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Forums - PC Discussion - League of Legends! (Dominion/fave champs/whatever)


How much do you like Dominion?

I have played less than 5... 14 15.73%
After 5+ games, I think i... 8 8.99%
After 5+ games, it's OK ... 25 28.09%
I like it. 18 20.22%
I love it! 13 14.61%
I've stopped playing Rif... 6 6.74%
I don't even play League... 5 5.62%

Had a game recently that just went our teams way. The enemy team had like 3 assassins and adc supp, while I was mid kayle and we had a top riven with a tanky jungle and standard bot. I was against a mid fizz so I leveled E (ranged AP slash). I would push the lane usually and get massive poke on fizz leaving him with no way to farm but I got no kills on him early game. I got ganked a few times and died 2 or 3 times by their jungle Zed. By around 10 min we were 2-8 and that changed to 4-20 quickly. Looks like a bad game right? not really in reality. While they could kill us all over the map we pressed down objectives at a faster rate then them. I got fed from farm which in turn gave me a few kills. Our Riven split pushed all game with fast clear times and movement from her manaless skills. We lost baron fights twice and they got baron twice. Our map control kept us from losing any of our inhib turrets and we ended up knocking down all inhibs without killing them. I and Riven would often suicide for an inhib and die to their fizz zed, adc combo. I would usually take one down with me so I still got kills.

Eventually it came down to their Nexus and our base was still fully equipped. Riven and our jungle managed to distract them long enough for me to run in as kayle and 5 shot the nexus. We ended the game at around 22-42. Me and Riven had 80% of the kills. Our Jungle had 0 kills. Our adc was not very farmed or had kills. Was an epic 1 hour game that ended up with us winning despite have 20 less kills due to superior map control.