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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%

It's so bizarre to see a lot of people complaining about the game being digital only, we live in such a different reality. Thank God for digital games, they are much cheaper here (Brasil) so I basically don't care at all if it gets a physical release, but you guys clearly see a lot of value in buying a physical game. Some appear to value more the cart than the game itself. Physical? Bought! Digital? No way I'm buying this game.
Of course, releasing in both formats would be ideal, but I rather have the game than not having at all. I guess to each his own.

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LET´S CONTRIBUTE for make Sony change their opinion of the Digital-only release in EU!!! Only a comment explaining your dissapointment is enough until a petition appears!!

RafaelOrix said:
It's so bizarre to see a lot of people complaining about the game being digital only, we live in such a different reality. Thank God for digital games, they are much cheaper here (Brasil) so I basically don't care at all if it gets a physical release, but you guys clearly see a lot of value in buying a physical game. Some appear to value more the cart than the game itself. Physical? Bought! Digital? No way I'm buying this game.
Of course, releasing in both formats would be ideal, but I rather have the game than not having at all. I guess to each his own.

Well, I can see their points, is somtimes a matter of preferences, Like You Digital is the way for me, i buy  in offrs from PLUS and such... but some games I lik it on Physical, games than Im not sur I'll like that much,  or games that I wanna play and sell. This is a custom for most of poples that buy physical, they can buy new games without having to cash out mor mony for it, at least not to much...

At least rigth now I'm going physical for som games if PLUS have a offer or give it free, I sell it, I have been doing like this since I have PSvita, and just recently sold some ps3 games like that.


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

Hell is breaking loose on the European PS blog, after the announcement about Freedom Wars being download only.
There's a new comment every 10 minutes, and it's not exactly friendly.
It almost looks like when Siliconera posts those articles which piss off the otakus.

RafaelOrix said:
It's so bizarre to see a lot of people complaining about the game being digital only, we live in such a different reality. Thank God for digital games, they are much cheaper here (Brasil) so I basically don't care at all if it gets a physical release, but you guys clearly see a lot of value in buying a physical game. Some appear to value more the cart than the game itself. Physical? Bought! Digital? No way I'm buying this game.
Of course, releasing in both formats would be ideal, but I rather have the game than not having at all. I guess to each his own.

It's not the same situation everywhere though - here in the UK buying physical usually costs about the same as digital, often less, and that's without considering the cost of Vita memory cards. Add to that a lot of people still prefer physical (I know the Vita probably has a higher digital proportion of sales than most platforms, but most game sales as a total are still physical), myself included, and you can see why people would get annoyed with being deprived of their preferred medium to purchase games on. Plus in this case, Aksys, XSeed, NISA can all make money off tiny niche releases some of which struggle to sell 20k (and in NISA's case, even in  Europe), so why can't Sony, with a much higher profile title.

Lots of people argue "well, it's the future, get over it". Well if I don't like the future, I'm going to go on avoiding it as much as I can :)

EDIT: In fairness, if you wait long enough for crazy sales offers, digital does tend to be cheaper but you tend to end up waiting for ages for a game to come on sale and even when it does, memory cards etc. eat into the savings

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What a lot of stuff I've missed while I'm gone.

SAO release date is slightly disappointing. Won't be able to buy it then - I'm getting Neptunia that month and DanganRonpa the month after. Gives me time to evaluate whether I want to import the Asian copy.

Tales of Hearts R, however, is perfectly timed and I will be there day 1 for that.

Freedom Wars digital only = no buy. Will consider importing from the USA depending on the online pass system.

michel3105 said:
Hell is breaking loose on the European PS blog, after the announcement about Freedom Wars being download only.
There's a new comment every 10 minutes, and it's not exactly friendly.
It almost looks like when Siliconera posts those articles which piss off the otakus.

Only difference is that Siliconera writes their articles to troll, whereas this is unintentional.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:

Only difference is that Siliconera writes their articles to troll, whereas this is unintentional.

"In the new game in the series, Neptunia and her fellow CPU's..."


I'm a digital only guy and even I felt anger.

Well, I can relate, I wanted a physical limited edition of Soul Sacrifice DELTA, the price on digital was of a new game instead of a expansion. So I didn't bought day one, I'll wait for a offer some of these days...

Even if English ONLY, Fredom wars should release in All Europe physically...


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread