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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The new way to play FPS's

KylieDog said:
Aquietguy said:
KylieDog said:
Aquietguy said:
KylieDog said:
Still faces the same turning while aiming problem the Wiimote and PS Move have that a Mouse/Keyboard or dual analogue controller do not, this is something that will never be fixed short of people growing a third hand.

A Pointer control only works for slow paced games like Metroid Prime 3, fast paced shooters it fails at compared to the alternatives.

Really, because The Conduit is a typical fast pace shooter and I had absolutely no problem using the wii-mote. It was even better for that fast pace.


Conduit resorted to lock on feature which is scrubbish. 

I never used the lock on feature. Didn't have to with pointer controls. I never really knew that it had lock on. By the way, if having lock on makes the Conduit scrubbish then all shooters with lock on is scrubbish. What ever scrubbish means.

Only Wii shooters have lock on, at least from the crapload I played in the last few years, the exception being Killzone 3 when using the PS Move.  It is not possible to turn exactly how you want and aim exactly where you want at the same time twhen the same input is used for doing both.  Pointer controls will forever fail because of this.

Either it's you or the move controller because I have never had that problem with the wii mote. But what ever draw backs of pointer controls is more than make up for them in accuracy.

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I can see the zapper being used. Though I prefer the wii mote as it feels more accurate. It was the only way I could play FPS without it feeling slow or inaccurate.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
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KylieDog said:

Only Wii shooters have lock on, at least from the crapload I played in the last few years


KylieDog said:
If you never had that problem you aren't very competitive because it should stick out like a sore thumb.

Well like I said, it's either you or move. Also like I said, any draw backs of pointer control is more than made up with the advantages.

This sounds 'pretty cool' and everything but i think it'll just be another overhyped gimmick. There's no way I'm gonna stand on the spot and spinning around all over the place.

It's not as intuitive as you think, because when you actually turn IRL, your head gets to its destination before the direction of your body does, and thus you still have a lot of compensation to do in this Wii U scenario. Not to mention the underutilization of your fancy $1000 LED tv.

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If you want a sneak preview at what aiming like that is like play the RAGE iphone / ipad game. You can pretty much do the same thing. It is a rail shooter but the aiming has a variety of different modes all pretty much like the way the WiiU controller is set-up in the article.

um, how is an analog stick a barrier (or a mouse, for that matter). They already let you aim way the hell faster than you ever could in real life. An analog stick and a mouse both give you the option to move in any direction with the gun immediately. Having this will make no difference.

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