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Forums - Sports Discussion - Abu Dhabi - FORMULA 1 2015

zuvuyeay said:
Proclus said:
zuvuyeay said:
ironmanDX said:
zuvuyeay said:
ironmanDX said:
I'm going to be at the rave this year in Australia! Look out on the tv for me!

Not that you know what I look like or anything. It's costing me $100. Not including if I decide to get merchandise or even food!

I'll get food.

i thought you were there now

It's Friday here in Melbourne. I'm not going to the qualifying anymore. Just the race.

right,very jealous,have a good time

Yep, Vodafone isn't sponsoring McLaren in 2014 anymore. Lady presenters would definitely be nice. :D

No real suprises in the first FP really, McLaren seemed a bit low but maybe just a one off? FP2 in 2 hours, time to grab some more caffeine!

on the radio earlier in the eve they were saying mclaren aren't really there,Vodafone is quite a big brit company isn't it,they're going to need big sponsors,i could see mclaren slipping to a mid team if they are not careful,mercedes ahve got half their staff now

It's quite the possibility, they've lost their star driver, they're not really looking better than say Lotus so far this year and they are bleeding talented engineers, so who knows what will happen next season after they loose their main sponsor? Don't really see em having a shot at the constructors this year either.

Around the Network
zuvuyeay said:

yes i was quite surprised,no stand for the less well off anywhere,we have quite a few brasilians here to tell us

maybe like britain the grand prix gets no government funding hence high prices to pay for everything and keep the race going

Everything is hyperexpensive here in Brazil. Meaning scandinavian levels of expensive with less than a quarter of the GDP per capita. How people manage to live and consume like in other developing countries is a mistery well beyond me.

And as to your another post, yeah, I'll be sure to post more often this time around. Though I'm afraid this season will be predictable as 2011 :(






 Australia Zuv  Proc  Bren Just        
 1st    Vettel  Hamilton  Alonso        
 2nd    Raikkonen  Webber  Raikkonen        
 3rd    Webber  Perez  Vettel        
 Retiree    Perez  Maldonado  Sutil        

practice 2 at 3:00 am i think race & qualy 6:00 am gmt

did anyone do gribids then,if you change your mind you can still do it for next race as i missed the first race last season and it was still a good game,let us know if you did it so we can put you in the vgc group 

remember you can choose the same DNF this year if you want to

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


Welcome back guys. Hope you are all settled in your new home Zuv.

I must say I agree it's all looking a bit predictable as Haxxiy said.. at least as far a Red Bull is concern.

However I am going to go for below (subject to change) hoping Vettel is a bit ring rusty.

1) Alonso 2) Raikkonen 3) Vettel DNF: Sutil

justinian said:

Welcome back guys. Hope you are all settled in your new home Zuv.

I must say I agree it's all looking a bit predictable as Haxxiy said.. at least as far a Red Bull is concern.

However I am going to go for below (subject to change) hoping Vettel is a bit ring rusty.

1) Alonso 2) Raikkonen 3) Vettel DNF: Sutil

thanks,annoyingly i will have to move again in few months but this time it will be for good,thank the lord

yes they must all be desparate to beat vettel and redbull,can anyone get the better of adrian newey this year

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


Around the Network
zuvuyeay said:
brendude13 said:

My family were planning on going to see one, not sure where though.

what with you i hope,are you from uk or where are your closes races

Haha, definitely. Yeh, I'm from the UK, but they said they wouldn't want to do Silverstone.

My friend lives in Melbourne and he has heard the cars going round the past few days.

zuvuyeay said:
Proclus said:

Yep, Vodafone isn't sponsoring McLaren in 2014 anymore. Lady presenters would definitely be nice. :D

No real suprises in the first FP really, McLaren seemed a bit low but maybe just a one off? FP2 in 2 hours, time to grab some more caffeine!

on the radio earlier in the eve they were saying mclaren aren't really there,Vodafone is quite a big brit company isn't it,they're going to need big sponsors,i could see mclaren slipping to a mid team if they are not careful,mercedes ahve got half their staff now

McLaren got Sergio Perez and Telmex has been supporting his career for a long time. I expect Telmex (or Telcel, or any other company owned by Carlos Slim) to sponsor McLaren when Vodafone leaves. If that happens money won't be an issue. However lack of talented engineers and a good engine can. We've seen lots of teams with tons of $$$ doing nothing.

I say engine because in 2014 the rules that ban engine evolution will be gone. I won't be surprised if teams that get their engines from manufacturers that have their own team end up getting worse engines or evolutions later.

Also Mercedes true target is to win the championship in 2014 with their own team, taking advantage of the rule changes (so 2013 is too early for them). Combine this with Ferrari still having one and a half drivers and you know where my Red Bull winning the constructors championship this year prediction comes from.

1. Alonso
2. Vettel
3. Massa

DNF- Webber

Though it could really go to anyone.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

DNF - Chilton

1 - Vettel
2 - Alonso
3 - Räikkönen

Subject to change bis morgen.






zuvuyeay said:
crissindahouse said:

cheapest price for the race in brazil 229 pounds? i guess that's a "fuck you" in the face of most brazilians

yes i was quite surprised,no stand for the less well off anywhere,we have quite a few brasilians here to tell us

maybe like britain the grand prix gets no government funding hence high prices to pay for everything and keep the race going

£299 converts to $728 in brazilian currency, which  is almost the minimum salary around here (R$ 750)

It's  a lot of money, but credit cards make it affordable even for the poorer.  But I doubt many people are willing to enter in debt just to watch a Race, instead they will buy a new TV to watch it.

For the Middle class however these prices are totally affordable.  And São Paulo where the race happens is a city composed by middle class workers.