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darkknightkryta said:
xKakashi209x said:
darkknightkryta said:
xKakashi209x said:
darkknightkryta said:
Soriku said:
xKakashi209x said:
Does anyone believe Bones will remake Soul Eater just like FMA?

Please please please please please.

Theiy'd have to finish the manga first no?

Thats what I'm thinking because they dont want to run into the problem again where they pass the manga lol. It's going to be awhile though.

A long while, it's a monthly manga and they're only at 90 plus issues.  I'm actually surpisded they made 50 episodes back then.

At 100 Currently. Yeah I know what you mean. Half way into the anime it was still accurate to the manga until around episode 30 or so. I hope the manga doesn't take couple of years to finish lol.

That's anyone's guess.  I'm not too familiar with Soul Eater's story.  I mean, I watched a few episodes, I know the base of the story, most of the characters, but when I tried to continue reading from this current story arc I couldn't do it.  Something about it, It's too boring to me.  I actually liked the way Soul Eater Not started, but even that got a bit boring.  So it depends what they want to do, for instance, Bleach, Naruto, History Strongest Disciple Kenichi, are all ending soon.  I can't say where Soul Eater is currently at with its manga arc.

Kenichi I don't think it will end soon... I think that wil "start to end" the next year like Naruto two years ago.. 3 more years ahead have that manga...


Naruto, I think must end next year.. I hope it don't get extend and dragged like bleach...

And Bleach with all those double pages and half pages that the mangaka gives us every week... i Think will last more than those two... normally a shounen-manga-based anime needs 3 chapters of manga to make a animated episoded... Bleach needs 5 or 6... that's the reason were so much fillers and why it ended the anime unfinished like happenned to Rurouni Kenshin on 90's... :( I like Tite Kubo's Artwork, but he Just waste to much space... with blank backgrounds and those double pages...-___- that are so common that aren't impressive anymore...


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DemoniOtaku said:

Kenichi I don't think it will end soon... I think that wil "start to end" the next year like Naruto two years ago.. 3 more years ahead have that manga...


Naruto, I think must end next year.. I hope it don't get extend and dragged like bleach...

And Bleach with all those double pages and half pages that the mangaka gives us every week... i Think will last more than those two... normally a shounen-manga-based anime needs 3 chapters of manga to make a animated episoded... Bleach needs 5 or 6... that's the reason were so much fillers and why it ended the anime unfinished like happenned to Rurouni Kenshin on 90's... :( I like Tite Kubo's Artwork, but he Just waste to much space... with blank backgrounds and those double pages...-___- that are so common that aren't impressive anymore...

Yes you're right, especially about Bleach.  But what I was trying to get at is that I don't know where Soul Eater is with their arc.  All those 3 started their last story.  But yeah I'm actually a bit sad.  Naruto and Bleach were so amazing in their primes.  Then they became wasted pages just because they needed to make an issue.  That said, I should probably start One Piece, which doesn't have that problem apparently.

darkknightkryta said:
DemoniOtaku said:

Kenichi I don't think it will end soon... I think that wil "start to end" the next year like Naruto two years ago.. 3 more years ahead have that manga...


Naruto, I think must end next year.. I hope it don't get extend and dragged like bleach...

And Bleach with all those double pages and half pages that the mangaka gives us every week... i Think will last more than those two... normally a shounen-manga-based anime needs 3 chapters of manga to make a animated episoded... Bleach needs 5 or 6... that's the reason were so much fillers and why it ended the anime unfinished like happenned to Rurouni Kenshin on 90's... :( I like Tite Kubo's Artwork, but he Just waste to much space... with blank backgrounds and those double pages...-___- that are so common that aren't impressive anymore...

Yes you're right, especially about Bleach.  But what I was trying to get at is that I don't know where Soul Eater is with their arc.  All those 3 started their last story.  But yeah I'm actually a bit sad.  Naruto and Bleach were so amazing in their primes.  Then they became wasted pages just because they needed to make an issue.  That said, I should probably start One Piece, which doesn't have that problem apparently.

The ANime and Manga of One Piece are Higlly recomendable!.. But be patient! It start kinda slow... like bleach at first 15 episodes.. but in this are like 20-30 depending on the person that's watching...


About Soul Eater... that manga is in it's final arc too (unless they reveal something more, like a new final boss).. but is gonna take it's time.. because that manga is Monthly or bimonthly (i'm not sure, I read every 2 or 3 episodes, I follow too much mangas XD) probably will take two years more.. stablished mangas usally end slowlly... may be to give a proper ending or just to see if they can hook the people again... that's why FMA was ONE of the greatest ENDINGS EVER! it ended when it have to end and not when editors decided to  because losing popularity...


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DemoniOtaku said:

The ANime and Manga of One Piece are Higlly recomendable!.. But be patient! It start kinda slow... like bleach at first 15 episodes.. but in this are like 20-30 depending on the person that's watching...


About Soul Eater... that manga is in it's final arc too (unless they reveal something more, like a new final boss).. but is gonna take it's time.. because that manga is Monthly or bimonthly (i'm not sure, I read every 2 or 3 episodes, I follow too much mangas XD) probably will take two years more.. stablished mangas usally end slowlly... may be to give a proper ending or just to see if they can hook the people again... that's why FMA was ONE of the greatest ENDINGS EVER! it ended when it have to end and not when editors decided to  because losing popularity...

I actually liked Bleach's first story arcs.  LIke my favourite reading was before Rukia got kidnapped and the way stories were only a few chapters.  They really needed to do that kind of fillers before they went to Hueco Mondo, especially some stories about the Hollow that killed Ichigo's mother.  They showed him getting healed and then did nothing of it.  And I guess Soul Eater is running its course, so a new anime will be nice.  I'm indifferent to the ending of Full Metal.  Like I'm indifferent to the alchemy wall and the god coming out of the moon, but I really liked the way everything tied up together.  The seperate fights, the back story to the Humulculus (excuse my terrible spelling), etc.  And I agree about the editors.  I think Naruto's biggest problem are the editors as the author truly doesn't care anymore about the story and is writing himself into plotholes that he's solving with bull.  Same probably happened with Bleach and Hueco Mondo.

Soriku said:
DemoniOtaku said:

Kenichi I don't think it will end soon... I think that wil "start to end" the next year like Naruto two years ago.. 3 more years ahead have that manga...


Naruto, I think must end next year.. I hope it don't get extend and dragged like bleach...

And Bleach with all those double pages and half pages that the mangaka gives us every week... i Think will last more than those two... normally a shounen-manga-based anime needs 3 chapters of manga to make a animated episoded... Bleach needs 5 or 6... that's the reason were so much fillers and why it ended the anime unfinished like happenned to Rurouni Kenshin on 90's... :( I like Tite Kubo's Artwork, but he Just waste to much space... with blank backgrounds and those double pages...-___- that are so common that aren't impressive anymore...

This is not true at all. Many animes just do 1 1/2 manga chapters into one ep. Hell One Piece is like 1 chapter per ep which means no fillers but the pacing sucks and they drag out eps with so many pauses. I'd rather they just do a filler arc, I forget about it for a while, then come back to awesomeness.

This is why I love Gintama which is a long series as well. Eps use more than one chapter and the pacing is great. It's on its second hiatus due to getting close to the manga, but it'll be back and as awesome as ever.

Well That's true...that happenwith Medaka Box that easily could do two anime epswith one chapter of  the manga XD but inconventional Battle-based-shounen-manga... usually3 chapters of manga= on chapter of anime... isa average based on what I have watched not a fact actually...

and about those "drag out eps with so many pauses" Yeah, one piece have it from time in time... but not so notorious as Naruto... that seem like a cheap Soap Drama...-___-¡


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Omg someone else in here loves gintama! Lol It's one of my favorite anime and mangas. They are just pure win.

xKakashi209x said:
Omg someone else in here loves gintama! Lol It's one of my favorite anime and mangas. They are just pure win.

Really, I couldn't stand it I stopped reading the  manga at like chapter 11


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

SnakeDrake said:
xKakashi209x said:
Omg someone else in here loves gintama! Lol It's one of my favorite anime and mangas. They are just pure win.

Really, I couldn't stand it I stopped reading the  manga at like chapter 11

I likedit... Read trought to Vol.2...I haven't found time to Download it or read it online... someday...maybe...


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

xKakashi209x said:
Does anyone believe Bones will remake Soul Eater just like FMA?

They're not comparable dude, FMA was remade because manga wasn't finished during the original run. Soul Eater ended with no alternate conclusion, it just stopped airing. They can just start making new seasons where they left off.

The greatest anime is probably Legend of the Galactic Heroes, not many people have seen it probably. I guess mainstream shonen shows are popular here.