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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony CEO: Casual Games on PS2 to Compete with Wii Coming

MikeB said:
@ HappySqurriel

In 2007 the PS2 sold 75% of what it sold in 2006, it is likely going to sell between 50% and 75% of its 2007 total in 2008 ...

Even if so selling multiple million consoles this year equals quite a bit of profit. If interest drops significantly this year they can always still discontinue the product. As long as there is significant demand why would they?

At the same time, so far 45 Million people have already moved from the previous generation to the current generation with (likely) 40 Million upgrading this year

No, there are people who own multiple new consoles (PS3/Wii, PS3/360, Wii/360, Wii/PS3/360), I think maybe even up to 25% of current users own 2 or more of the new consoles. However according to research the PS2 is currently still *by far* the most played on console, I also imagine PS2s aren't thrown away with the trash when buying a new system, more likely the unit is either still in use, sold second hand or given away to friends or family members to enjoy.

With how the PS3 performed at christmas I thought you would have learned your lesson about trusting Neilson on people's videogame habits. Certainly, in the middle of 2007 before 20 Million people bought a current generation console, the PS2 was leading time played by a dramatic margin but by mid 2008 that will no longer be the case.

The important thing to consider is the question "Why would creating casual games for the PS2 be a good thing?"

One would assume that Sony intended to stop the bleeding from the PS2 towards the Wii but it is unlikely that any game would boost PS2 sales past 6 Million units in 2008, nor would any PS2 games prevent the Wii from selling 20 Million units in 2008. In other words, this move has (realistically) no impact on the market and makes Sony look out of touch while they do it.

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@ HappySqurriel

With how the PS3 performed at christmas I thought you would have learned your lesson about trusting Neilson on people's videogame habits.

What are you actually referring to?

The important thing to consider is the question "Why would creating casual games for the PS2 be a good thing?"

Providing products quite a few consumers may be interested in buying. Current users as well as new users (huge PS2 games library, cheap).

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Best way to sum up Sony's business plan. Trying to take down Wii with the PS2 is out of the question, when putting casual games on a system that has so many buttons from a casual gamers POV IE people like my mom they look at the things get really confused then put them down and say they dont know how to play, when they see the Wii remote its more like instinct you see a big A button you know to press it, you have a trigger you know to pull it when its a shooting game.

Plainly: SONY FAIL

Funny thing is Nintendo looks at people when trying to develop games, like with Mario Miyamoto likes to look at the hardcore players faces when they play, when it came to casual games he looked to his wife who was not a game player at all, and to make sure the Wii was versatile he made sure his daughter would like it too cause she is a game player. Sony's "looking for what gamers play" include looking to what their competition is doing, and marketing to people. You can see which way actually works.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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lol i like how they said press conference for the PS3's future when it's their normal PS Day conference.

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
radioioRobert said:

Ahh, finally. The Wisdom of John Lucas on P&L. Unfortunately Sony Fanboys refuse to see it in the common sense Business 101 way.

BTW John, I think when Japan sales come in this week the......ahem, "fad" console (LOL) will have sold (not shipped) 20 million PROFITABLE units :)

Sony better get the PS2 stock ready! Cause you know they know what they are doing.......

Hey, look, it's attack sony hour! This time we have pointless attacks because they state they aren't going to abandon the PS2. What a casual games always follow an aging system that dominated the world. It has already been competing with the Wii. Look at Guitar Hero, Rayman Raving Rabbids, eventually Okami, etc. The systems aren't far graphically so it makes sense. This isn't so big announcement that changes what they are doing.  Like I said months ago, it would be a great idea to copy Nintendo's Wiimote so that most games could be ported to PS2. That also wouldn't change much.

Oh, and I for one don't care if Sony makes a profit in their games division as long as I get games to play. I know this is a sales site but I'm pretty sure most people only care about such things as it pertains to games. I could be wrong...


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windbane said:
radioioRobert said:

Ahh, finally. The Wisdom of John Lucas on P&L. Unfortunately Sony Fanboys refuse to see it in the common sense Business 101 way.

BTW John, I think when Japan sales come in this week the......ahem, "fad" console (LOL) will have sold (not shipped) 20 million PROFITABLE units :)

Sony better get the PS2 stock ready! Cause you know they know what they are doing.......

Hey, look, it's attack sony hour! This time we have pointless attacks because they state they aren't going to abandon the PS2. What a casual games always follow an aging system that dominated the world. It has already been competing with the Wii. Look at Guitar Hero, Rayman Raving Rabbids, eventually Okami, etc. The systems aren't far graphically so it makes sense. This isn't so big announcement that changes what they are doing. Like I said months ago, it would be a great idea to copy Nintendo's Wiimote so that most games could be ported to PS2. That also wouldn't change much.

Oh, and I for one don't care if Sony makes a profit in their games division as long as I get games to play. I know this is a sales site but I'm pretty sure most people only care about such things as it pertains to games. I could be wrong...


But see windbane, actually you SHOULD care.

If a company can't do good business eventually they go OUT of business and that means they can no longer make the product you enjoy.

People are still to this day mourning the absence of Sega as a hardware maker in this business. Atari's a infested zombie of its former self. And so many companies have folded over the years taking their franchises with them.

The reason I and many people study sales sites like these is because we want to know if our investment into all this gadgetry is going pay off in the long haul. Will my products be supported long term?

Over the years there have been so many people burnt by game companies who couldn't last leaving them stuck with essentially a collector's item.

It pays to care how your money and time are spent. This is why nobody bought the Gizmondo. They didn't feel the product was worth the investment and that the maker wouldn't be around in the business long enough to support it.

The way Sony's going you may not SEE anymore games from them if things don't start changing. 

John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



You just don't realize how much Sony wants to steal from Nintendo, in this case, the lesson with duct tape. The new BCB (BC bundle) will be a PS2 duct taped to a PS3, thus showing Sony's willingness to re-capture the entire gaming market.

They were also going to announce a PNBCB (Premium Non-BC bundle) but could not find enough Wiis to market it successfully. Any one need 1M rolls of high gloss silver duct tape?

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.

Is BC a big deal, even if they removed it in the 40GB model, they can easily resurrect it by including a PS2 emulator in one of the future firmware updates.

That aside, Sony's (and MS's) model depends on selling consoles at a loss/cost while profiting from the royalties of sold games released for the console. The most famous analogy of the razor and the blades come to mind. Whether it is a good business model or not is debatable.

No foreign sky protected me,
No stranger's wing shielded my face.
I stand as witness to the common lot,
survivor of that time, that place.

- From 'Requiem' by Anna Akhmatova

johnlucas said:
windbane said:
radioioRobert said:

Ahh, finally. The Wisdom of John Lucas on P&L. Unfortunately Sony Fanboys refuse to see it in the common sense Business 101 way.

BTW John, I think when Japan sales come in this week the......ahem, "fad" console (LOL) will have sold (not shipped) 20 million PROFITABLE units :)

Sony better get the PS2 stock ready! Cause you know they know what they are doing.......

Hey, look, it's attack sony hour! This time we have pointless attacks because they state they aren't going to abandon the PS2. What a casual games always follow an aging system that dominated the world. It has already been competing with the Wii. Look at Guitar Hero, Rayman Raving Rabbids, eventually Okami, etc. The systems aren't far graphically so it makes sense. This isn't so big announcement that changes what they are doing. Like I said months ago, it would be a great idea to copy Nintendo's Wiimote so that most games could be ported to PS2. That also wouldn't change much.

Oh, and I for one don't care if Sony makes a profit in their games division as long as I get games to play. I know this is a sales site but I'm pretty sure most people only care about such things as it pertains to games. I could be wrong...


But see windbane, actually you SHOULD care.

If a company can't do good business eventually they go OUT of business and that means they can no longer make the product you enjoy.

People are still to this day mourning the absence of Sega as a hardware maker in this business. Atari's a infested zombie of its former self. And so many companies have folded over the years taking their franchises with them.

The reason I and many people study sales sites like these is because we want to know if our investment into all this gadgetry is going pay off in the long haul. Will my products be supported long term?

Over the years there have been so many people burnt by game companies who couldn't last leaving them stuck with essentially a collector's item.

It pays to care how your money and time are spent. This is why nobody bought the Gizmondo. They didn't feel the product was worth the investment and that the maker wouldn't be around in the business long enough to support it.

The way Sony's going you may not SEE anymore games from them if things don't start changing.

John Lucas

You apparently missed the part I highlighted.  They are obviously doing well enough to stay in business.  I do not care about the details.  I only find it interesting to know because it can have an effect on the games.

My main point is that this statement by Sony is saying nothing new. 

Musouka said:
Is BC a big deal, even if they removed it in the 40GB model, they can easily resurrect it by including a PS2 emulator in one of the future firmware updates.

That aside, Sony's (and MS's) model depends on selling consoles at a loss/cost while profiting from the royalties of sold games released for the console. The most famous analogy of the razor and the blades come to mind. Whether it is a good business model or not is debatable.

Seems to work for razors.  It also worked the last 2 generations.  I guess we'll see.