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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%

So...I went out and got a $50 psn card earlier comes the dilemma of what to get. LBPVita will be on sale, but I want VLR. But I also want PSASBR and Sonic all star racing thingy..ung! Vita haz no gaemz!!!

Or I could get a bunch of psone games which is cheaper, and will in turn net me more games. Or get some psp games which are a bit more expensive but cheaper than vita games or I could get plus...but I already have 4 of the 6 games in the instant game collection, so not really worthit at the moment.... aaargh! why does the Vita haz no gaemz?!!

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ils411 said:
Japan is getting a shit load of love for the PS Vita. Hopefully it starts picking up sales early next year with all the great games coming out for it early 2013. Here's hoping that some of those great games get localized to the west.

My wish list of games that hopefully makes it way to the west from currently announced games to be released in Japan in no particular order
1. God Eater 2
2. new Legend of Heroes game
3. Muramasa
4. Tales of Hearts
5. Senran Kaguro (I know its a very very very long shot and probably has zero chance of making its way to the west but a guy can dream, noh?)
6. Tales of Hearts R

Wait are there two tales of hearts announced for the vita or did you just list it twice?

Oh and i also really want YS: Celceta to make its way to the west.

ils411 said:
luvtospooge said:
P4G is indeed the best PSVita game available on the market right now. Put almost 60 hours in on my first playthrough alone. Though I was kinda disappointed at how easy it is to get the "Neutral Ending", because I got that on my first playthrough. I'd go over the game a second time if I was a fan of re-playing games, but maybe in the future I will.

Right now I'm just waiting for VLR to get a price drop. As it stands right now, 40$ is asking a bit too much as forevercloud mentionned. I just need a price drop on that and I'll jump on it asap.

Also, don't get Black ops declassified. It's utter shit. Got it with my bundle, played 30mins, dropped it.

Depends on who you're asking. I have Persona 4 and its one damn awesome game! But I only play it every now and then for a bout 30 mins or so. Then I go back to farming in Ragnarok Odyssey where I've already clocked in over 180+ hours. Different folks, different strokes I guess.

Anyways, $40 for VLR is too much indeed. I understand that they are a small developer and they need to charge higher, but I think that if they released it at $35, they'd probably have sold a lot more copies. As the Chinese say, "doesn't matter if we sell low, as long as we sell a shit load". Not to mention that the game is a niche title. Its hard to get people to try it out at $40 a pop.

As for balck ops declassified, is it really that bad? both single and multiplayer? I dont really care much for it really, nor do I care for any FPS game, but I'm thinking of getting at least one FPS game that has adhoc so that I can play with my son. Yes, I know, my son is 5 and I'm letting him playing a war game...I'm a horrible father...ahahah! Not to mention my intention to go out and dominate him on the fps...I am one BAD father ahahaha!

Bolded:EXACTLY!!! This is partly why the small iphone games do so well, and the HD generations of games are failing. Hardcore gamers are fairly good at percieved value from looking at a game. We all have at least basic understanding of what goes into these games to be made, and sometimes the full price doesn't cut it. Basically ig goes like this....

-$5 for the Cartridge its on, 1.50 for the packaging, $3 is Sony's cut, the rest goes to developer to cover costs and make profit.

-out of a $40 game, that comes to $9.50 in derivitive cost for each game sold at full price. Leaves $30.50 to be devided amongst the develoepers needs. The idea behind this is that you "know" your game is not going to sell butt tons so you want to maximize profit gained on each individual item. Sneakers and food industry works the same way, costs them like 10-50 cents to make, they charge you at least 10 times that.

-Yet what this does is CREATE a barrier of entry for anyone who wants it. Less people can buy it because it costs more.

-What small app games and smartphone industry is realizing is that if you sell something that only demands $2 of initial costs at $4, you will see 3+ times as many buyers as you would if you sold it at $10 in an attempt to maximize profit margin. In the long run, the products with less distance between what it costs to make them and what they charge do better in the short and long term.

-The trick is that the common consumer does not want to think they are gettingg even amount for their money , definitely doesn't want to pay more than the product is worth. Consumers want to feel like they are getting something for almost nothing, or at least  pay less than what the current "market worth" tells us it is. 

-Just think, If the Sneaker industry stop selling at like a 120%+ profit margin, they could see a lot more sales then they already do, only thing stopping them is their greed. If Sneakers cost something like 30 dollars as opposed to the 150+ they often do(remember, it costs like 50 cents to fully produce a sneaker), more people would be in a serious rush to get them to the point of quadrupling their existing customer base and then some. This would require more shoes to be made on the regular which also means they could hire more people and expand the job economy, etc. If everything was based on this truth, we wouldn't even be in a recession right now :/




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

forevercloud3000 said:
For 14 bucks, I am pretty tempted to pick up Rayman(even if I don't need it as I have LBP to satiate that platformer hunger). I'd rather a nice VLR sale as I would hop on that immediately.

I have been neglecting this forum a bit, so caught up in P4G's awesomeness. This is my 3rd playthrough of this game and I am feeling the magic all over again. The story and dialogue is just so well crafted, words can barely describe. Late last night I was running through some story stuff and some random kid goes "Yea shes kinda hot....I'd hit it!", lost it LMAO! As you can see, been collecting trophies galore in this stellar title. Every Vita owner should own P4G, hands down, no if/ands/or buts about it.

Dude, Rayman Origin is AWESOME be it on PS3, 360, Wii, 3DS... and for that price is just a steal... I'm tempted o get the PS3's version even though I have Vita's... is compeltely worth your time and money!


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

DemoniOtaku said:

Dude, Rayman Origin is AWESOME be it on PS3, 360, Wii, 3DS... and for that price is just a steal... I'm tempted o get the PS3's version even though I have Vita's... is compeltely worth your time and money!

Does it have boobies? If not, its not worth my time and money.. alalalalala hahahaha!

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I'm really hoping Muramasa is localized since it was one of the few games that I wanted for Wii, but I never got around to picking up a Wii.

ils411 said:
kivi95 said:

God EATER and Muramasa will probably release over here.

I hope they do. I have God Eater Burst on my Vita right now. dont play it, since I've already racked over 500 hours on it on my psp but still, its nice to have it on my vita for when I feel the urge to kill some aragami.

Loved Murmasa on the Wii, and honestly, it felt like it was made to be played on a hand held.

If these do make it to the west, it doesnt take forever, like how God eater burst took forever to release in the west.


Edit: I also hope that Sony makes it possible to download the dlcs for psp games to the ps vita via the vita store...I want the dlc for god eater burst.

Muramasa was confirmed for Western release on the sneak by the PS.Blog

God Eater is highly likely to release in US/EU as well as every other entry has and Namco knows they can't out do Monster Hunter(the reason for the series) if they remain region locked for too long. I really wanted God Eater Burst but  then I knew Vita was coming out, I NEED TROPHIES!!!!! lol.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

ils411 said:
DemoniOtaku said:

Dude, Rayman Origin is AWESOME be it on PS3, 360, Wii, 3DS... and for that price is just a steal... I'm tempted o get the PS3's version even though I have Vita's... is compeltely worth your time and money!

Does it have boobies? If not, its not worth my time and money.. alalalalala hahahaha!

It actually got quite a few boobies ;). Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

forevercloud3000 said:
For 14 bucks, I am pretty tempted to pick up Rayman(even if I don't need it as I have LBP to satiate that platformer hunger). I'd rather a nice VLR sale as I would hop on that immediately.

I have been neglecting this forum a bit, so caught up in P4G's awesomeness. This is my 3rd playthrough of this game and I am feeling the magic all over again. The story and dialogue is just so well crafted, words can barely describe. Late last night I was running through some story stuff and some random kid goes "Yea shes kinda hot....I'd hit it!", lost it LMAO! As you can see, been collecting trophies galore in this stellar title. Every Vita owner should own P4G, hands down, no if/ands/or buts about it.

I have both Rayman and Littlebigplanet and think both are great in their own ways but as a platformer, Rayman is a much better game.

Am I the only one excited about this? I have family coming over to visit starting today and we will be playing 4 player LBP2 cross controller DLC.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(