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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mr. Nomura Reveals That Square Enix is Working on a Secret Project.

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BasilZero said:
pezus said:
BasilZero said:
Ssenkahdavic said:
Final Fantasy XIV-II: The Working Game

They already announced it and it will be coming out in early-mid 2013 and already stated a few new features I think, so its hardly a secret.

Wait what?

Not the exact source I read about it, but it does mention some stuff:

I got a email from SE 2 months ago more detailed about the new revamped game but I dont have it anymore :/

Here is another source:

Square Enix emailed you personally about information? O_o

Around the Network

Front Mission 6: Zippers of War.

FFVII blah-blah-blah.

I for one hope that it is TWEWY2 for the 3DS

BasilZero said:
NintendoPie said:

Square Enix emailed you personally about information? O_o

I'm a member of their Website group:


So I get information from time to time xD


Around the Network
MrT-Tar said:
I for one hope that it is TWEWY2 for the 3DS

you beat me too it!!! 300% agree

Squere Enix have already died this generation so could not care any less for there next game. Probably just another Kingdom Heart spin-off.... Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

Kingdom Hearts but with Nintendo characters?

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Final Fantasy XV by the FFXII team announced @ Sony E3. I'm a genius hooray.

BasilZero said:
Wagram said:
Final Fantasy XV by the FFXII team announced @ Sony E3. I'm a genius hooray.

ugh I can actually see that happening along with that side dish teaser for FFXVI xD!

I have a feeling SE will be at Sony for quite a bit of time this year. They need to show Versus, FFXIV 2.0, and possibly what-ever this is (FFXV).