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Forums - Sony Discussion - Silent Hill HD Collection to be PS3 exclusive

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Wait a second! Do I smell the reason why MGS isn't on MGS collection!?

Since they are putting SH1 on the collection it means the fact that it was on PSOne is not an issue. Hence MGS1 could've been on the collection too. However, since MGS collection is on 360, disc space is an issue so they decided to leave it out.

*shakes fist in air*


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Dr.Grass said:

NO WAY can there be FOUR games in the collection!? Seriously!? OMFG.

Wasn't the original press release that it would only be SH 2-4 or something? This is beyond EPIC. BEYOND!

I would have preferred MGS Collection to be PS exclusive than this. I don't mind exclusivity that much, but I do feel that Playstation should be Snake's home.

Another point is that those 4 games might be 30GB so it would be on a gazillion discs for 360. Then again, the same could be said for MGS Collection.

did u say BEYOND!

there is your reason why its an exclusive :P

iluvgaming said:
Dr.Grass said:

NO WAY can there be FOUR games in the collection!? Seriously!? OMFG.

Wasn't the original press release that it would only be SH 2-4 or something? This is beyond EPIC. BEYOND!

I would have preferred MGS Collection to be PS exclusive than this. I don't mind exclusivity that much, but I do feel that Playstation should be Snake's home.

Another point is that those 4 games might be 30GB so it would be on a gazillion discs for 360. Then again, the same could be said for MGS Collection.

did u say BEYOND!

there is your reason why its an exclusive :P


This is how a collection box art should be. Not some random background with the games' original box art together.

Ill probably be too scared to play this but ill probably pick this up lol xD

Wait, whats wrong with the voice acting?, aside from that annoying little girl in SH2 ? (whats her name again?) ,i don't remember anyone having bad voices.

Around the Network
CGI-Quality said:
V-r0cK said:
This is how a collection box art should be. Not some random background with the games' original box art together.

Ill probably be too scared to play this but ill probably pick this up lol xD

That's actually not the box art, I just thought it looked cool and used it for the OP. Sorry

Aww lol well that would actually be a cool box art if it were.  But regardless ill still pick it up.  No cheezy box art can stop me from buying awesome games! 

KylieDog said:
Jdevil3 said:
I'm probably going to buy Downpour first (if the PS3 version is good (Unreal Engine)) and wait for this to come down in price but there's something I don't like about it and that is the lack of Silent Hill 4.

Why is there no SH4? I can see why they didn't include SH1 but I just see no reason why there's no The Room :S

Probably because SH4 sucked.

thats an opinion , its actually one of my favorites, the characters and the mystery are very well done, especially the antagonist and his relationship with you (no spoilers)

Boutros said:
CGI-Quality said:
Boutros said:
Are Silent Hill games related one another?

Only 1 & 3. 2 and 3 are completely different stories.

Are they good? (as if I didn't know the answer)

the real question is, are you willing to wet your pants in horror?

makingmusic476 said:

I don't get Konami. Silent Hill has been multiplatform for like a decade, yet they make the collection PS3 exclusive. Meanwhile the two franchises that are traditionally linked with PlayStation consoles, MGS and Zone of the Enders, are both multiplatform.

It's like they were trying to figure out the best way to piss off the most people lol.

I'd say Microsoft doesn't want HD collections.

It's just Kojima they're after.


Tomb Raider, Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell and Resident Evil trilogies aren't going to 360 either, are they?

CGI-Quality said:
Dr.Grass said:
Wait a second! Do I smell the reason why MGS isn't on MGS collection!?

Since they are putting SH1 on the collection it means the fact that it was on PSOne is not an issue. Hence MGS1 could've been on the collection too. However, since MGS collection is on 360, disc space is an issue so they decided to leave it out.

*shakes fist in air*


The original SH isn't in the collection.

Its says so on the back of the box in your OP