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So, Snapshot looked kinda nice I suppose, but seriously... that should be a bloody wake up call to SCEA. When two of your games listed for 'most anticipated' are Dragon Fantasy 2 and Snapshot, I feel like there's a bit of a problem. Lovely games I'm sure, but nowhere near big announcements.

Get announcing some Japanese localisations... throw money at Squeenix for Type-0; at Bamco for God Eater and Tales of Hearts and stick them on the voting list. Put another one of your studios on making Infamous or God of War for Vita. Work out a second-party agreement like they did with Ready at Dawn to bring a Jak game to Vita. There needs to be some announcements!

I'm sure they'll come in time. But at the moment, that was a really pitiful 'most anticipated' list, even as a Vita fan =/