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Forums - Politics Discussion - Group of Students at Berkley prices Bakesale items by Ethnicity/Race to Protest State Bill 185

A group of students at the University of Berkely are reportedly planning a bake sale with pricing the items according to the buyers race. Whites pay $2, Asians pay $1.50, Latinos pay $1, Blacks pay 75 cents, native americans pay 25 cents, and all women get a 25 cent discount.  One of the spokes persons for the bake sale stated that it was in protest of Bill SB 185 which allows for Universities to consider race and gender when accepting applicants. The spokesperson said the group is not intending to poke fun at ethnic/race groups, but to think critically of what this new state bill means. While this will take place just yards away from Berkely's student government, the Associated Student of the University of California, will host a phone bank in support of SB 185 legislation that would allow California universities to consider race, gender, ethnicity and national origin during the admissions process.

The group planning the bake sale have reported numerous threats on Facebook.

EDIT: I tried to embed the video but it did not work so here is the link:


1. VGChartz members, what is your thoughts on this?

2. Is this group taking it too far when trying to make a statement?

3. Is California SB 185 a good idea for Universities to allow their admissions department to consider ethnicity, race, and gender when accepting applicants?


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So Native American women won't have to pay. Damn they're lucky.




these happen a lot, and these 'open minded' universities, quickly close them down for being discriminatory. never realizing the irony thats dripping from these actions

1. It's a fair protest that likely will get torn to shreds by the media which skews left.

2. No, it's a bake sale, i mean that's silly. 

3. Haven't seen the exact law, but actually considering race and gender IS a good idea, when done correctly. In general research tends to show that having a more diverse campus actually helps most students grades and reasoning abilities.

Outside of some African American students anyway who have been shown to do better in "All black" schools because they generally get in their head to much by equating themselves as an "exception" rather then black people being like anybody else and putting way too much extra pressure on them.

4) If I was a native american woman i'd be waiting for them to open and clear them out.

Kasz216 said:
1. It's a fair protest that likely will get torn to shreds by the media which skews left.

2. No, it's a bake sale, i mean that's silly.

3. Haven't seen the exact law, but actually considering race and gender IS a good idea, when done correctly. In general research tends to show that having a more diverse campus actually helps most students grades and reasoning abilities.

Outside of some African American students anyway who have been shown to do better in "All black" schools because they generally get in their head to much by equating themselves as an "exception" rather then black people being like anybody else and putting way too much extra pressure on them.

responding to what I put in bold.....I couldn't agree with you more. This is the juice that leftist media gorge themselves off of.

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Level1Death said:
So Native American women won't have to pay. Damn they're lucky.

free baked items....they can't lose.

This bake sale is a copy of one that John Stossel had awhile back to show the absurdity of quotas.

The results were hilarious, as the media didn't know about the sale prior to its existence. Understandably, people were infuriated by the sale, but Stossel had it to prove a point - if we're so mad about a bake sale offering discounts to minorities, why aren't we just as critical against those who hire based entirely on skin color or gender?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

spurgeonryan said:
I would say other than being racist and sexist with how they priced it makes perfect sense and is a good idea. But Kaz is right it will probably be destroyed by the media just because of what I just mentioned and other reasons.

thats kinda the point.

there showing if its wrong in a bake sale, its also wrong in other instances

Now that i'm actually in college, i say let the affirmative action roll

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Now that i'm actually in college, i say let the affirmative action roll

I think you just answered Mr stickballs question.

Relativly few people are kept out of the best school they could theoretically get into due to quotas... and even then by the time they do it's too late.

While everyone loves them some baked goods.