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I was amnesiac and I couldn't scan on Night One. I would have been too powerful without that restriction.

Signature goes here!

Around the Network

who was the oracle?

me - I don't think I used the role very well though

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

radishhead said:
me - I don't think I used the role very well though

oh yeah, I forgot.

The guy Hat tried to lynch until the very end lol

radishhead said:
me - I don't think I used the role very well though

so what did you do with your role?

Around the Network

This post-game discussion is absolutely epic. It more than makes up for town's abysmal performance. I'm not talking about losing, but the manner in which every day was played.

I want to comment on a lot of stuff, but first, @Baal: and hat wasn't even informed of your action as his "ability" was passive. radish wasn't informed either because I made him ask his questions during the day.

Baalzamon said:
I'm confused. Are you saying you had no blocking role?

nope, and the dancer actually fits really well with friendly neighboor/partial watcher (only saw if people were out, not who came or where they went)


Hephaestos said:
Baalzamon said:
I'm confused. Are you saying you had no blocking role?

nope, and the dancer actually fits really well with friendly neighboor/partial watcher (only saw if people were out, not who came or where they went)

I'm curious. Why did you pick me for your first dance? You know I'm not into women.

Signature goes here!

It was an interesting little twist that Linkz put in the game, that not only were messages cryptic, but roles weren't 100% what they represented normally.

TruckOSaurus said:
Hephaestos said:
Baalzamon said:
I'm confused. Are you saying you had no blocking role?

nope, and the dancer actually fits really well with friendly neighboor/partial watcher (only saw if people were out, not who came or where they went)

I'm curious. Why did you pick me for your first dance? You know I'm not into women.

I'm guessing Heph was feeling a little curious as well.