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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%
kivi95 said:

Capcom Arcade Cabinet releasing on psn next year for psvita.

Some of the games included:
Legendary Wings
Section Z
UN Squadron
Black Tiger 
Ghosts 'N Goblins
Last Duel

That's nice! IMO this type of games goes much better on a handheld (smaller screen) than on a console.

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forevercloud3000 said:
Kresnik said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Who wants to bet that the reason Square Enix will not release Crisis Core and Kingdom Hearts BBS on PSN is because they have plans to re-release them as newly packaged games? Either as PS HD Collections, or ported directly to the Vita or something.

I'd be cool with that.  Literally one of the only reasons (along with Metal Gear Acid) that I'm considering getting a PSP is so I can play Crisis Core.  If it comes to a console that I own, I'll be happy.

About the games getting localised: Legend of Heroes might, but the last game sold really poorly in the USA and they were in the process of localising the second for PSP but I think they've put it on the back-burner.

I don't think it sold THAT bad when you take into consideration they released it at the height of PSP's DEATH. I bought it digitally as I knew I would need to to play it on Vita in the future(I started buying all my PSP games that way after Vita's announcement, Dissidia 012 also). I'm thinking the combined sales of physical and digital, and tempering expectations as it was released on a dying console, the game did just fine.

Yeah, I wasn't just saying that as my opinion though, an XSeed rep has said they were 'underwhelmed' by the sales:

I agree with you that releasing on the PSP when they did was a poor move, but they didn't really have any other options and probably expected slightly better performance.

But I'm hopeful that with this slew of JRPG announcements lately, a lot of them are going to be localised.  Like you say, they're what kept PSP alive in its later years and it would be great if Vita could get off to an earlier start with them to establish itself as a machine for JRPGs in the west.

So, Snapshot looked kinda nice I suppose, but seriously... that should be a bloody wake up call to SCEA. When two of your games listed for 'most anticipated' are Dragon Fantasy 2 and Snapshot, I feel like there's a bit of a problem. Lovely games I'm sure, but nowhere near big announcements.

Get announcing some Japanese localisations... throw money at Squeenix for Type-0; at Bamco for God Eater and Tales of Hearts and stick them on the voting list. Put another one of your studios on making Infamous or God of War for Vita. Work out a second-party agreement like they did with Ready at Dawn to bring a Jak game to Vita. There needs to be some announcements!

I'm sure they'll come in time. But at the moment, that was a really pitiful 'most anticipated' list, even as a Vita fan =/

M.U.G.E.N said:

DOA+ gameplay


OMG ! This look amazing !  Thanks Team Ninja !



Bad news : Looks like Namco Bandai is not gonna release One Piece PW2 Vita in Europe :/ , its a shame ...I hope they'll do it for US.

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Teflon02 said:
MikeRox said:

Sonic is pretty much the best non Mario Karting game ever made (Crash Team Racing and Speed Freak may come close...), LBP Kart is by all accounts a mediocre game that's not even as good as Mod Nation Racers :(

I kinda don't agree. My favourite Kart Racers is a tie between Diddy Kong Racing and CTR: Crash Team Racing. I don't think that any mario kart is as good as those. Diddy Kong Racing was amazing and original. Crash Team Racing wasn't original, but it was unique and though ppl give mario kart all the credit, it was really the first kart racer where drifting was priority and completely skilled based as well as hoping to boost off a jump mk7 uses really started there. Plus the stage designs were so advanced for its time. 

I was so disappointed with LBPK though, I think its about as good as ModNation only cause the variety but ModNation was the better game racing wise. They need to take everything like game modes etc. added in lbpk and add it to MNR without changing the original style. Would be some much better. well this is all just my opinion of course :p but Mario Kart hasnt been king for me after SMK lol. ASRT makes me think of a mix between CTR and DKR, None stop high speed boosts from CTR with the vehicles types from DKR. Sounds like heaven to me :D. I almost bought the PS3 version instead so many times, but glad I waited since its great.

Hey that's cool, for me Mario Kart, Mario Kart 64 (though it hasn't aged well at all) and Mario Kart: Double Dash (this is controvertially my favourite Kart game to date) were all awesome. The more recent ones, Mario Kart Wii and Mario Kart 7 I found extremely underwhelming.

As great as some of the rivals were, I don't think they topped Mario Kart at it's best. But Nintendo really did turn it into too much of a "party" game with the ridiculous overcompensating on weapons etc which has just made the game plain unfair lately.

You know, I really should buy Crash Team Racing on Vita, it's one of the few games in the genre I've never tried and I've heard so much great stuff about it.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

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CTR was my favorite racing game on PS. It's the game that made my investment into multi tap well worth it.

Scisca said:

No. I'm talking about a situation when you press select in a random moment, select the camera with you finger and take a photo. You can later watch these photos, but there is no option to delete it. And it has to take some space, which annoys me :P

Dude.. I told You those Snapshot are between the space that take your save data.. Golden Abyss have 8 slots for ramdom pictures.. You can access them trought Drake's Diary when you press SELECT.. I'm not sure If you can delete it.. but the case is that those pictures aren't taking You any space from your MemCard.. If you delete it the Savefile of the game will have the same size as is rigth now.. will not make any diference...


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

SHINOVI VERSUS new trailer...

another japanese game for boobs lovers... LOL...

MikeRox said:
Teflon02 said:
MikeRox said:

Sonic is pretty much the best non Mario Karting game ever made (Crash Team Racing and Speed Freak may come close...), LBP Kart is by all accounts a mediocre game that's not even as good as Mod Nation Racers :(

I kinda don't agree. My favourite Kart Racers is a tie between Diddy Kong Racing and CTR: Crash Team Racing. I don't think that any mario kart is as good as those. Diddy Kong Racing was amazing and original. Crash Team Racing wasn't original, but it was unique and though ppl give mario kart all the credit, it was really the first kart racer where drifting was priority and completely skilled based as well as hoping to boost off a jump mk7 uses really started there. Plus the stage designs were so advanced for its time. 

I was so disappointed with LBPK though, I think its about as good as ModNation only cause the variety but ModNation was the better game racing wise. They need to take everything like game modes etc. added in lbpk and add it to MNR without changing the original style. Would be some much better. well this is all just my opinion of course :p but Mario Kart hasnt been king for me after SMK lol. ASRT makes me think of a mix between CTR and DKR, None stop high speed boosts from CTR with the vehicles types from DKR. Sounds like heaven to me :D. I almost bought the PS3 version instead so many times, but glad I waited since its great.

Hey that's cool, for me Mario Kart, Mario Kart 64 (though it hasn't aged well at all) and Mario Kart: Double Dash (this is controvertially my favourite Kart game to date) were all awesome. The more recent ones, Mario Kart Wii and Mario Kart 7 I found extremely underwhelming.

As great as some of the rivals were, I don't think they topped Mario Kart at it's best. But Nintendo really did turn it into too much of a "party" game with the ridiculous overcompensating on weapons etc which has just made the game plain unfair lately.

You know, I really should buy Crash Team Racing on Vita, it's one of the few games in the genre I've never tried and I've heard so much great stuff about it.

Yeah.. I think that is the est Mario Kart of all times..  very fun.. scpecially Baby Park with tree more friends... 2 vs 2.. I read that You could link two NGC and play 2vs2vs2vs2.. I allways wanted to try that...


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

Have you guys seen Japan's Uncharted: Golden Abyss artwork?

I'm sorry but that is so much nicer than the western artwork!  I even think the Golden Abyss box art is pretty nice but this one is legendary.

Anyway, I came to post some Valhalla Knights 3 stuff that I stumbled across.  Box art:

(Pretty pants if you ask me).  And some screenshots that I haven't seen posted yet.  Game looks nice.  A vast colour pallette improvement over the first two games.  BUT HOW WELL DOES IT PLAY!

And of course, it wouldn't be a modern Japanese game without a pervy mini-game:

Anyway, looks decent.  May pick it up from a bargain bin in the future if it get localised :P

(Sorry for all the Japanese game news lately btw.  It's just next year for Vita is dominated by releases in Japan, at least the first half of the year!)