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Forums - General Discussion - Is HD DVD Really Dead?

I think it might stay alive for a while but it will always be second fiddle and it will die way before Blu-Ray.

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It is trying to survive but it is on life support.

Hopefully it's over...70% of the studio support is blu-ray exclusive now. Meaning that not very many movies will be available on HD-DVD. That will make it hard to rebound.

Haven't combo decks been out for awhile? LG was making one that played both Blu-ray and HD-DVD. They're pretty salty though $1000+

And I don't know why everyone seems to think that blu-rays cost over $30.00? Suggested retail, yes, but most are only $20 if you keep your eyes open on Amazon. And for those saying that people only use their ps3's for movies or for games--I use if for both--I own 19 ps3 games & 64 blu-ray movies--so I evidently use mine for gaming and movies.

Well, I now only have access to a PS3 & 360...Plan on buying a wii soon (lol, if I can ever find one available!) but will probably wait until some of the major RPG's come out like Dragon Quest & Tales, etc.

Anyhow, I'm so far behind in games to play that I'm not in a huge hurry (lol, haven't even gotten a chance to finish God of War II yet!) 

HD DVD should still be alive, I think Warner jumped the gun on it though, there are about 10 times as many Blu-Ray players out there as HD DVD players (including PS3s) and yet Blu-Ray on average only outsells HD DVD 2:1 or less (at least in America as far as I'm aware).

PC Gamer

i hope its dead i have yet to purchase 1 blu ray or hd dvd movie it would really help me decide...



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In the end it's all about $$$. Paramount won't stay with HD DVD to long if there is a very large number of Blu-Ray-only players out there.

Dead as HD movie format, hopefully it can still survive on the PC storage market

@Icka - Blu-ray players outsold HD-DVD players this year even with the 100USD HD-DVD. Warner even stated that the huge price difference(and it being all round cheap) didn't even help HD-DVD's sales like it should have. They also stated that Blu-rays sales had a bigger gap in other countries than it did in america.

It is not dead yet, though losing Warner was a huge blow, one from which they may not recover.

madskillz said:
Jandre02 said:
reports keep coming in that both paramount and universal are leaving. i hope its true. this format war has put a black cloud over hd in general

Source, please. I hope HD DVD hangs on and rebounds. Why? I am not thrilled with paying over $30 for movies that are slightly better than DVDs. I am not thrilled with having to settle for a format that is still trying to implement features that have been available on the HD DVD format since launch.

I just don't like half-baked stuff. 

Slightly better? I've heard 6x better. No source but its on all the Blu Ray commercials. Although i do agree 30 bucks is too much, I only buy the absolute best movies for that price. If it was like $20 I'd buy a ton more