Hi everyone,
I decided to take the time to come back on VGC, at least time to time. The past months have shown that Switch did not affect Vita's situtation as much as I thought. It's now sure that Vita is here to stay at least until mid-2018.
Confirmed games in Japan from now to 2018 are
- Shin Yomawari
- The Lost Child
- Nights of Azure 2
- Tokyo Clanpool
- Itadaki Street DQ & FF
- Kono subarashii sekai ni shukufuku o!
- Iwai Hime Matsuri
- Tôhô Sky Arena
- Digimon Cyber Sleuth HM
- Atelier L&S
- P3 DMN
- P5 DSN
- Gintama
- Zanki Zero
- New Shining RPG
- Fate Extella 2
- 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim
In short, PLENTY! Months of awesome Vita games to come. It is not over at all, and Vita's merits need to be recognised. That's what I will be doing in French and English (hence my return).
I recently played and reviewed one of my most intense experiences of the system, and nearly my favorite game this year. I really hope NISA picks it up (maybe with a PS4/PC combo for the West like Shin Yomawari)

Playing this game showed me that on PSVita also, greatness awaits.