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What do you think the future of this thread should be

Comparing Third Party Series 21 36.21%
Comparing Third Party Games 16 27.59%
Locked 20 34.48%


after you get past the install it has quicker load times. in ME2 even if you want to change deck on the normandy its like a 1 minute load WTF!
and when your flying that hammerhead thing it glitches into the rocks a LOT of the time and when you go close to an edge of a cliff the textures are so pixilated they look like they were made for the background but somehow are appearing in the playable area.
ME2 runs less than 30fps most of the time and basically has no AA. I also found some of the conversations merge over each other like garrus starts a sentence but half way though he starts another one (even when i dont press any of the buttons)
MGS cutscenes look very good while mass effect should have used pre-rendered but they opted for in-game engine rendered ones so they look poor.

now thats the technical stuff out of the way.

in terms of actual gameplay i prefer MGS because each weapon has its own ammo unlike ME which is split between just heat clips and heavy ammo.
snake can climb, crawl, cross ledges, go prone, crouch while shepard can only do a few of those things (I know ME isnt a stealth game but still....shepard isnt a noob, he should have those options.) ME combat feels the same....get behind a crate, wait for enemies to spawn, shoot them move on. in MGS you can chose different ways of tackling situations and have fun in the process of doing so. In ME theres always just 1 way to do things.

Overall i like both games a lot but i really hope ME3 isnt a fraction as buggy as ME2. I honestly dont know how ME2 got the review score it did

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On a site dominated by PS3 fans, it surprises me greatly that ME2 is staying close.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Metal Gear Solid 4.

Just because BioWare ruined Mass Effect with Mass Effect 2. Bastards.


I just wish the OP would make a new thread for each comparison. It's impossible to search for a thread that's no longer there because the title changed. It took me a few rounds to figure out why I was always shown to have posted in a thread that I hadn't even looked at--only to find out that it was the same thread with a new title.

My vote goes to MGS4. ME2 was a great game but I'm not really a big fan of RPG games. The only RPG games I can play without yawing is FF and Mass Effect. But MGS4 is easily one of the best games I have played this gen. It's really hard to top that. The story, gameplay and visuals were epic. Only complaint I have is the long cut scenes. Other than that it was perfect. So therefore my vote goes to MGS4.

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MGS4. I really like Mass Effect 2, but the recruitment aspect kinda got boring after a while. Pandering to my crew got a little old too.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


pezus said:
starcraft said:
On a site dominated by PS3 fans, it surprises me greatly that ME2 is staying close.

Uh, why? ME2 is available on PS3 and even the PC. I played it on the PC but still voted for MGS4 because I didn't like ME2 as much as the first one. Stripped down RPG elements, almost no "main story" to speak of, endless recruitment, disappointing ending. 

I'd give ME2 about an 8.5 and MGS4 about a 9.3.


like I said b4 xbox fans just likes to blame ps3 fans all the time cause its easier that way for them rather than actually accepting a ps3 exclusive is getting more vote because it might actually be the better game in MOST ppl's point of veiw.

I have ME2 on ps3 so far I did that mission where you get that krogan on the capsul and Im finding mass effect 2 to be a good TPS rather than a RPG which what its supposed to be toif im not mistaken?heck I was expecting AN RPG when I bought it....

I don't know why but there's nothing on mass effect 2 from what I've played so far that is "ground breaking" or something that warrants a 94/100 on metacritic it just plays like your every day TPS not that its a bad game.......thats just my opinion tho.

Okay guys it's Killzone 2 vs Halo 3 now.

I choose Halo 3 because that game was epic when it first came out. Killzone did have a better campagin and visuals but Halo 3's MP was just mind blowing. Killzone 2's MP was great too but it didn't have very many online modes. So my vote goes to Halo 3.

Does anyone want to give an answer? Wow lol. I'm gonna have to change this one fast.