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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%

frobisher says looks interesting. wario ware for the vita?

Owner of PS1/PSOne , PS2 phat/slim  , PS3 phat/slim , PS Eye+Move and PSP phat/slim/brite/go (Sony)

The Official PS Vita Thread! Get all your latest PS Vita news here! Come join us!


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I got to play Sound Shapes at GamesCom, and it was neat. I got to try a brief level and get my hands dirty with level creation. The level was fun once I got the hang of the mechanics (you can't just roll from one material to another for example), but you really see the depth of the game in the level creation. The level creation is a bit convoluted though, and could certainly be improved with some improved controls.

As for the Vita itself, it felt good, though I'm not really used to handhelds, so the size of the controls was a bit of a surprise once I had it in my hands. The hardware is sturdy though, and it was actually smaller than I had expected. It might be because it isn't bulky.

Frobisher says: you can't be excited for EVERY vita game

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

these games are showing an incredibly varied lineup for this awesome platform. i just can't wait for vita! and to think, that theres a load of other games, unannounced! anyway, frobisher says buy me and buy playsation vita! :D

Xbox Series, PS5 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch 2 will outsell the PS5 by 2030

awesome thread :)

this handheld has win me over, will be getting one

the uncharted golden abyss gameplay looks so good and a great way to keep the uncharted franchise going. 

i hope battlefield comes to vita as call of duty is coming 

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The camera specification have been revealed:

Nothing outstanding but it's better than the 3DS camera :) Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

Frobisher says strongly reminds me of the WarioWare series, where you have to do the most ridiculous tasks. This looks pretty similar to me, just updated with Vita features. Awesome, me and my sister loved Warioware touched!, but she was always beat me. XD
This is gonna be fun.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

Vitas lineup for games is insane so far.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand another game joins the line up

Malicious is coming to the PSV!!!!!

no info on if it's a new game or a port as of yet but we should get that info soon enough

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

That will probably most likly be a japan only game.

Here is some gameplay from the ps3 version as it will probably be like that version.! Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!