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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FFXIII-2 German Pre Order bonuses.. .... i like! (Pics Inside)

Hey dood's.

The German Retailer Saturn offer's a Pre Order Box for 5€, which grants you a Copy of FFXIII-2 at launch day (its basically a pre order.. obvious), and its filled with NICE Stuff! (IMO)

and even if i dont want to get the game off them, i can keep what i bought for that 5€ that i had to pay for the Pre Order, with which i got that nice box.

Picture's are in the Link, last Post. (made by  User 'Crystalchild'. yeah, i like to keep the same name on different boards. )

In short:

- Costumes for Serah and Noel

- Omega as Enemy and Afterwards Recruitable Partymember (Oo)

- 25~ Page booklet with Chapter1  of the Story between XIII and XIII-2

-Nice Steelbox

- Collectable Cards



i think - while i keep my Pre Order on Amazon the one i'll eventually get - i can't complain to get the shown Stuff for 5€. o:

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

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OTHER Pic's (Not the one posted in the Link!)

Steelbook with papertape around it

Steelbook Inside

Steelbook Outside

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

Crystalchild said:


- Omega as Enemy and Afterwards Recruitable Partymember (Oo)


the one and only OMEGA WEAPON!?!

Only Germany? Because their are also saturns in France/Austria/Italy/poland/spain/turkey/hungary/The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxemburg and Switzerland (would always be nice if someone interested in the game and living in one of those countries checking this out)..


Lostplanet22 said:
Only Germany? Because their are also saturns in France/Austria/Italy/poland/spain/turkey/hungary/The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxemburg and Switzerland (would always be nice if someone interested in the game and living in one of those countries checking this out)..

I dont know, check it out, i hope its available in those countries too!


@Pullus: It only Says 'Omega, the Classic Enemy of Final Fantasy'. i guess not.. but i hope... just think about the lolz!


PS: Made a Video, tho its only in german xP (Pushes his view's)

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

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Just finished reading the C1 Booklet, and if i got everything right, the trailer of XIII-2 can be easilly connected to XIII's ending now.. the booklet reads less than a day of time in the story (more like just one or two hours) but .. yeah, i am certainly interrested in XIII-2s storyline now. ^_^



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- Sazh and his Boy aid the military temporarily to help out with the Citizens in need for a Ride.

- Hope meets his Father, he might go to School next, but second is just a guess, or rather a suggestion made by the folks.

- Fang and Vanille just talk about what might happen next

- Serah and Snow just.. stand there, and they just talk about what will happen, and what has happened so far.. until Serah does notice that Lightning is missing..

- Lightning is just running somewhere, she doesnt know what she'll see at her destination, but she feels that this is what she has to do. (Beeing called by Ethro or how the goddess was called, huh? ;P)

Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END Spoiler END

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!