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Forums - Gaming Discussion - HD Twins: Greatest Exclusive Lists (updated through 2011)

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sales2099 said:
oniyide said:
LOL at Sales, its his damn thread if he doesnt want to add 70-79 games, he doesnt have too.
He didnt add XBLA games because they are bit harder to track, he didnt add PS3 games either, so why bitch??
I agree with the Kinect part if it scores 80 it should be on the list. But its funny how you didnt cry about him adding games to the 360 DESPITE them being on 360, making them NOT exclusive. Funnily enough he did this to make the 360 LOOK better to avoid lames like you and you still come here with sand in your ass

Actually including 360/PC games was unexpected and I respect him for that. It is a step in the right direction. 

If its on 360 and not PS3 (and vise versa), it deserves to be mentioned. 

There is no need to make 360 "look" better. I think me proving 360 has a vastly overall superior library speaks for itself. 

but isn't his focus mostly on retail releases v psn/xbl? 

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osamanobama said:
sales2099 said:

Just as I thought.......a  filtered list courtesy of PS3 propaganda.

- 1)not including games rated 70-79% on metacritic is purely to cut off the 360s massive lead in that category over PS3. I dont understand how people could cut games that are the equivalent of a B to B+ in the school grading system.

-2) Not including XBLA. This is the area where MS ALWAYS outdoes PSN. 360s biggest games asset against PS3. And here you go.....filtering the whole damn thing out. 

- 3)Not including party/casual/arcadey games. I thought we were talking about quality. But no....we have to filter and judge great games that dont fit our "core" tastes.

- 4)Not including Kinect. Move flopped with ZERO move specific games above 80, where as Kinect actually has several, you should still count them anyway

1) No, i didnt count the 70-79% because i only wanted to count games that are generaly considered quality. and in most cases thats 80+. and i seriously doubt xbox has significantly more exclusives with those score than PS3. and is that something really to be proud of? having more games that are essentially "C" rated games?

2) again, i also didnt include PSN, and this is because retail games are not comparable to download only games. they arent reviewed to the same standards, arent looked at with the same standards. if you released some XBLA game as a retail $60 game, do you honestly think its production values,  and content would justify the purchase, and do you honestly think reviewers would be a generous, with giving out an 80+ score to it? they arent on the same footing and arent comperable.

3) that actually removes more PS3 games than xbox ones, and it was again to look at games that are comperable, held to the same reviewing standards.

4) again, this is redundant with your 3rd point, and is explained by my second. its all to look at games on the same level. apples and oranges. furthermore, im pretty sure Move has a few, Eye pet comes to mind. and if you really think sports compilation mini games, and dancing games deserve to be looked at on the same plane as the likes of Halo, and Gears, and Killzone and Uncharted, then go ahead, and make that list.

furthermore you contradict yourself 1st you complain that i left off 70-79 score games , then you go ahead and talk about MOve games not scoring above 80, while there are a few Kinect ones. Which standard should we use 70 or 80?


lastly you are very hypocritical in all of your slanted view points. you constantly talk about how all the PS3 games dont count because they arent relevent to gamers, because sales arent 5 million+ for every single game.

then when someone mentions reletively low sales of an xbox game, you say well look at the reviews, that's what matters: see Forza series.

You constantly deminish games because they arent "relevent", then you go on and champion XBLA games. accoding to your standards those games arent relevent most will be lucky to get 100,000 in sales let alone 5 million or even 1 million.

So what matters? Relevancy? Sales? Reviews? one can never know with you, you constantly contradict your own arguments, just to make you feel good about yourself. as if you need to reafirm and convince yourself that you made the right purchasing decision. it seems you have a really inflated ego, presumably because you are insecure in real life, when not hiding behind the safety of a computer screen. but if you somehow find joy in making everything into a fanboy competion, go ahead, but leave it out of here.


as for your other post. No games, listed, no source, no nothing. also it has a lot of faults in it too because not all games are reviewed by the same companies or given the same score. just look at Mass effect 2, or even Batman. furthermore, that list includes tons of DLC and add-ons.

it also seems odd that you arent complaining about me including PC games on the list, not even Xbox exclusives.

No one can ever make a list, have an opinion that could possibly fullfill your standards because you have none. They constantly change to fit your fanboy wars. 

1. I dont know the schools you go to but a C+ is a 65-69. A B- to a B+ is a 70-79 where I come from and many people are satisfied with those. I am not asking anybody counts metacritic games rated 60-69

2. I just think that quality is quality, regardless of budget or price. Neglecting them just isnt right, especially since it is one of 360s best assets. 

3. It actually removes a lot more on 360 if XBLA was considered, but you allready explained yourself there. 

4. Sports Champions and Eyepet are in the 70's on metacritic. Move really has no 80+ games (move specifically). While not on the same level to "core games", quality is quality, even if it isnt the taste of some of us. 

- I am a advocate of relevancy, but this is about quality. They are not one in the same. Relevancy is how the real world sees and reacts to games. These lists have nothing to do with it. They are purely about on-paper quality. 

- I actually applaud your 360/pc inclusion. Anything on one but not the other deserves to be mentioned. 

My personal standards:

- Must be a game at least rated above 70

- Must be on 360 and not on PS3 (and vise versa).

See...simple. No cutting out downloadables or motion games. No "exclusive" screening. Just a simple head on 360 vs PS3 list. Thats my standard. 

But I do apologize for overreacting. Your clearly not a rabid PS3 fan. Once again, im just so used to these lists being done by that kind. So for that im sorry, but I stand by the response I just typed. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:
oniyide said:
LOL at Sales, its his damn thread if he doesnt want to add 70-79 games, he doesnt have too.
He didnt add XBLA games because they are bit harder to track, he didnt add PS3 games either, so why bitch??
I agree with the Kinect part if it scores 80 it should be on the list. But its funny how you didnt cry about him adding games to the 360 DESPITE them being on 360, making them NOT exclusive. Funnily enough he did this to make the 360 LOOK better to avoid lames like you and you still come here with sand in your ass

Actually including 360/PC games was unexpected and I respect him for that. It is a step in the right direction. 

If its on 360 and not PS3 (and vise versa), it deserves to be mentioned. 

There is no need to make 360 "look" better. I think me proving 360 has a vastly overall superior library speaks for itself. 

but isn't his focus mostly on retail releases v psn/xbl? 

LMAO, you didnt prove anything, you didnt list one game, at all.

And a C+ is a 65-69?? Where the f**k are you at, some down water state in Mississippi??? I have never seen it that low ever. Ive gone to school in NY, NC, and PA. Your either lying or they have low standards, if its the latter then that would explain a LOT

oniyide said:
sales2099 said:
oniyide said:
LOL at Sales, its his damn thread if he doesnt want to add 70-79 games, he doesnt have too.
He didnt add XBLA games because they are bit harder to track, he didnt add PS3 games either, so why bitch??
I agree with the Kinect part if it scores 80 it should be on the list. But its funny how you didnt cry about him adding games to the 360 DESPITE them being on 360, making them NOT exclusive. Funnily enough he did this to make the 360 LOOK better to avoid lames like you and you still come here with sand in your ass

Actually including 360/PC games was unexpected and I respect him for that. It is a step in the right direction. 

If its on 360 and not PS3 (and vise versa), it deserves to be mentioned. 

There is no need to make 360 "look" better. I think me proving 360 has a vastly overall superior library speaks for itself. 

but isn't his focus mostly on retail releases v psn/xbl? 

LMAO, you didnt prove anything, you didnt list one game, at all.

And a C+ is a 65-69?? Where the f**k are you at, some down water state in Mississippi??? I have never seen it that low ever. Ive gone to school in NY, NC, and PA. Your either lying or they have low standards, if its the latter then that would explain a LOT

i think you quoted the wrong person

osamanobama said:
oniyide said:
sales2099 said:
oniyide said:
LOL at Sales, its his damn thread if he doesnt want to add 70-79 games, he doesnt have too.
He didnt add XBLA games because they are bit harder to track, he didnt add PS3 games either, so why bitch??
I agree with the Kinect part if it scores 80 it should be on the list. But its funny how you didnt cry about him adding games to the 360 DESPITE them being on 360, making them NOT exclusive. Funnily enough he did this to make the 360 LOOK better to avoid lames like you and you still come here with sand in your ass

Actually including 360/PC games was unexpected and I respect him for that. It is a step in the right direction. 

If its on 360 and not PS3 (and vise versa), it deserves to be mentioned. 

There is no need to make 360 "look" better. I think me proving 360 has a vastly overall superior library speaks for itself. 

but isn't his focus mostly on retail releases v psn/xbl? 

LMAO, you didnt prove anything, you didnt list one game, at all.

And a C+ is a 65-69?? Where the f**k are you at, some down water state in Mississippi??? I have never seen it that low ever. Ive gone to school in NY, NC, and PA. Your either lying or they have low standards, if its the latter then that would explain a LOT

i think you quoted the wrong person

oh S**t, my bad, my screen is kinda wonky. But we all know who im talking about

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RolStoppable said:
Michael-5 said:

had? What are you talking about? Only really good JRPG on the PS3 to date is Valkyria Chronicles. Folklore and WKC are good, but no better then Blue Dragon or The Last Remnant.

360 has Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, Infinite Undiscovery (which I think is great), Magna Carta 2, The Last Remnant, and it had Star Ocean for a bit. The first 3 I consider AAA, or great, the others are just good. Top that off with some good WRPG exclusives (dear god, NOT FABLE! That game is shit), 360 is the RPG machine this gen.

but next year....that might balance it out a bit with 2 Tales of __ exclusives.

That's a poor list and you know it. That's why you named one game twice to make it appear longer than it actually is. Not to mention that you threw in timed exclusives and insist that an average game is great. The next guy might as well put Cross Edge on his list of great exclusive PS3 JRPGs.

Console JRPG's this gen all together are a joke this gen. 360 has 3 great exclusives, PS3 has 1 great exclusive (likely to expand to 2 with Tales of Xillia), HD consoles have 2 great JRPG's (FFXIII and Star Ocean) and Wii has 2 great JRPG's (Fire Emblem & XenoBlade), 3 when The Last Story releases.

That's 8 proper JRPG's this gen, that's less then the PSP alone.

I mentioned 1 timed exclusive, and only as a side note, and Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, and Valkyria Chronicles are pretty excellent JRPG's. Infinite Undiscovery is arguable, hence I mentioned I personally tink it's great.

Anyway your taking my point out of context. My point was PS3 and 360 have about the same number of quality games, it's just a matter of prefference. I like 360 because it has the majority of JRPG exclusives. Not much, but hell, with so little this gen, it's still something.

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sales2099 said:
As of Dec 21, 2011. A little outdated but then again not much released for PS3 and 360 in January.

This is how the 360 camps rolls. No biased filters. No screening. Just EVERYTHING.

Library comparison > Exclusive comparison. Truth is a real eye opener.


AAA (90+) = 43
AA (80-89) = 254
A (70-79) = 375


AAA (90+) = 39
AA (80-89) = 229
A (70-79) = 273

This figure makes a lot more sense. I recall coming up with those numbers myself a while back.

Exclusives barely make a difference, but heck 10% in favor of 360, good console.

Still, haters gonna hate.


However I don;t think XBL/PSN games should be counted. They aren't full games. Great or not, if you want to count them, you should segregate them from the total game count (i.e. count the number of full pledged retail games, and also count XBL/PSN games seperatly).

Also games scoring 70-79% should be counted, but separated. I like how you counted 90+, 80-89, 70-79 games. This gives a much better understanding of the market.


Can you do what you did above for exclusive games? That would be much more in depth then osama's OP.

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Michael-5 said:
ethomaz said:
Michael-5 said:
ethomaz said:
PS3 had more and better exclusives... the only games I miss on my PS3 is Gears and Halo... of course others Nintendo games I miss too.

It's all a matter of preference. When I count the must have games on 360 and PS3 for me, 360 wins 20-10 most because it has more then 1 good racing game, and a lot of great JRPG exclusives. Everyone has their own preference, I can understand why some people even think Wii is the best now that I played Skyward Sword.

lol PS3 had more and better JRPG exclusives too.

had? What are you talking about? Only really good JRPG on the PS3 to date is Valkyria Chronicles. Folklore and WKC are good, but no better then Blue Dragon or The Last Remnant.

360 has Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, Infinite Undiscovery (which I think is great), Magna Carta 2, Infinite Undiscovery, The Last Remnant, and it had Star Ocean for a bit. The first 3 I consider AAA, or great, the others are just good. Top that off with some good WRPG exclusives (dear god, NOT FABLE! That game is shit), 360 is the RPG machine this gen.

but next year....that might balance it out a bit with 2 Tales of __ exclusives.

Well... Tales of Vesperia ans Star Ocean is just timed exclusives, these games was already released in PS3...  Magna Carta 2 is Korean RPG (but I can live puting it in JRPG).

Now the list...

Valkyria Chronicles  *AAA
Demon Souls  *AAA
White Knight Chronicles *A
White Knight Chronicles  2 *A
Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice *A
Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten *AA
Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll  *Meh
Folklore *A
Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland *A
Hyperdimension Neptunia *Meh
Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel *A
Cross Edge *A
Trinity Universe *A
Yakuza 3 *AA
Yakuza 4 *AA
Last Rebellion *Meh

Well... I forgote some of course.

You can make any list you want but the PS3 have more JRPG than X360... and for me the Valkyria Chronicles and Demons Souls is better than any other title in the box.


Nice list but really only that many 80+ exclusives for 360? I doubt it.

360's highest exclusive is 94 with Halo 3.

PS3's got MGS4 at 94. It also has LBP at 95 and Uncharted 2 at 96 :).
