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Forums - General Discussion - What do you do when the electricity goes out?

I wasn't originally born in the States, but where I came from we used to have power outages many times during the day. We usually got used to it so it didn't bother us when the lights went out. But today we just had a huge windstorm (I live in Washington state) and our electricity went out for an hour. I swear, there was almost NOTHING for me to do. I couldn't cook food, couldn't go on the internet, couldn't game, couldn't watch TV, hate reading, couldn't go out because our garage door is electric, and didn't want to shower because our water heater turned off too. It's scary how reliant we are on electricity, and I pretty much sat and did nothing. So I'm wondering, what do you peeps do when the electricity goes out?

Around the Network

I masturbate...violently.

Handheld gaming works very well. Luckily for me there is never a power-outage where i love, and when there is there is usually a fuse that has blown.

Ssenkahdavic said:
I masturbate...violently.


I read a book..if its dark...I go out and hang with my peeps

"I don't know what this Yamcha is, but it sounds just like Raditz."

Around the Network

Sit there waiting until it comes back on (never takes too long)

If it happened to take a really long time, I guess I'd play a game on my phone (DS broke lol)

count the seconds 'till it kicks in again.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

Ssenkahdavic said:
I masturbate...violently.

I'm a firm believer in nonviolent masturbation. Your post is very offensive. I spit at your post statement!

*Jay520 spits on his computer screen*


OT: I've never experienced a power outage, but if one did happen, then I assume I would probably freak out. First I would yell at my TV & other electronics. Then, I would grab my TV & throw it around in a King-Kong-like manner. Once I've realized the pwer is out, It would probably be hard for me to breathe; the air would become thin; I would start sweating profusively; my body would shake uncontrollably; my tongue would swell and I would lose the ability to speak properly; I'd go on a mass rampage eating the fingers, toes, niples, penisses, & other appendages I see; my knees would give out & finally, my bowels would likely release in a violent manner.

After those events, I would likely just sit there as my brain falls into a lifeless, coma-like state, all while sitting in my own poo, until the power is restored. I'd likely die if the power isn't restored within 48 hours.

Hang out at friends house who has electricity and stay up all night.


Hurricane Irene made the light go out here for 3 days. I was pretty bored but I grabbed my laptop and started watching anime till the battery died . Then I just talked with my brother and parents for a few hours the first night. The other days I hung outside my house since my psp ds and laptop were all dead. Can't really say I wanna experience that again.
