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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - MEGATON! Monster Hunter 4 for 3DS!

FinalEvangelion said:
brendude13 said:
Good news for Nintendo, although I haven't played a Monster Hunter game it seems like a killer game for handhelds and something that could really help the Nintendo 3DS take off.

As for the Nintendo "fans" in this thread, don't get too excited, just because a great game has been announced for your system doesn't give you the right to start patronising and mocking the Vita and its followers. I'm happy for you, but seriously, grow up. More than likely a Monster Hunter game will be announced for the Vita, they aren't going to turn their backs on arguably their biggest fanbase, so don't start making these "PS Vita is doomed" threads.

That's the way it is around here.  It's been a while since they could throw eggs at Sony.  I love Nintendo (not Nintendo of America, though) and I love Sony but sometimes Ninty's fans can get on my nerves.

It's the nature of the beast's not like Sony fans haven't thrown rotten eggs on Nintendo's fanbase as well.  It's only natural since Nintendo and Sony have been rivals for quite sometime.  So this time Sony fans gets to smell those same rotten eggs this time and doesn't seem to like it!!! It's hypocritical (IMHO) and ppl need to just take it if they like to dish em.  (my 2 cents)

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oni-link said:
RolStoppable said:
megaman79 said:
RolStoppable said:

This estimate is far off and Nintendo has officially said that they are selling 3DS hardware at a loss right now.



That article was making assumptions that Nintendo is taking a loss.  Also, the source of the article had not only been removed but is somewhat dubious seeing it came from a site that typically caters to downing NIntendo (ie GameInformer with the Wii etc).   I found another article from a more reputable site that seems more fair in translating Iwata's investor commentary:,2817,2389406,00.asp   hopefully this helps but until we see the books this march 2011.  We will see how much 3DS (and for that matter the Wii) price cut had an affect on Nintendo's profitablility.   In any case, if Nintendo was selling the 3DS for a small loss; one would assume it would still be less of a risk than the Vita which has more expensive components and therefore probably a bigger loss for Sony!!!

The PC mag article bases the possible loss on cost analysis. But why speculate? Take what Iwata himself said:

"On the other hand, a drastic markdown like this, before the mass-production effect can take place for the hardware, will naturally generate red ink on the hardware sales. As a result, a significant minus effect is expected on the profitability of the current fiscal year. Even though we understand this, for us to elevate Nintendo 3DS to be the platform that can sustain our business, we have concluded that we need to take the best possible measure we can take now, even at the cost of short-term profitability.

source -

All this is off topic though....

So, OT: Who knows, maybe there will be crossplay capability with the WiiU and they are not announcing anything since that is saved for when the WIiU actually works...

Currently Playing: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked, Professor Layton and the Curious Village

Anticipating: Xenoblade, The Last Story, Mario Kart 7, Rayman Origins, Zelda SS, Crush3D, Tales of the Abyss 3DS, MGS:Snake Eater 3DS, RE:Revelations, Time Travellers, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, Luigi's Mansion 2, MH TriG, DQ Monsters, Heroes of Ruin

gameplay videos:


 All monsters from tri + monster from 3P... It looks better than tri IMO...


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064

menx64 said:

gameplay videos:

It looks fantastic, I can't wait to get my hands on it.  Graphically, it looks just like MH3, just with slightly lower poly monsters, but with actual shadowing.

It certainly hurts sony in Japan.

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RolStoppable said:
Joelcool7 said:

I know this isn't a popular view. But I am 99% sure this game will be cancelled if MH3G fails to sell around a million copies. The game is way early in development I'm guessing Nintendo put alot of pressure on Capcom to show the title to show consumers that something really big was coming from a third party.

But I'd expect that this game will launch in 2013 if it does. But Capcom's shares dropped by over 8% upon announcing MH4 for 3DS, I suspect that share holders will do everything they can to see the game cancelled. If MH3G fails to sell well I have no doubt that the investors will be able to convince Capcom to ditch MH4 for 3DS. It might get ported to Vita or brought to one of the next home consoles.

I remember MH3 being announced for PS3, however when PS3 sales were doing poorly development was shifted to Wii. In the same way if MH3G fails to perform very well I think MH4 will be brought to Vita or another home platform rather then 3DS.

Infact I highly doubt we will see MH4 on 3DS, its way to early to announce the game. Their is a lot that can happen by 2013 and the development will likely be shifted, unless MH3G really sells very well! Even with it selling well I think they will likely port MH4 to Vita or cancel it all together.

Not to mention I am sure alot of pressure is being applied by Sony and their user base, not to mention this investor pressure with Capcom loosing 8% share in stock. Its going to be very hard for Capcom to deliver MH4 for 3DS!

Nintendo paid for MH4 in one form or another, so it will be coming to the 3DS regardless of MH3G's performance. One of the reasons why shares drop sharply whenever something 3DS related is announced is because quite a few people believe in the end of dedicated gaming handhelds.

When MH3 was announced for PS3, there was no money from Sony involved and the game had barely started development (if at all). On top of that Nintendo gave large incentives to Capcom to move the game over to the Wii.

When you look at it from certain angles, it seems possible that MH4 might not be released for the 3DS, but in reality it's going to be a case similar to Metal Gear Solid 4 on the PS3. There were lots of rumors concerning its exclusivity, but in the end it remained a PS3 only game. Why? Because the platform holder paid for it.


I have not heard one confirmation that Nintendo paid a single cent for any of Capcom's games. Infact earlier this year Capcom stated it would be scaling back its 3DS support. Now your right Nintendo could be paying Capcom for MH4, but what evidence is their supporting this claim?

The reason I believe it was announced is because Capcom has always supported Nintendo. Even during GameCube Capcom released multiple titles including exclusives for the GCN. I think when they saw how well DS did they expected 3DS to sell shit loads and they began development on several projects. Look at how many titles were announced for 3DS prior to release from Capcom.

Capcom was hugely supportive of 3DS, their title StreetFighter4 was also the highest grossing third party game on 3DS. But if MH3G fails to generate adequate sales then I can't see MH4 coming to 3DS. Unless you are right and Nintendo pays out the ying yang for it.

If Nintendo is paying Capcom for exclusivity then yes it will come. But there is currently no evidence to support that, usually Nintendo announces these kinds of deals. We all knew about RE4's exclusivity deal long before it launched, If money was changing hands and Nintendo was paying Capcom Its sort of expected that this deal would come out.

I've looked high and low for any articles suggesting Nintendo bought MH4 exclusivity or even having it on 3DS at all. I found nothing to suggest any sort of deal was made for any of Capcom's titles for 3DS.

Capcom has always supported Nintendo and Sony, I don't see why Capcom would stick with 3DS if MHTG fails to sell. It wouldn't make business sense especially with Capcom's investors being so deeply against 3DS. Unless Nintendo is paying major dough for its release I think there remains a very good chance it will either get cancelled or ported to a different platform.

Of course if 3DS sales pick up and MHTG sells fairly well then this game will definatly come. But I wouldn't assume that its coming until you see the outcome of MHTG.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


Some questions:
Will it really include ALL the monsters from P3rd?
Will it include the new Area found in P3rd?
Will it have online multiplayer?

If all these are "yes", I'm so buying this game if it comes over.

Edit: Oops, I meant TriG, wrong thread, sorry :/

i m not into MH but i m sure if exclusive mean at least £DS only console to have for the first 7 months then yes it will help Nintendo.


Joelcool7 said:
RolStoppable said:
Joelcool7 said:



I have not heard one confirmation that Nintendo paid a single cent for any of Capcom's games. Infact earlier this year Capcom stated it would be scaling back its 3DS support. Now your right Nintendo could be paying Capcom for MH4, but what evidence is their supporting this claim?

The reason I believe it was announced is because Capcom has always supported Nintendo. Even during GameCube Capcom released multiple titles including exclusives for the GCN. I think when they saw how well DS did they expected 3DS to sell shit loads and they began development on several projects. Look at how many titles were announced for 3DS prior to release from Capcom.

Capcom was hugely supportive of 3DS, their title StreetFighter4 was also the highest grossing third party game on 3DS. But if MH3G fails to generate adequate sales then I can't see MH4 coming to 3DS. Unless you are right and Nintendo pays out the ying yang for it.

If Nintendo is paying Capcom for exclusivity then yes it will come. But there is currently no evidence to support that, usually Nintendo announces these kinds of deals. We all knew about RE4's exclusivity deal long before it launched, If money was changing hands and Nintendo was paying Capcom Its sort of expected that this deal would come out.

I've looked high and low for any articles suggesting Nintendo bought MH4 exclusivity or even having it on 3DS at all. I found nothing to suggest any sort of deal was made for any of Capcom's titles for 3DS.

Capcom has always supported Nintendo and Sony, I don't see why Capcom would stick with 3DS if MHTG fails to sell. It wouldn't make business sense especially with Capcom's investors being so deeply against 3DS. Unless Nintendo is paying major dough for its release I think there remains a very good chance it will either get cancelled or ported to a different platform.

Of course if 3DS sales pick up and MHTG sells fairly well then this game will definatly come. But I wouldn't assume that its coming until you see the outcome of MHTG.


- There is a peripheral developed for this game

- Capcom had Monster Hunter 3 on Wii to test the waters - there is no need for another test game. Why do you assume 3G is a test? Its job is to get the Monster Hunter fanbase over to the 3DS

- Nintendo published Monster Hunter 3 in the west

- Nintendo gives this game high priority - they will most certainly publish 3G and 4 in the west as well

- There is not one but two full bown Monster Hunter games on the 3DS now

- The trailer we've seen for 4 was in-game. It was not some cut-scene teaser it was actual gameplay footage. This game is in the midst of development, not in the planning phase

- The PSP version of Monster Hunter 3 "mysteriously" never appeared in the west

You really don't think Nintendo made some sort of deal with Capcom? 

"I don't know, you will have to ask Capcom".

I guess that's a confirmed exclusive then.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.