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Sorry for the relative lack of activity- I have been reading all the posts, and making sure that I understand the situation completely so that I don't post something ridiculous.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but why hasn't anyone really questioned Hatmosa's ability to 100% confirm a player to be town when they're not a cop etc? Sounds strange to me

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@Radish: You should read a little deeper, because it is quite obvious what led him towards saying that.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

So I just had a thought go through my head.  It clicked based on Silver Tigers post in regards to Radish.  So what this made me do is go back and look at all of Radish's posts.

He has made 3 posts that were actually relevant towards the game thus far (not counting the welcome post).

Post 1:

radishhead said:
We'll have to handle this soft-claim more sensibly than we did last time - work out early on whether we're lynching them each day and then forget about it so that it doesn't compromise discussion

This was his ONLY relevant post on Day 1.

So he is trying to be very careful.  He doesn't want to seem too pushy with lynching Prof.

Post 2: 

radishhead said:
Wonktonodi said:
radishhead said:
We'll have to handle this soft-claim more sensibly than we did last time - work out early on whether we're lynching them each day and then forget about it so that it doesn't compromise discussion

So with this you just distance yourself from the discussion. You show disaproval but didn't do anything to get the discussion elsewhere. Since you were around while more of the discussion was going on.

There was no discussion - just a load of pointless mind games which I had no interest in participating in; I leave and return a few hours later and Prof is already lynched. 

Pointless mind games he didn't want to participate in, yet he specifically asked on day 1:

radishhead said:
Are we talking about halloween costumes? xD

This shows that he is interested in these mind games, not that he sees them as pointless.

Just last game, Radish played along with the "pointless" mind games as well and said his character had a nice ass.

Also, before the votes even started flying out, it was he who said we should think about what we want to do, yet he NEVER even gave his own thoughts about what we should do, instead just defending his lack of posts on day 1 by saying it was simply pointless mind games going on.

Post 3:

radishhead said:
Sorry for the relative lack of activity- I have been reading all the posts, and making sure that I understand the situation completely so that I don't post something ridiculous.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but why hasn't anyone really questioned Hatmosa's ability to 100% confirm a player to be town when they're not a cop etc? Sounds strange to me

I have to sort of laugh at this one, as the first and second paragraphs are rather hippocritical.  So he's been trying to read further into posts so he understands things better, yet doesn't get why Hatmoza all of a sudden said I'm 100% town, when it seems so obvious.  The fact that it is hippocritical isn't even the issue, though.  He is saying he wants to understand the situation completely so he doesn't make any stupid posts.

This doesn't mean he shouldn't make any posts.  And maybe I'm being suspicious about nothing, but why did Radish start doing this in this specific game.  Why is he so worried about making a mistake in this particular game, when (no offense to you radish, just trying to get a point across) in past games, he has taken very little heed to making mistakes in his posts.

I think you are so worried about making mistakes and being overly cautious because you want to fly under the radar and not appear scummy.

HoS: Radish

Why the sudden change in the way you play this game Radish, and why does it seem like you are trying to fly underneath everybody's radar?

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

I'm sorry Heph, I just realized that my reply to your post about Halloween costumes was likely the reason you were night killed. When I replied "I didn't ask you!!", implying I wasn't suspicious of you. Mafia might have picked that up and sensed you might have had an important role. My burden is heavy.

Which brings me back to an angle I forgot I was working at, which baalz kindly demonstrated just now. That is Radish giving off scum vibes. Which is odd because he always plays in a way that makes me want to strangle him and not care for his participation.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

The town cannot afford to sob over my death. Doctor or body guard, be sure to protect me or baalz tonight. The town needs both of us.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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hi guys i just wanted yall to know i'm watching to get an outside feel so i can join next time.

Baalzamon said:
@Radish: You should read a little deeper, because it is quite obvious what led him towards saying that.

The situation does make it more likely that you could be town pending a flip of a hat.

If hat turns up scum it won't look too good for you in the sense that you could just both be scum trying to act like cleared townies. If he flips town though you would pretty much be cleared to me.

So I agree with radish that it should at least in part be questioned.

hatmoza said:
The town cannot afford to sob over my death. Doctor or body guard, be sure to protect me or baalz tonight. The town needs both of us.

From what was said before I was under an impression that baal might be a friendly neighbor who messaged you, and thus could be trusted pending an investigation or flip of you.

This now feels like you are trying to use that to keep youself safe as well and feels like you are eith both scum trying to hide out, or you are siblings. Either way can be trouble for the town.

If you are scum you can try and hide behing siblings  (horrible soft claim day one by the way) or you actually are siblings and now everyone else in the town will be a safe target.

Although I don't think either of you should be lynched today. You better hope someone has some good info today or tomorrow.

FOS Baal and HOS Hat for the claims without giving roles or other info, for the asking for the doc, and for the sudden agreement on radish

uggg I want to gouge my eyeballs out with an icecream scooper after reading that post. So many holes in your conclusion. Basic logic absolutely absent.

I cringe at the thought of a pro-town player posting that, which is why wonk just replaced tos on my suspect list.

baalz, don't give any unnecessary details, We're being felt out right now, which is why the game has come to a gradual stop.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Wonktonodi said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Silver-Tiger said:

I find this post rather interesting.

Not only did you jump on the bandwagon pretty fast, but you also lynched him without hesitation. Your reasoning is lousy at best and just repeats point other players already did.

We still had more than 24 hours to go, so there was no reason to rush things, and prof is a very active player. Normally we let people defend themselves or at least say their last words when their're at L-1. You let him no chance, because you know that prof is a very experienced player, that he's a very dangerous player.

Vote: Vetteman94

You're missing a key fact here, prof was at 4 votes when Vetteman94 voted and nobody knew he was a hated townie (requires one less vote to lynch) so Vetteman didn't know he was hammering prof.

Or maybe you do know that and you're just trying to cast suspicion on him intentionally.

HoS: Silver-Tiger

St was off in the sence that vette wouldn't have know he was going to be lynched. Although Hepg had asked not too long before (I miss the old time stamps :(  that he might have put prof at L1 in adition to the way vette worded the post which you convieniently left out.

Vette wanted him dead.

I posted after the votals had come out and showed that prof was at L-2.  How I worded the post as how I felt about the situation.  In the very previous game the same style gambit was played by another person,  and all it did was hurt the town and was the focus of discussion for almost 2 full days.   Ending it quickly was the only way to put the town in the best situation.