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Packet said:
This is so pathetic.

Grow up ioi, this is why your site is banned or considered a joke on every gaming forum on the Net.

While I don't agree with telling ioi to "Grow up", this actually seems to be the case. Especially on places like Wikipedia (even though its known for spewing mis-information so I'm not sure why they would care about being slightly off on console sales..). It seems almost like no one will take VGchartz as a credible source. I personally think the site is pretty reliable, but you may have to wait a couple months to get solid numbers for the month you are referencing, i.e. there might still be adjustments for December in Feb.

As in go buy us some coffee.

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LastManStanding said:
FJ-Warez said:
LastManStanding said:
ioi said:
Diomedes, tell me where we have any evidence that PS3 has sold 500k in France and I will change our data.


Don't feel I have to defend Diomedes but here are some links

The PS3 has overtaken the Xbox 360 in sales according to a recent survey conducted in France

No sources for the PS3

Here's a translation of the last link

Study conducted by telephone from 20 to 21 November 2007 among a national sample of 1,000

people representative of the entire population aged 15 and over,

also asked about other players the home. Targets are interviewed households players ,

ie individuals who say they or other members of their household are playing on console

on the market, portable and / or comp ateur, mobile phone / PDA.


¿Is a survey a reliable source?

A translation of part of the second link:

...This is less than the Playstation 2, higher than 5.5 million units sold (about 500000 PS3). For its part, Microsoft claims to have sold a total of 500000 Xbox 360 since its release in late 2005. As for the installed base of first-generation Xbox, it is 750000 consoles, according to Microsoft France.

Well for the Xbox data the source is microsotf himself. The ps3 they dont say.


¿Is a survey a reliable source?

As reliable as projections from collected data from 2% retailers, or what ever is with Europe. Thats what VG Chartz makes.



 No, no it really isn't.  Not if you know anything about statistics or the difference between survey statsitics and projection statstics. 

Diomedes1976 said:
My philosophy is very simple :

First ,the only data we have for real about "Others " is the French one with 500K for both machines as LTD number so effectively PS3 undertracked adn 360 overtracked there.I understand Ioi doesnt want to use it as we have received it as leaked and through other sites ,but I kinda trust that info.It coincides with what the MS representative told in "les Echos".

Second ,NPD data for october and december was way less for the 360 and regarding the PS3 it was about the same for october (slighty less ) and definitely more for the PS3 as the combined USA+Canada weighed 517K units so some 75K more than tracked here.We dont have a clue yet for NPD data for december so I wont make my mind until I see those and take as good the sites ones for now.

We also have some German info issued from GFk too ,the Spanish 400K number BEFORE the holiday session.Well ,not too much but enough to have some impressions .

I am not speaking the Wii right now .I am under the impression it was being undertracked in my own country as the PS3 is maybe outselling it but not definitely in the more than 2-1 ratio we have been seeing .The Wii isnt sold out everywhere here but has sold very well the christmas ,the PS3 is moving very fast too but the only way it could be doing more than 2 to 1 would be if the Wii definitely had shipments issues.

So in the two sets what I do see is the PS3 slighty undertracked and the 360 overtracked .The Wii I dont know so not speaking .Seeing the PS3 numbers adjusted to the low end and the 360 untouched just seems wrong .I am not saying it cant be ,just that for the few leaked data we have it doesnt sound like it..just the opposite in fact .Maybe its true and the PS3 is overtracked ,but then the 360 is overtracked in an ever greater magnitude.

Other data is the shipments number from MS .If they have shipped 17.7 million (and that includes replacements and everything ) and seeing as last year they claimed 10.4 when they werent even in the 8 million I think definitely the 15 million sold is a way better bet than 16 with something.

I am just saying what I think about this and dont think its so unreasonable.Its not as if I was making numbers myself.

Sorry my portuguese friend, but you are wrong. The PS3 isn't undertracked, it was overtracked.


Diomedes1976 said:
My philosophy is very simple :

First ,the only data we have for real about "Others " is the French one with 500K for both machines as LTD number so effectively PS3 undertracked adn 360 overtracked there 

¿And the source is?

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

Eh, what the heck. I'll explain the difference for you.

For example, say there are 100 stores in france... and i have 2 stores. (Smaller numbers for benefit of ease, feel free to add zeros if you'd like.)

If I was completeling a survey i'd survey those 2 stores and say they sold 3 Wiis, 2 PS3s and 1 Xbox.

I'd assume that my survey was accurate and other people would take it to mean that there were 150 wii's sold, 100 PS3's and 50 Xbox 360s.

While projection statistics work like this.

I'd survey at first, find the exact same numbers as the survey above, but when I got other more reliable numbers like from chart track, or sold to retail numbers from the big three. I'd find that infact the Wii sold 300, the PS3 sold 100 and the 360 sold 100.

After a few weeks i can be sure that these stats keep going. These same stores seem to account for less coverage of the Wii and 360 then the PS3 by about double.

Therefore when I got the data i would multiply the Wii and 360 by two. (Not this is EXTREMELY simplfied as the actual projection formula you would run it through usually ends up way more complicated as different stores have different coverage and cover different bases and the like.)

Projection statistics get better each with as the formula changes. While surveys just except a direct 1 to 1 and unless the confidence interval is close (i think that's what it's called.) there is a good chance they can be way off.

As such, a lot of the time your formula is way more important than the number of stores you have coverage for. Also the kinds of stores. For examle, 1 Wal-mart store in the US would be way more valuable then say, 20 stores of a small chain of 20 all stationed in NY.  That 1,000 callers likely all came from the same area of France for example.

The problem with payed sources is that often times they will keep an inferior formula on the off chance the way they change their complicated formula would cause giant errors... sometimes to offset this they'll have two or three groups of stats guys using different formulas on the same data to see if the new formulas will be more effective.

Around the Network
Slimebeast said:
Diomedes1976 said:
My philosophy is very simple :

First ,the only data we have for real about "Others " is the French one with 500K for both machines as LTD number so effectively PS3 undertracked adn 360 overtracked there.I understand Ioi doesnt want to use it as we have received it as leaked and through other sites ,but I kinda trust that info.It coincides with what the MS representative told in "les Echos".

Second ,NPD data for october and december was way less for the 360 and regarding the PS3 it was about the same for october (slighty less ) and definitely more for the PS3 as the combined USA+Canada weighed 517K units so some 75K more than tracked here.We dont have a clue yet for NPD data for december so I wont make my mind until I see those and take as good the sites ones for now.

We also have some German info issued from GFk too ,the Spanish 400K number BEFORE the holiday session.Well ,not too much but enough to have some impressions .

I am not speaking the Wii right now .I am under the impression it was being undertracked in my own country as the PS3 is maybe outselling it but not definitely in the more than 2-1 ratio we have been seeing .The Wii isnt sold out everywhere here but has sold very well the christmas ,the PS3 is moving very fast too but the only way it could be doing more than 2 to 1 would be if the Wii definitely had shipments issues.

So in the two sets what I do see is the PS3 slighty undertracked and the 360 overtracked .The Wii I dont know so not speaking .Seeing the PS3 numbers adjusted to the low end and the 360 untouched just seems wrong .I am not saying it cant be ,just that for the few leaked data we have it doesnt sound like it..just the opposite in fact .Maybe its true and the PS3 is overtracked ,but then the 360 is overtracked in an ever greater magnitude.

Other data is the shipments number from MS .If they have shipped 17.7 million (and that includes replacements and everything ) and seeing as last year they claimed 10.4 when they werent even in the 8 million I think definitely the 15 million sold is a way better bet than 16 with something.

I am just saying what I think about this and dont think its so unreasonable.Its not as if I was making numbers myself.

Sorry my portuguese friend, but you are wrong. The PS3 isn't undertracked, it was overtracked.


hes spanish =P

at some times i would love to have some ignore user button. It would make things alot easier 

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Poor Ioi. He's Harassed when the numbers are a few minutes later than usual. Then shouted at when he rushes to put out the numbers and makes some errors due to data anomalies. We recognise the hard work that Ioi puts into the site as well as keeping a full time job.
Maybe move all updates a day later to allow for all the data to come in and be tinkered with properly?

Maybe the people who are complaining can join other tracking websites. A rival website currently has the PS3 & Wii 1.5million & 2.6million lower than VGChartz.

I just want to say, ioi, I love everything you do for this site, and all your hard work. Once I stumbled upon this place, I kind of just roamed the forums for a while, until I finally started to sign up. It's great having a number of different views, plenty of different topics of discussion, and just a wealth of knowledge and information from the majority of members, who appears to be some of the smartest on video game forums, compared to the others I have been.

There are always fanboys everywhere you go, same here, but at least for the most part (excluding jhlennon, who has always goes against the grain, often times without any hard evidence or facts, mainly just pro-sony babble, but i digress) they all dish out their arguments in good fashion, and are up for some good, quality discussion, using more than just their extreme bias as their arguments.

This place is truly a joy to come to everyday, and I am glad almost everyone here acts mature about 99% of the time, open to new ideas, and constructive criticism, instead of blind faith, and total disregard for the facts/truth. That's all I got...and shot out to mummelman!!!

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PS4 - Killzone:SF and Assasins Creed 4


XBox One: BF4, CoD:Ghosts, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5


Changing channels with my voice: priceless!!!


well said, I second that. Although I'm a bit immature and mostly a fanboy myself, I love how serious the forums and the discussions are here.

And hail to ioi for all the sales figures of course.

I don't know how ioi can stand it. I would have kicked countless asses in this thread by now.

Though I still wonder how diomedes gets ban immunity considering that he does more trolling beyond whining about the numbers. On a daily basis.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"