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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How did Sony manage to lose the exclusivity of the Monster Hunter portable series?

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The Monster Hunter series is a huge hardware seller in Japan for the psp. The top three best selling Monster Hunter games are psp exclusive.

I don't understand why sony didn't push to have this portable series remain exclusive to the PS Vita as it would have definitely helped to shift thousands if not millions of units!

Any ideas guys?

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Nintendo has a ton of more money than Sony. Just laying around, Nintendo has a third of Sony's net worth ($10 billion) in cash just sitting in their bank that they can spend on anything they want.

Since Sony has been losing money for the past 5 years, they do not have cash reserves, and all of their spending comes directly from shareholder money.

Short answer: Nintendo has more money to spend.

kowenicki said:

NDS: 148m

PSP: 69.9m


NDS: 32.9m

PSP 18.1m


Do more HW sales necessarily mean more SW sales?No. It's all about where the fanbase is at.

If ND brings UC3 to the Wii,does that mean that it will sell more than UC2?

I really don't think Sony has ever even paid to have MHP exclusive to PSP. It was just that DS didn't have hardware to run MH like it plays so it remained PSP exclusive. Now when 3DS has corrected that problem of course Capcom will start to push to series also to 3DS. I definitely agree that Sony should have paid to keep series on Vita as MHP was so important series to PSP but Sony has not really made the wisest business decisions this gen.

I was pretty surprised by the announcements too

I don't think Sony ever actually payed for MH exclusivity - Anybody know?

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RolStoppable said:
Nintendo did what many detractors always said they should do to make their systems more appealing. Now some of the same detractors are angry that Nintendo actually did it. It's going to be hilarious to watch, if and when Nintendo is going to make another few moves like this.

"Wahh, Nintendo should work with third parties!"
"Wahh, Nintendo got third party exclusives by working with third parties!"

It does come out rather neatly

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Well one reason is they didn't pay up, and two it was never really exclusive( MH Tri on Wii), it was just a proper franchise for the psp in Japan.


Gaming on: PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES Mini, Wii U, PC (i5-7400, GTX 1060)

That is not a surprise is the game is so good, but PSP sales are not so good.

firelink said:
Nintendo has a ton of more money than Sony. Just laying around, Nintendo has a third of Sony's net worth ($10 billion) in cash just sitting in their bank that they can spend on anything they want.

Since Sony has been losing money for the past 5 years, they do not have cash reserves, and all of their spending comes directly from shareholder money.

Short answer: Nintendo has more money to spend.

There stock investors don't seem to think so.

i think it was more of Capcoms doing then anything Sony did. yea it would have helped sell more Vitas and monster hunter may soon find its way to Vita in a yr. or so. or maybe Capcom is just working on a version that caters to the Vitas hardware/abilities?

there are many reasons, but we'll never know for sure. if Capcom knows whats good they'll release it for both portable platforms and let the money roll in.