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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Game of the Year 2011 - Elimination Game (The Witcher 2 Wins!)

+ Batman

- Skyward Sword

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Wow, almost all the good games and the ones i have checked out are gone already. Only two games left that I have played or tried out so I guess it's
+LBP 2
- Zelda SS

+Skyward Sword
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution

+Dead Space 2
-Pokemon Black/White

+ Dead Space 2
- Deus Ex: HR

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+ Dead space 2
- Zelda: SS

+ Skyward Sword
- Deus Ex

+ Dark souls
- Minecraft

I finally got the courage to start Dark souls, wow why did I waste so much time on Skyrim
Definitely the right order to play these too in, Skyrim would just feel boring after dark souls.
I'm dying 10 times an hour at least, but not minding it all.

+skyward sword
-super street fighter 4 3d edition

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

+ dead space 2

- Four swords.
