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I have to agree with the OP that most music since 2000 has sucked with few exceptions - some albums by Wilco, Arcade fire, Vampire weekend, Libertines, Strokes to name a few. I find myself trying to find older bands that I never heard of to find good music.

I cant help but notice that as illegal music downloading has increased the quality of music has decreased. I would hypothesis that this is as a result of there being less money in the industry which has a knock on effect that record companies are taking less risks and so indie and rock bands are not being signed or are being dropped quicker. Here is an article outlining that fact that there is less guitar music in the last few years.

Hopefully it will change - what are teenagers listening to these days? I spent my teens listening to the Pixies, Nirvana, Greenday, The smashing Pumpkins to name a few, are teenagers these days being brought up on Rihanna, Black eyed peas (ugggggghh, :( ) and X-factor winners these days? Do teenagers play the guitar anymore? Surely theres someone out there with some talent that cant write a few decent rock songs that would clean up with current teens.

If you look back over the last 6 decades there have been clear music styles every few years - 60s pop, 70s rock, pop, glam rock, punk etc, 80s indie, pop, rock, 90's grunge, rock, brit pop, 00's ..... some indie, post punk 10's.... nothing so far. What exciting new genres has there been for the last 15 years? 

I think music is in a terrible state and i believe its strongly to do with illegal downloading.

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