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Forums - Music Discussion - Why does most music made after ~2000 suck?


Do you believe the music industry has gone downhill during the 2000s?

Yes 79 69.91%
No 29 25.66%
Maybe 5 4.42%

There of few bands there still have good music like Dead Celebrity Status,Jedi Mind Tricks,Tech N9ne,Sick Jacken...

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

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badgenome said:
Because the world after 2000 sucks.




I think I agree...

AstroMaSSi rules

sethnintendo said: said:


Songs has a nice beat (especially the beginning).  However, those lyrics are a little interesting.  He does some crazy sounds (considering I don't know what language that is, assuming some Arabic language?)!  Still better than most pop music.  Sounds like Aladdin music.

It's Arabic yes, but the Algerian accent alters the sounds heavily , it's hard, even for me, to understand what he says, I had to look up the lyrics in Arabic. Also, I just googled for an English translation and found one, but it's not accurate, The Song is about leaving his homeland and living abroad,  I will try to edit it a little bit:

Wahrane (Oran in English, a major city in Algeria)  you went to downhill
Lots of the good people left you
They lived homesick and confused after
And this homesickness is hard and traitorous

How happy it makes me just to remember the children of el Hamri (a district of Oran)
Children of the city and Sidi el Houari (a neighborhood in Oran where Khaled was from)
I spent my youth with them
and it seems that I'll always sing for them

How beautiful is staying up the nights in my country
The flutes and drums echo

Oh those who are going to Oran
Ask them to take care of it

I'll never forget my country so long as I live
My land and the land of my ancestors
I asked my family about the people
they say They've left their religion and turned to the bottle (by the bottle He means alcohol but it's not literal)

Gambling and drinking looks fun
but they do no good to Oran
Sorry for the the empty space (???)
Her beauty was a wondrous beauty (???)

now my heart will break if I go back (probably because how the city went downhill and lost its culture) and I will cry and call out as long as I am not there (pick your poison situation)


lol, it's harder than I thought.


sethnintendo said:

I've been trying to listen to the local independent radio station more in Austin (101X). There are a few songs that I do enjoy that I assume are recent. Here is one of them and I'll try to link the others.  I enjoy the beat and I suppose the lyrics.

Wow that was a massive hit over here in Australia.

Ive noticed alot of people in here like similar stuff to me, heres some guys i listin to

The Living End (Fav song:West end riot,Loaded gun, Anything from the 90s)
Grinspoon (Fav song: More than you are, Chemical heart)
Linkin Park (well you all know)
The Offspring
Rise Against
Foo Fighters

Btw whoever mentioned Cage the Elephant  THANKS :)

Music is subjective, even then you are probably not looking hard enough like others have said, most MAINSTREAM TOP 40 pop may suck to you, but that's what 40 songs out of thousands that release a year, there have been very very good gems in pop music, in my opinion, that have made the top of the top 40 charts, or have been seen on there....

those are really good written songs, with great production imo that stand well above other songs that truely were created to make money and fit a stereotype, and proven too


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I have to agree with the OP that most music since 2000 has sucked with few exceptions - some albums by Wilco, Arcade fire, Vampire weekend, Libertines, Strokes to name a few. I find myself trying to find older bands that I never heard of to find good music.

I cant help but notice that as illegal music downloading has increased the quality of music has decreased. I would hypothesis that this is as a result of there being less money in the industry which has a knock on effect that record companies are taking less risks and so indie and rock bands are not being signed or are being dropped quicker. Here is an article outlining that fact that there is less guitar music in the last few years.

Hopefully it will change - what are teenagers listening to these days? I spent my teens listening to the Pixies, Nirvana, Greenday, The smashing Pumpkins to name a few, are teenagers these days being brought up on Rihanna, Black eyed peas (ugggggghh, :( ) and X-factor winners these days? Do teenagers play the guitar anymore? Surely theres someone out there with some talent that cant write a few decent rock songs that would clean up with current teens.

If you look back over the last 6 decades there have been clear music styles every few years - 60s pop, 70s rock, pop, glam rock, punk etc, 80s indie, pop, rock, 90's grunge, rock, brit pop, 00's ..... some indie, post punk 10's.... nothing so far. What exciting new genres has there been for the last 15 years? 

I think music is in a terrible state and i believe its strongly to do with illegal downloading.

This is not an exit.

The same reason that everything from television and film to boxing have declined, money. Once something becomes lucritive and mainstream, it no longer requires any skill or talent to make a fortune. Soon enough everybody is pandering to the lowest common denominator to make easy money. Money replaces art with business.

more like 2002. music just went downhill from there.

sethnintendo said:

greenmedic88 said:

1)And often, what was most popular in its time becomes disposable within ten years, only to resurface in Biggest Hits Of the XXs collections or in "Where Are They Now?" segments, but I think most can agree that top 40 music is hardly the best gauge by which to judge the music of any given time period.

2)Probably the easiest way to find new music, new bands/musicians that appeal to one's individual sensibilities is by finding those whose musical influences are similar to or match one's own. More often than not, it will appeal to the listener.


I liked your post but I will just shorten it to these two paragraphs that I want to respond to.

1) I believe that the top 40 during the 50s, 60s, and 70s were a pretty good gauge of the talent during those years, but that is probably because I enjoy rock the most.

2) Probably the best suggestion in the thread (although I hope someone else has stated this, can't remember).  I believe it was during my time on Myspace (no longer have any social media account) that bands were adding me based on profile searches that they did of their influences.  That was probably one of the best aspects of Myspace that small bands actually tried to recruit people that enjoyed their musical influences.

In the 40s through the 70s, about the only music that still exists in recorded format due to the cost of music production, would be music that was played on the radio (barring folk music or anything passed along similar to oral tradition). So the only music generally available from those time periods would be what would now be marketed as top 40 radio. That said, I'm sure there are still countless "lost" acts that never found any level of commercial success/fame well worth listening to that may have still made it onto vinyl or 4 track tape. 

Totally debatable, but I'd say that it was maybe in the 60s that what could be called "disposable music" started clouding up the airways. Of course this is not to say that there wasn't plenty of good music out there as well, it's just that the market was expanding, changing the standards by what music could be aired. Still; plenty of genuinely forgettable music that has for all intents and purposes, been completely forgotten. And so all we remember today from those classic eras are the acts and music that endured into the present. 

I would say that within the last 10 or so years it became viable for virtually anyone to record their own music in levels approaching studio quality with common, inexpensive, consumer level off the shelf computers/components and software. The abilility to post that music in an open forum (Youtube, etc.) or music upload site or social site (MySpace) has made it easier than ever to get that music out to audiences without touring support.

Before MySpace became a social site for people to post photos of themselves and friend random people on the internet, I believe the original intent of the site was for unsigned, unknown musical acts to post their music on an open forum and promote themselves. The tipping point for MySpace seemed to be sometime shortly after it just became little more than a dumping site for individuals (not musicians) to post as many self-promotional pictures of themselves and "friend" as many random people as possible.

And much like the social networking aspect of MySpace, the big problem with making it easier than ever to produce, distribute and promote music means that more mediocre/disposable/crap music than ever is now available for your listening (dis)pleasure. Like all things internet, it simply takes more effort to sort through all the dirt to find the gems. This is not to say that those gems do not still exist, nor that they are not still being made. 

Also, as a music finding resource, Pandora does a pretty good job of finding good suggestions based upon individual user input. Enter even one band and it will create an entire streaming channel filled with musical suggestions that should appeal to the user. The more bands input, the better the suggestions. Maybe not the best for finding new acts, but will definitely expose you to acts you may not have been previously familiar with that share enough in common with your musical tastes.