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What do you think the future of this thread should be

Comparing Third Party Series 21 36.21%
Comparing Third Party Games 16 27.59%
Locked 20 34.48%
Jay520 said:
Michael-5 said:
Jay520 said:
Michael-5 said:

No 360 will outvote GoW3 or Uncharted 2. They are Sony's best selling exclusives, 

What? GT5 outsold both of them and LBP outsold GOW3. If you count MGS4, then that outsold both of them too. LBP & LBP2 were rated higher than GOW3

Well GT5 is also another big Sony IP, that game could topple these games. LBP as well, but GoW, Uncharted, and GT5 have bigger hardcore followings. I think a portion of the LBP audience is casual because I've seen girls (hot ones too) go out and buy LBP2 specifically, only a few days after it launched.

Wait..... I'm argueing too fast. I said no 360 exclusive will ever outvote Uncharted 2 or GoW3. I'm not wrong about that.

You said GOW3 and Uncharted 2 are Sony's best selling exclusives, which is wrong.

Well it's up there. They are Sony's most respected exclusives, and among the best selling. Better?

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Valkyria Chronicles

MGS is an over-rated franchise for me. I beat MGS1, 2, and most of 3. Only played a little over an act of MGS4, and then some bosses later on on my friends save, and it follows the same formula. Conspiracy theory game, with a lot of ridiculous bosses (like the vampire in MGS2), silly nuclear armed dinosaur Metal Gear things, and on top of all that, the game is mostly cinematic (MGS2 was a 10 hour game for me, on my second play through skipping cinematics I beat it in 80 minutes). To me (ME!!!!!!) it's an over-rated franchise.

Valkyria Chronicles was unique, new, and fun. It was a mix between Nintendo's Advance Wars and Fire Emblem franchises imported to console with third person battle sequences. To me this is just awesome. SEGA rarely makes a good game, but when they do it's amazing, and this is their latest remarkable achievement. Really interesting plot with the Dark Haired people (similar to jews in WW2) being abused, and a German esk country taking over. Really cool ass Valkyria boss, and overall just a fun as hell game to play. My only complaints are that for an RPG this is a short game (25 hours), and that in the end the game gets really silly (SPOILER! Maximum Boss fight, Mega Tanks, enemy Valkyria basically giving up, not using your Valkyria in battle, land battleship, etc)

Still no contest, Valkyria Chronicles is the best exclusive on PS3 for me, and that's a clear cut win.

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Hope Metal Gear Solid 4 wins this.

MGS 4 wins. It's Halo vs GOW now

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Halo.....Reach? Wow already 22 to 4, including my vote..

Don't need to say much, 10 hour single player game versus 100 hour single/co-op/multiplayer game. There is a reason why Halo games often get 95/100 or greater reviews, and sell 10 million units plus, no matter what forum users try to say.

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Michael-5 said:
Halo.....Reach? Wow already 22 to 4, including my vote..

Don't need to say much, 10 hour single player game versus 100 hour single/co-op/multiplayer game. There is a reason why Halo games often get 95/100 or greater reviews, and sell 10 million units plus, no matter what forum users try to say.

its metacritisc score its 9.1 jaja lower than little big planet 2 and it sold 8 million lol not even 10 yet

Man, GoW3 is a BEAST. It might even beat MGS4 because MGS4 eliminated Valkyria, so people want revenge and who better to vote for than the mighty vengeance seaker Kratos? XD

God of War 3.... Can anyone say EPIC?

SpartenOmega117 said:
God of War 3.... Can anyone say EPIC?