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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Dark Souls Thread - .....It Begins

StokedUp said:
ok ive just defeated the bell Gargoyles and managed to get the tail axe and the gargoyle helm (which looks awesome and defence stats are good aswell) off them. Ive rang the bell. Where should i head to now?? im SL27

Swamps, which are located deeper in Undead Burg. (Or how its called in english.. i rather should have bought this from NA or the UK lol)

this'll lead you to Blight Town, where the second bell is located.

you could also revisit the asylum, but the boss there is pissed off and has lots of HP :D (going back to the asylum is completely optional in this game)


as for me, i am in Anor Londo right now.. Holy Moly, this place just looks so gorgeous. =)

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

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Crystalchild said:
StokedUp said:
ok ive just defeated the bell Gargoyles and managed to get the tail axe and the gargoyle helm (which looks awesome and defence stats are good aswell) off them. Ive rang the bell. Where should i head to now?? im SL27

Swamps, which are located deeper in Undead Burg. (Or how its called in english.. i rather should have bought this from NA or the UK lol)

this'll lead you to Blight Town, where the second bell is located.

How do i get down to the swamps? is that the place where the ghosts are that you unable to damage?

PSN ID: Stokesy 

Add me if you want but let me know youre from this website

StokedUp said:
Crystalchild said:
StokedUp said:
ok ive just defeated the bell Gargoyles and managed to get the tail axe and the gargoyle helm (which looks awesome and defence stats are good aswell) off them. Ive rang the bell. Where should i head to now?? im SL27

Swamps, which are located deeper in Undead Burg. (Or how its called in english.. i rather should have bought this from NA or the UK lol)

this'll lead you to Blight Town, where the second bell is located.

How do i get down to the swamps? is that the place where the ghosts are that you unable to damage?

nope, its .. uhhh.. damn, i have to think about that myself.. xD  i 'think' you can access it in undead burg on the floor where the dark Knight is guarding the ring, remember the place where the first bonfire was, after accessing that Undead Level? where you run out and immediately see that crossbow zombie, and the one on the stairs? With the way where Firebombs are thrown at? it is definetly somewhere there, i have to check that myself as soon as i can, since ive forgot the exact path


edit: be a door leading to the swamps somewhere on the level where the taurus demon is located i think.

edit 2: maybe this dude helps ~

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

Crystalchild said:
StokedUp said:
Crystalchild said:
StokedUp said:
ok ive just defeated the bell Gargoyles and managed to get the tail axe and the gargoyle helm (which looks awesome and defence stats are good aswell) off them. Ive rang the bell. Where should i head to now?? im SL27

Swamps, which are located deeper in Undead Burg. (Or how its called in english.. i rather should have bought this from NA or the UK lol)

this'll lead you to Blight Town, where the second bell is located.

How do i get down to the swamps? is that the place where the ghosts are that you unable to damage?

nope, its .. uhhh.. damn, i have to think about that myself.. xD  i 'think' you can access it in undead burg on the floor where the dark Knight is guarding the ring, remember the place where the first bonfire was, after accessing that Undead Level? where you run out and immediately see that crossbow zombie, and the one on the stairs? With the way where Firebombs are thrown at? it is definetly somewhere there, i have to check that myself as soon as i can, since ive forgot the exact path

Ok Mate, Ill go check out those areas, nice one!

PSN ID: Stokesy 

Add me if you want but let me know youre from this website

StokedUp said:
Crystalchild said:
StokedUp said:
Crystalchild said:
StokedUp said:
ok ive just defeated the bell Gargoyles and managed to get the tail axe and the gargoyle helm (which looks awesome and defence stats are good aswell) off them. Ive rang the bell. Where should i head to now?? im SL27

Swamps, which are located deeper in Undead Burg. (Or how its called in english.. i rather should have bought this from NA or the UK lol)

this'll lead you to Blight Town, where the second bell is located.

How do i get down to the swamps? is that the place where the ghosts are that you unable to damage?

nope, its .. uhhh.. damn, i have to think about that myself.. xD  i 'think' you can access it in undead burg on the floor where the dark Knight is guarding the ring, remember the place where the first bonfire was, after accessing that Undead Level? where you run out and immediately see that crossbow zombie, and the one on the stairs? With the way where Firebombs are thrown at? it is definetly somewhere there, i have to check that myself as soon as i can, since ive forgot the exact path

Ok Mate, Ill go check out those areas, nice one!

good luck finding it, since dark souls actually really is .. huge, and the world built pretty complicated, in my opinion. maybe the Edit's of my post before helps.

EDIT: AAH i did  a mistake, its not swamps, i meant to say you should visit the sewers. x)

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

Around the Network

Has anyone tried to go on after defeating the boss of BlighTown, in that lava zone, you get Capra and Taurus demons as the basic enemies :/.

VXIII said:

Has anyone tried to go on after defeating the boss of BlighTown, in that lava zone, you get Capra and Taurus demons as the basic enemies :/.

you mean AFTER ceaseless? Nah, wasnt there, went back to the big gate, Sens Fortress. now i am in Arnor Londo, which has Bell Gargoyles as common foes. =)

edit: Crappy Mobile phone, but this place looks amazing.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

Crystalchild said:
VXIII said:

Has anyone tried to go on after defeating the boss of BlighTown, in that lava zone, you get Capra and Taurus demons as the basic enemies :/.

you mean AFTER ceaseless? Nah, wasnt there, went back to the big gate, Sens Fortress. now i am in Arnor Londo, which has Bell Gargoyles as common foes. =

Ah good to hear :p. yes i meant after the Ceaseless, btw in the area of the second bell there is a fake wall if you missed it, from there you can join the Choas covenant, gave me Great Fireball of Choas upon joining .

I went back to the skeletons area, killed the boss there and now it too dark to see ANYTHING, can't go on for the moment, heading to the great hollow area which I found by accident , its entrance is also hidden after a fake wall in the swamps.

Crystalchild said:
VXIII said:

Has anyone tried to go on after defeating the boss of BlighTown, in that lava zone, you get Capra and Taurus demons as the basic enemies :/.

Hey !, you look like me except for the sword :p , I got Black Night Sword+2 (280 Attack power , STR at 21 )

VXIII said:
Crystalchild said:
VXIII said:

Has anyone tried to go on after defeating the boss of BlighTown, in that lava zone, you get Capra and Taurus demons as the basic enemies :/.

you mean AFTER ceaseless? Nah, wasnt there, went back to the big gate, Sens Fortress. now i am in Arnor Londo, which has Bell Gargoyles as common foes. =

Ah good to hear :p. yes i meant after the Ceaseless, btw in the area of the second bell there is a fake wall if you missed it, from there you can join the Choas covenant, gave me Great Fireball of Choas upon joining .

I went back to the skeletons area, killed the boss there and now it too dark to see ANYTHING, can't go on for the moment, heading to the great hollow area which I found by accident , its entrance is also hidden after a fake wall in the swamps.

i dont want to join the chaos covenant, since u'll get an awfully growse egg replacing your head, and once its fully developed, your kick ability will change. instead of kicking, the egg opens, and a worm will reach out to stun the enemy.. just growse. but, good luck with that :D

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!