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Forums - General Discussion - What kind of Tea Do You Take?

Bladeneo said:
twesterm said:

Since we have a cola thread, why not have a tea thread? So what kind of tea do you tea drinkers like?

I have a pretty awesome whole leaf tea shop a few minutes from my work so I can always get a bunch of fun flavors or mix my own when I feel like it. This is what I currently have in my office:

Sour Apple Fruit Tea - Apples, caramel, citric acid (currently drinking this one now and it's pretty tasy)
Jasmine Dragon Pearl Green Tea - Green tea wrapped in jasmine *awesome*
Vanilla Green Tea - Indian green tea, vanilla (haven't tried this one yet)
Provence Rooibos - Rooibos, rosechip, black currants, rose leaves, lavender, raisins, red currants, rose petals, blueberries (so much flavor in this one but it's so easy to get too much)
Sour Cherry Fruit Tea - Papaya, pineapple, mango, acerola
Apple Spice Black Tea - Black tea, apple
Early Grey Black Tea - This one is shit by itself but awesome with honey
Island Fruit Punch Fruit Tea - Hibiscus, Raisins, Rosechips, Apple, Pineapple

I have a little french press pot in my office that can fit about 3 cups of tea and stays warm enough just long enough to last those three cups. People look at my a little funny when I'm walking through the halls with my teapot (and real funny with the fruit teas that turn blood red) but whatever. I'm at least being healthier than drinking cokes all day.

How dare you insult Earl Grey! I generally take that, normal tea or chinese green tea. Unfortunately my college only has tea from vending machines, which Im not going to touch ever again as long as I live.

Earl Grey smells really good but tasting it by itself I just didn't like.  I had to add the honey to be able to bear it, dunno why. 

Around the Network

Plain green tea is my favorite. Lately I drank jasmine tea (not mixed with green tea) and it's pretty good!

I would probably like that jasmine/green tea mix you mention...

Sage tea.Good for my throat.

Quality for Life

Green tea with sushi, Earl Grey with diggy biscuits.

None, I drink coffee like real men. Hooah.

Around the Network

I prefer tea bags, usually after heavy drinking....

Earl Grey...
English Breakfast...

Green, either straight or laced with flowers. Why are boiled flowers so tasty and refreshing?

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Iced. With no sugar.

Has it really come to this? Oh well. I live in Georgia, so pretty much any random old lady is an expert at making sweet tea. I don't ask questions about what kind it is. I just drink it.