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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii U vs PS4 vs Xbox One FULL SPECS (January 24, 2014)

JEMC said:
DieAppleDie said:
So that puts WiiU in a better position for multiplats ri?ght

I'm affraid that not really.

Even if the Xbox One end up with "only" 900 GFlops, that's still at least twice what the WiiU has, and then there's the matter of the RAM. WiiU only has 1 GB for games while the others have a lot more.

This news about the Xbone only mean (if true) that the multiplats between Xbone, PS4 and PC will be like low, med and high detail. WiiU would be super low.

(But it's only my opinion)

...and I'd take your opinion and toss it out the window with vengence. ;)


PC - ultra high (highest possible settings)
PS4 - High
XBOne - Med-High
WiiU - Low.

Scaling is key and WiiU will not have a technical reason to be ignored by 3rd parties. The software tech and architecture is there. Just less horse power.

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JEMC said:

But how much can a game be scaled down without being a disaster? Dead Rising was scaled down on Wii, and it was nothing like the original game.

It's true that WiiU's power is still unknown, and it could be more powerful than we think. But the lower than expected power of the Xbox i still a rumor, which if it's not true will leave things like they were before.

Some have said to wait until this Christmas to make judgements given that there will be a few games that will be launched for current and next-gen consoles. Using those games like Assassin's Creed, Watchdogs or CoD we will have something to compare (although I think they will use their old engines for the current gen and WiiU games and their newer, better engines for the other consoles).

You can't use Wii to PS360 as a comparison.

Wii was almost 20x less powerful (wiiu is at max 6x to PS4) and Wii had no where near the same architecture as well as didn't support any of the modern shaders/other software tech.

WiiU has same architecture as well as same software tech.

@superchunk: I know it's not this time it's not the same situation as last gen, but there's still an important difference between WiiU and the other consoles.

And to save that difference there's one thing that devs and publishers will have to do: care about it. How many are going to think at this problem and say "bah, it's not worth the effort"?

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:

I know about the disadvantages Wii had compared to the other consoles, but the point is still the same. When a game is based on the number of enemies like Dead Rising, you can't scale it down to a point there are few enemies. And the same will be true for open world games.

I'm not sure RAM will be too much of a problem with textures, as they can be streamed from the disc on the fly, without the need to have them storaged on the RAM (although they will be of a smaller size/quality than the textures for the other consoles).

The thing is, with the figures we had until now, there were developers talking about the PS4 version of their games being at 1080p@60fps while the Xbox One version being 720p@60fps. If those are their targets, what will they do with WiiU? 640p@30fps?  

I wouldn't mind that, it's perfectly fine for me. But given how later in the gen devs will need more power to "fulfill their vision" (ie. to make the games pretier, not better), how will the WiiU be able to cope with that?

That's a flawed argument you've put together, Chunk has already addressed some of it so I'll address the rest, you're basing your entire argument on the U being massively underpowered which isn't the case even under the speculated numbers, the console is easily with in range of multiplatforms and now with an architecture to help ease development. It's all well harping on about later on in the gen except the Wii U as well will be advancing as time goes on, a lot of people use this argument as if the U won't progress any further from what it is now.

Developers don't need more power for their visions they just want more power to be extra lazy that's what it comes down to otherwise they'd all be developing exclusively for PCs. Again Wii is a different scenario, the console was around 20x behind in power and didn't use the same technical approach in rendering and so on, Dead Rising was ported to RE4's engine and released on Wii rather then be made from the ground up like COD:MW.

JEMC said:

@superchunk: I know it's not this time it's not the same situation as last gen, but there's still an important difference between WiiU and the other consoles.

And to save that difference there's one thing that devs and publishers will have to do: care about it. How many are going to think at this problem and say "bah, it's not worth the effort"?

That's just it. What effort? Modern engines are scaleable by default. Last gen, they were forced to use completely seperate teams for Wii vs PS360. They won't need that this round. Look at Ubisoft's quotes regarding Watch_Dogs. They are first building the PC/NextGen (including WiiU) game and a separate team is building PS360 and starting later.

Its clear WiiU's architecture and features are not an issue the engines being used are scaling for the devs without much effort on them.

And you can't take EAs comments at face value. They obviously have ulterior motives. However, they are also the only one being negative and tossing around info regarding an engine not working on WiiU.

But they don't need to as that's why Nintendo is giving Unity out for free with dev kits as well as tons of other SDK free help.

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Well, I wouldn't mind being proven wrong ^.^

But as I said, I'd hold future debates until X-mas.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

RolStoppable said:
superchunk said:

You can't use Wii to PS360 as a comparison.

Sure you can.

Developers didn't want to develop for the Wii, but they wanted to make PS3/360 games. The same thing will apply to the Wii U and the PS4/X1. Nothing has changed since last generation.

It's baffling that so many people still discuss multiplatform matters as if it is a matter of specs.

Which is why I always say it won't have anything to do with technology. They may still ignore Nintendo or course.

superchunk said:
ninjablade said:
the gpu on the wiiu most likely has only 160 shaders.

I'm actually quoting you to ask where you got that GFlops number for WiiU. Last time I was reading the GAF thread nearly everyone was saying it is the value I have in my OP. 

you should go read the neogaf gpu thread, it still up for debate, fourthstorm the guy that got the gpu die pic thinks its a 160 shaders gpu, along with othere tech heads, so its still highly debatable, beyond3d is mostly leaning on a 160 shader gpu.

im sorry JEMC but if this numbers are true that puts PS4>>XBOX1>>>WiiU

basically PS4 x2 XBOX1 x2.5 WiiU

way less difference than last gen

DieAppleDie said:
im sorry JEMC but if this numbers are true that puts PS4>>XBOX1>>>WiiU

basically PS4 x2 XBOX1 x2.5 WiiU

way less difference than last gen

As I said, we'll have the chance to see the difference this Christmas.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.