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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Proof that IGN is Biased Against Wii Games

If this thread were in diablo, it'd be a necromancer

/lame joke that doesn't make sense

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I love platformers and jumping

Thinking about buying this game so I can play a platformer till de blob comes out!

Currently Playing:

Wii: Mario Kart Wii, Wii Sports Resort

Xbox360: Fifa 2009, Halflife 2 Episode 2
Want to play:
Wii: Lego Indiana Jones, SMG2
Xbox360: MW2 1:19 of my life im not getting back

God have mercy... WTF was that??

MakoInfused said:
God have mercy... WTF was that??


God better have mercy, because the Ninjabread Man won't.

@ izaaz

I'm glad you understand. The corruption and hypocrisy of the gaming media must be exposed.

Together, we can save gaming.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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Troll_Monster said:
Gamerace said:
Yeah, where's the BUY Ninjabread Man now campaign like IGN did for Zack & Wiki? I mean, these games are obviously very similar in appeal right?

In all seriousness, it wouldn't surprise me if this game out sold zack & wiki.

So far I think Zack and Wiki has outsold this by at least 10:1... I think it's nearer 20:1

NBM is so underappreciated.

Edit.. no it's 10:1 ish

I think the VGC "toolbar" on the side needs a sarcasm detecting widget.

the reviewer is my hero :)
he is saving gamming!!!

Ehh.. Good luck with the boycotting.... You're all W______ers to my eyes. XD

L.C.E.C. said:

I think the VGC "toolbar" on the side needs a sarcasm detecting widget.


That would be too cool that might make the site owner charge us money for the usage. :P