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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%

Sony TGS Livestream:

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M.U.G.E.N said:
Runa216 said:
Nothing on Ragnarok Oddyssey? Can anyone tell me about how long it is in hours?

Don't think anyone here has imported it (wait actually I think someone did :S I can't recall...was it ils?)...and I haven't seen any info on how long the game is either..but I'm sure it's pretty long 

Before I leave Soney behind forever, coz i do not appreciate being robbed, I'll answer this, coz, you guys are my bros..

There are 9 chapters total and each chapter has about 9-10 quests. Each quest, took me on average about 6-10 min to complete, depending on the dificulty. You'll also have to account for failing quests, which will happen a lot since some of the boss monsters are just unforgiving. Anyway, taking into account failing quests and farming for better cards and weapons, then subracting the amount of time i spent being crazy and trying to expand every single costume, I think it took me about 35ish hours to complete all 9 story chapters. Then there's the extra equests which is UNFORGIVING! I'm already 150+ hours in and have yet to complete half of the extra quests. havent bothered to count how many extra quests there are coz, well, i'm taking it slowliy coz i'm getting my ass kicked really hard.

The fun is in farming for cards and better weapons to refine. You cant buy any good weapons as all the blacksmith sells are crapy weapons with crapy skills. Making different character builds is also very adictive. you can make a cleric into a battle cleric, a healer, a tank, or even a primary many things you can do that you'll spend hours just making card combinations and testing them out for each class.

I have a pretty uber sowrd warrior and can now take out the last story boss effortlessly, but 6 quests into the extra quests and i'm stuck. Need some help, but unfortunately, i'm having problems playing online and keep getting disconnected, so i'm forced to solo everythihg.

anyways, see you guys around...probably... I dont think i'll bother poping back here as i'll end up filled with rage again.

Peace guys!

Kresnik said:
ils411 said:
I am so pissed off right now... I finally decided to use my $50 psn credit and buy Disgaea 3 for the Vita and you know what? FUCK SONY! I keep getting C2-13245-5 error and cant download the damn fuck! I'm out $39.99 and for what? NOTHING!

I emailed their customer service detailing my problem and even mentioned that I also bought Puddle along with Disgaea 3 and Puddle downloaded fine. I specifically included in my email that Puddle downloaded without any issues and that I was able to buy and download Gravity Rush, Crimson Gem Saga, Persona 3, Grand theft auto Liberty City Stories, HOt Shots golf, super stardust delta, motor storm rc, platns vs zombies, escape plan etc etc etc without any issues. I pointed this out so as to show them that my connection has no issues and that I can and have been able to buy and download games from PSN and asked them not to tell me that my Vita cant connect to the internetz coz obviously it can.

And what reply do I get? I get the standard, Oh I've read your problem and based on your detailed account, you cant connect to the internetz try a. turning off your vita b. reseting your modem and shit c. try connecting to another internetz source...

SOB!!!! mother fuckers! and no, its not my internet coz i tried various hot spots and its still the same! fucking Sony and their lame ass service.

The just literally stole $39.99 from me. I pray to God that some crazy ass hacker hacks the Vita and I swear, I WILL hack mine too.

I use to support sony, but I hope that they crash and burn. you hear me sony? You just lost a loyal customer. This is the last sony productd I'm ever buying! I will never ever ever buy a single sony product ever again. Burn fuckers Burn!

Have you tried contacting them again and telling them that you've done all of those things?  I wouldn't give up that easily if I'd just spent $40 :l

I've sent them about 8 emails already each email being more detailed than the last. I've got 3 responses of which the contents are the same except for the name of the dood responding. bunch of aholes!

Oh, i'm going to do something about it all right, its called selling the vita, buying a jail broken ps3 and a hacked psp get the picture.

I know this is a silly question but did you update your firmware? A new one went live sometime last night an was giving me the same error. Till if finally told me to update. You should be on 1.81 now.

Mmmfishtacos said:
I know this is a silly question but did you update your firmware? A new one went live sometime last night an was giving me the same error. Till if finally told me to update. You should be on 1.81 now.

yup, its at 1.81 and no it didnt do shit. Still cant download the damn game. Plus, puddle downloaded fine and I bought it along side Disgaea 3. (though I did regret buying puddle coz its not as fun as i thought it would be)

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Anyways, Peace out doods! I hope Sony treats you guys better than they did me.

I'm not sure if I'll sell my Vita and go get a decent meal or something but I'm through supporting Sony and their lameness.

People are wondering how a mighty giant such as Sony could have fallen so low, well, just take a look at how crappy their customer service is and you'll see why.

Bye bye ils411! 

OT: The PSASBR Vita betas are being given out right now, check your emails!

ils411 said:
Kresnik said:
ils411 said:
I am so pissed off right now... I finally decided to use my $50 psn credit and buy Disgaea 3 for the Vita and you know what? FUCK SONY! I keep getting C2-13245-5 error and cant download the damn fuck! I'm out $39.99 and for what? NOTHING!

I emailed their customer service detailing my problem and even mentioned that I also bought Puddle along with Disgaea 3 and Puddle downloaded fine. I specifically included in my email that Puddle downloaded without any issues and that I was able to buy and download Gravity Rush, Crimson Gem Saga, Persona 3, Grand theft auto Liberty City Stories, HOt Shots golf, super stardust delta, motor storm rc, platns vs zombies, escape plan etc etc etc without any issues. I pointed this out so as to show them that my connection has no issues and that I can and have been able to buy and download games from PSN and asked them not to tell me that my Vita cant connect to the internetz coz obviously it can.

And what reply do I get? I get the standard, Oh I've read your problem and based on your detailed account, you cant connect to the internetz try a. turning off your vita b. reseting your modem and shit c. try connecting to another internetz source...

SOB!!!! mother fuckers! and no, its not my internet coz i tried various hot spots and its still the same! fucking Sony and their lame ass service.

The just literally stole $39.99 from me. I pray to God that some crazy ass hacker hacks the Vita and I swear, I WILL hack mine too.

I use to support sony, but I hope that they crash and burn. you hear me sony? You just lost a loyal customer. This is the last sony productd I'm ever buying! I will never ever ever buy a single sony product ever again. Burn fuckers Burn!

Have you tried contacting them again and telling them that you've done all of those things?  I wouldn't give up that easily if I'd just spent $40 :l

I've sent them about 8 emails already each email being more detailed than the last. I've got 3 responses of which the contents are the same except for the name of the dood responding. bunch of aholes!

Oh, i'm going to do something about it all right, its called selling the vita, buying a jail broken ps3 and a hacked psp get the picture.

Chill out man. Technically they didn't steal anything from you, it is just an issue of getting that download to work. Give it some time and go back to it. Also, double check if you have enough space on your memory card. Maybe they are even having some kind of server issue they haven't spotted yet and it will be resolved shortly. I know tech support can be real hit or miss but they are just some guys trying to tackle every issue when often times they get little information to work with and a wide possibility of solutions. 

Play something else in the meantime and try again tomorrow. Also, I can't find any info on that error. It might be rare. Chances are it is something on Sony's side and it will be fixed as soon as they find something is up. Otherwise a system reformat is an option, which I recommend doing before selling it because you will be out of money and regret it immediately afterwards and for the rest of your life! lol 

If Sony can't figure out what is wrong and it doesn't solve iteself in a couple of days, reformat after transfering your save data and downloaded titles (I think a back up does that all for you easily) onto a PC/PS3 via content manager. Then go through the reformat process from the safe mode when you start the vita after powering down by holding the off button for 30 seconds. Again you shouldn't have to do that, but if two days go by and nothing resolves I'd say it might be a fix.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Andrespetmonkey said:
Sony TGS Livestream:

Sweet, I was wondering if I was ever going to use Nico Nico ever again.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

ils411 said:
Anyways, Peace out doods! I hope Sony treats you guys better than they did me.

I'm not sure if I'll sell my Vita and go get a decent meal or something but I'm through supporting Sony and their lameness.

People are wondering how a mighty giant such as Sony could have fallen so low, well, just take a look at how crappy their customer service is and you'll see why.

Well which customer service did you call?(Country) Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!