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I just want to say, ioi, I love everything you do for this site, and all your hard work. Once I stumbled upon this place, I kind of just roamed the forums for a while, until I finally started to sign up. It's great having a number of different views, plenty of different topics of discussion, and just a wealth of knowledge and information from the majority of members, who appears to be some of the smartest on video game forums, compared to the others I have been.

There are always fanboys everywhere you go, same here, but at least for the most part (excluding jhlennon, who has always goes against the grain, often times without any hard evidence or facts, mainly just pro-sony babble, but i digress) they all dish out their arguments in good fashion, and are up for some good, quality discussion, using more than just their extreme bias as their arguments.

This place is truly a joy to come to everyday, and I am glad almost everyone here acts mature about 99% of the time, open to new ideas, and constructive criticism, instead of blind faith, and total disregard for the facts/truth. That's all I got...and shot out to mummelman!!!

Currently Playing:

PS4 - Killzone:SF and Assasins Creed 4


XBox One: BF4, CoD:Ghosts, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5


Changing channels with my voice: priceless!!!