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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft stamps out offline gamers

Wow this is disgusting stuff from Microsoft and EA. What do you guys think of this?


From the Article:

In a form of total control over their product, Microsoft and EA have made it a requirement that when playing the recently released Crysis you have to be connected to the Xbox Live service.


If you are happily playing Crysis and Xbox Live goes down, or you have problems with your network, you're given 10 minutes (which counts down sending you messages at 1 minute intervals) to restore your connection. Failure to do so results in being given no choice but to go back to the Xbox dashboard. If you're wanting to boot up the game and you're offline, the game won't even launch.

So if you're wanting to play Crysis offline with the same profile that downloaded it and paid the price, you can't. Other games such as Resident Evil 4 HD which also released recently do allow you to play offline, so why not with Crysis? This is a shame and perhaps something to combat gamers sharing data across multiple profiles, but in the end this is rather limiting if you've paid for something which can then only be used under strict conditions. Not really a good advocate for digital downloads.

We're not even going to ask Microsoft to comment on this because we already can anticipate their lack of response.

Around the Network

Does anyone know if this is on the ps3 version too?

That's not gonna effect people much, but still a retarded decision.

Dumb and pointless.


Update: The original report was misleading - Crysis from Xbox Live Games on Demand does not require an always-on internet connection to play.

The lock-out timer described below only appears when playing Crysis on a second Xbox 360 console - a different machine than the one it was originally downloaded to. If the connection to the Live account drops, you'll need to recover the Gamertag within 10 minutes to resume gameplay.

Around the Network
kowenicki said:
Reporting failure. Perhaps they should gave asked MS after all. Idiots.

Bad journalism is bad journalism.

"We're not even going to ask Microsoft to comment on this because we already can anticipate their lack of response just pulled this out of our asses."

Such a stupid thing to do.



