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Forums - General Discussion - Reuters: Warner to back Blu-ray exclusively

Yep looks like blu-ray will win after all, I guess sony is going to make Billions of blu-ray.


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

Around the Network

Well it still may not finish, but, it is a huge step in that direction. Now Bluray will have like 70% of the movie market exclusive. Kinda huge. Unless something major changes, I see a Bluray finish by end of year probably.

krik said:
Yojimbo said:
How big is this really, was not Warner blu-ray exclusive before?

Warner is neutralbut they had this thing of releasing some Blu-ray earlier... not sure why

 Warner used to  released HD-DVD versions earlier because of the interactive features

superchunk said:
Well it still may not finish, but, it is a huge step in that direction. Now Bluray will have like 70% of the movie market exclusive. Kinda huge. Unless something major changes, I see a Bluray finish by end of year probably.

 If Warner goes Blu-ray then Paramount and Universal will follow suit pretty soon. If this is really true, then HD-DVD is dead already.

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


Time for MS to release a cheap combo drive for the 360.

Around the Network

Reuters article is udated. Warner have made an official statement. the war is over!

Let's celebrate, it's over Blu-ray is the winner

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


I, too, believe that Blu-ray is going to win the war, but what did Yogi B. say? "It ain't over 'til it's over."

Any win by HD-DVD now would require an incredible effort, but I will count it over when the HD-DVD camp announces they're giving up. I've seen too many weird things happen over the years, so I'm not going to enumerate my barnyard fowls before they're incubated.

Sony has to be sighing with relief at this announcement, not just because they have a lot invested in Blu-ray, but because of the PS3. HD-DVD was never a part of the 360's configuration, just an add-on, so Blu-ray winning won't really affect the 360 gamers. If HD-DVD had won, every PS3 sold to date would have an orphaned optical drive. Ouch!

Sony bet the PS3 farm on Blu-ray... good thing for them it looks like it's going to win.

Looks like Sony's gamble to include Blu-ray in the PS3 has finally paid off. Paramount will switch back once there agreement is up and Univerisal would be stupid not to follow suit as well.

Once HD-DVD is officially RIP this should help boost PS3 sales.


crumas2 said:
Time for MS to release a cheap combo drive for the 360.

 wow. speaking of the 360, guess this will kill the rumors of an HDDVD drive being in future models.