he has been given

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


Better revise mine too haha. At least this time around.

1 - Hamilton
2 - Webber
3 - Alonso

DNF - Perez