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StokedUp said:
ok ive just defeated the bell Gargoyles and managed to get the tail axe and the gargoyle helm (which looks awesome and defence stats are good aswell) off them. Ive rang the bell. Where should i head to now?? im SL27

Swamps, which are located deeper in Undead Burg. (Or how its called in english.. i rather should have bought this from NA or the UK lol)

this'll lead you to Blight Town, where the second bell is located.

you could also revisit the asylum, but the boss there is pissed off and has lots of HP :D (going back to the asylum is completely optional in this game)


as for me, i am in Anor Londo right now.. Holy Moly, this place just looks so gorgeous. =)

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!